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Everything posted by royalstarjac

  1. It was started by Harley riders as a way of saying "hey, a part just fell off your bike!":smile5:
  2. Great pics! "Thanks for the Memories":680: Nice windshield mod! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  3. http://s19.photobucket.com/albums/b152/bigjack1/fallfoliageride2010/?albumview=slideshow
  4. royalstarjac

    Got one!

    Congrats on the new bike! It looks great! Come on out this weekend for a great time and meet some of your fellow VentureRiders! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=205&day=2010-10-30&c=1
  5. I think the casette issue has come to symbolize Yammies unwillingness to make even the slightest update to the RSV in 12yrs.
  6. Prayers sent!
  7. Interesting article on the Ducati. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/flashback/122_0313_ducati_apollo/index.html
  8. Welcome to the forum! Thanks for the pics. Consider this your formal invitation to the 3rd annual N GA Fall Foliage Ride! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=205&day=2010-10-30&c=1
  9. Nice LT! Even though I think my Wing is a superior machine in many ways, I sometimes miss my Venture also.
  10. I put 4x4 Jardines on my '97 RSTC. It does sound like a muscle car with headers. I ride the Wing on longer trips.
  11. With all the trouble we're having on our SOUTHERN border I don't know why we're hasselling our Northern friends. That guard should count his blessings he's not stationed in Arizona.
  12. No offence to Canadians here but I don't want to go there badly enough to go through this much hassle and expense. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/faq-inadmissibility.asp
  13. I'm banned from Canada. Never commited a crime. Had a DUI 20 yrs ago. Don't try to get into Canada if you've had a DUI! About the only reason I'd want to is to get to Alaska any way.
  14. I don't have small hands but I do have a long pair of pliers. Takes 5 minutes, much easier than splitting the fairing, especially if you have the passing lamps without the spacer.
  15. Congrats on the new bike and welcome to Wing World!
  16. You might want to put an ad in the local paper looking for people who also got some bad gas. Strength in numbers.
  17. Prayers sent! Check with the hospital to see if they have a local Ronald Mcdonald House. They can help with lodging for out of town relatives.
  18. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7VWr67S9DM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - 2011 BMW K 1600 GT / K 1600 GTL[/ame]
  19. I'm gonna ride! Just got my new Gerbings liner yesterday.
  20. The carb heaters would not effect cold starting. Are you keeping your hand off the throttle?
  21. http://www.autoevolution.com/news-g-image/bmw-k-1600-gt-k-1600-gtl-unveiled/32909.html#image http://www.autoevolution.com/news/bmw-k-1600-gt-k-1600-gtl-unveiled-25059.html Price will be revealed at a later date. Sorry no cassette deck.
  22. Sprout wings and fly away!
  23. Yeah, the rear brake has some bite alright. Just make sure it doesn't bite you in the A**! Especially in the rain.
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