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Everything posted by royalstarjac

  1. They reason FI is good for "riding up the Himalayas" is because the computer control automatically adjusts air/fuel mixture using an O2 sensor. Less O2 at high alititude means you either need more air or less fuel to keep from running rich. Carbs must be mannually adjusted. I have never heard of anyone having a problem with the roads in N. America. Not sure but I think the highest paved rd in N America is around 10k ft.-Jack Actually, it's just over 14k ft. http://www.johncletheroe.org/usa_can/scenroad/m_evans.htm
  2. All join hands now: Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya. Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya...
  3. Who has installed a Sat radio on their bike? What type did you get? What mounting system? Did you get the type that transmits to the radio, use the accessory plug or hard wire it? Any and all info would be appreciated. Thanks.-Jack
  4. Not trying to be critical, just helpful so don't take this wrong. You might want to try a delayed apex on those left handers, they'll keep you off the centerline. A lot safer for you and your passenger. Just a suggestion. Ride safe!-Jack:)
  5. Brake Pad, I've been noticing some black oil on my side stand though none is dripping on the garage floor. What gasket did they replace?-Jack
  6. By whipping him like that you actually did him a favour. My daughter got into drugs and started running away. We were foolish enough to report her missing to the police, we had our house searched and were placed on a child abuse registery for our trouble. We finally had to let her go her own way at the age of sixteen and place her in Gods hands so she could suffer the consequences of her own actions. 15 yrs later she is married to a good man and has a beautiful 9 mo old boy. By the grace of God. A good friend of mine kept getting his son out of trouble paying for lawyers, fines, cars. I tried to tell him he was actually hurting his boy by helping him continue the same behaviour. He understood but kept on for "his wifes sake" the boy was her baby and she couldn't stand to see him suffer. They buried him a few months ago at the age of 25. He's no longer "suffering" anyway.-Jack
  7. Rode the Dragon, Hellbender and the Foothills Parkway yesterday and was home in time for supper.-Jack:cool10:
  8. I just got this one from Aerostich and I'm loving it! http://www.aerostich.com/catalog/US/Aerostich-Kanetsu-Wind-Blocker-TLtec-Electric-Vest-p-18912.html For those of you in the North wondering about us Southerners getting heated gear, it does get cold in the South. Many of us don't park our bikes in the winter like yall do!-Jack
  9. I should have qualified this by saying "in a straight line panic stop". At slow parking lot speeds I usually use only my rear brake,especially if my front wheel is turned.-Jack
  10. I used a hair dryer to soften the glue and peeled it off. Then cleaned the residue with WD-40. No problem.-Jack
  11. If used properly 70% of the braking force should be applied at the front. Why do you think we have 2 rotors on the front and only 1 on the rear?-Jack
  12. I've locked mine a time or two. The bike stayed straight no problem. I think it was mainly my fault for using to much rear and not enough front brake.-Jack
  13. If they are 5 pin connectors they should work. I bought J&M headsets for a Gold Wing and they work on my RSV. Make sure they're 5 pin.-Jack
  14. Riding in the left lane at or below the speed limit when the right lane is perfectly clear. As I'm passing him on the right I'm just waiting for him to suddenly decide to change lanes without looking.-Jack:bang head:
  15. Anyone have any knowledge of this sychronizer? Ever used it or know someone who has? What do you carb synch gurus out there think about it?-Jack http://www.aerostich.com/catalog/US/TwinMax-Synchronizer-p-16947.html
  16. :080402gudl_prv:Everyone have a great ride and be safe! Sheryl and I wish we could be there but I'm working this weekend. The weather looks super. Enjoy and God bless.-Jack
  17. And then my headlight modulator would become the universal signal for "I removed my rear brake" and people would stay out of my way!
  18. Reading the headlight modulator discussion has got me to thinkin. A lot of wrecks happen as a result of improper use of the rear brake. Highsides and such, so I'm thinking about removing my rear brake. That way it can't lock up causing me to go sidways and then high side when I stupidly release the brake during the slide. Well what do yall think? Yeah I know, I'm a smarta$$.:rotf::rotf:
  19. http://www.americade.info/modulator.htm
  20. His user name was Dave Buffa. It appears he was only on here once, when he joined back in May. We have another member from the same small town. Ripley NY. Did anyone here know him?-Jack
  21. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I'm afraid we have lost another member. After reading a post on another forum, I found it hard to believe but I checked it out by Google search and found this. Condolences to the family.-Jack Greenwich (AP) _ Police say a man who was trying to entertain his family by putting a penny on the tracks has died after being struck by a train in Greenwich. Police say 55 year old David Buffa of Ripley, New York jumped onto the tracks at the Riverside train station Sunday afternoon to place a penny on a track and show his wife and three daughters how it would be flattened by a train. Sgt. John Rizzitelli of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority says the family members tried to pull Buffa back onto the platform. The Metro-North Railroad train, an express from Stamford to New York City, was traveling at about 75 mph when it struck Buffa. He died immediately. Buffa was a retired police officer from Baltimore, Maryland.
  22. My condolences on the loss of your friend. -Jack
  23. I commute 90 miles each way to work 6 days a week. From the N GA mtns to the North metro Atlanta area and back. You would not believe some of the things I see on a daily basis. People reading newspapers or doing crossword puzzles driving down the interstate, watching dvd players, cell phone talking make up applying soccer moms with a load of kids in the back, running in the fast lane at 45 mph, just to name a few.-Jack:080402gudl_prv:
  24. There ARE 3 kinds of people. Those who can count And those who can't.-Jack:rotf::rotf:
  25. I have found Dunlops to be much quieter than Brickstones.-Jack
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