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Everything posted by royalstarjac

  1. I'm interested in the Corbin backrest. PM sent.-Jack
  2. Ever think about applying for a patent? Might be a good idea!-Jack
  3. I'm sorry for your loss. These incidents should be treated as the crimes they are, homicides. -Jack
  4. I'm sorry to read about your accident. You and your family will be in my prayers.-Jack
  5. I know he hung some parts on there during our ride from Vogel in August. I believe they where from a earlier incident.-Jack
  6. Being a small island nation I guess they don't care if they had to work on it after every 500 mi, or once a year, whichever comes first.
  7. They skipped 07 before coming out w/the 08 Concours 14.-Jack
  8. I'm fer it!-Jack
  9. I use a barefoot willies for myself and my passenger. Got em here. http://www.ngatraders.com/motorcycle_beverage_holder.html
  10. Glad to hear all went well!-Jack
  11. When I read my manual I did notice it had extremely low speeds for recomended shifting points. The only thing I can figure is they did that to stay within the 55 mph speed limit. Then they won't be seen as advocating breaking the law and the attendent liability issues.-Jack
  12. That's only 62 mph? Going uphill? I don't even shift into 5th on level ground until i'm over 65 mph. Your lugging the motor. Wind it out some!-Jack
  13. Opinions? http://lifeisaroad.com/stories/2004/10/27/theDarkSide.html
  14. Kuryakyn Highway Pegs #7976
  15. I like it. It is funny though how HD supposedly markets individuality and their ads end up showing a big herd of riders. The add they had with the herd of black sheep, after all even if it is black, it's still a herd of sheep right?-Jack
  16. If those ultra muffs are new take offs give em a chance to burn in. Mine got louder over time. I was underwhelmed by mine at first also. After about 1000mi I think they're just about right. Especially for under $100 total. You can drill em out more too or take a hole saw to the aft end.-Jack
  17. Glad you weren't hurt! I looks pretty close to the walk way and the corner of that brick wall.-Jack
  18. Can you listen to music on the headphones and talk on the cb/intercom all at the same time or do I have to choose between cb, intercom or stereo?
  19. I could be wrong but I believe the -95 indicates 1995 manufacture. I think the converters were used starting in 96. Also there is only a converter in one side.-Jack
  20. It is normal for pipes to get a little louder after they "burn in". Not withstanding the cracked y pipe issue.-Jack
  21. Put us on the list! -Jack and Sheryl:cool10:
  22. royalstarjac


    If life's got ahold of you reverse the trend get ahold of it you'll be on the mend don't sit around and bemoan your fate get out and live before it's too late freedom is a state of mind sell the farm 'fore you cry yourself blind then hit the road if that's your wish and ride that bike or maybe fish
  23. I have seen some suggestions on using dielectric grease on connectors. Question: Do you smear the grease inside the connectors or just on the outside where the sides of the connectors slide together. Wouldn't smearing it inside either short them out or keep them from making a good connection?-Jack
  24. Most people drill out the baffle on the inlet end with (4) 1/2 inch holes. Thats what I did.-Jack
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