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Everything posted by royalstarjac

  1. Check on ebay.-Jack http://cgi.ebay.com/Ride-Like-a-Pro-IV-DVD_W0QQitemZ220179112858QQihZ012QQcategoryZ617QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Here's a link. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14083
  3. Yes, we do have an extensive list of members willing to render assistance.-Jack
  4. Thanks for the replies. My situation is somewhat unusual. I bought an '07 with 0 miles from the Yamaha regional sales manager, they give him a bike every year and he never registered or rode it. It was a brand new bike but went down as a private sale with no taxes or fees. I went to the local Yammie shop and had them put the warranty in my name, they said I'm in the system and should recieve paperwork soon...that was back in June, still no paper work. I probably wouldn't use it if travelling locally but far from home in the dark of night it would be nice to have.-Jack
  5. I have seen references to "24 hr roadside assistance" included in the 5yr warranty on the 2nd gen Venture. Does this really exist? I haven't seen anything about it in the owners manual or other Yamaha literature. Does anyone know a phone # to use for this service if it does exist? Anyone ever used it? Thanks.-Jack
  6. Gary continues to be in our prayers. Thanks for the update.-Jack
  7. Read the first response in this thread.-Jack
  8. Welcome to Venturerider and congrats on the new bike! Yes, the Venture is a handfull at slow speeds especially 2 up. Take it into an empty parking lot and practice every chance you get and stay off the front brake if the front wheel is turned even slightly. Jerry "motorman" Paladino's dvd 'Ride like a Pro" has some good techniques for slow speed manuvering. Very few who have ridden a Venture for any length of time can honestly claim to never having dropped it.-Jack
  9. If you buy from their ebay store you might get around the sales tax. Maybe they keep their ebay stock in a different location. I got mine in a week and it came from them, not a third party.-Jack
  10. I just bought 2 of these jackets. 1 XL for me and 1 WLG for the wife. For anyone looking for a great 3 season all weather jacket, I would highly recommend it. Honda of east Toledo has them at their ebay store for $239 which is the cheapest I could find it anywhere. They list for $299. New Enough has them for $269. I got ours from Honda of east Toledo and would recommend doing business with them. Here's a link and no I do not have any financial interest in them or Firstgear.-Jack http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FIRSTGEAR-Kilimanjaro-4-0-Jacket-BK-GY-LGT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6750QQihZ017QQitemZ270186931871QQtcZphoto Here's a rundown on the Jacket. The Kilimanjaro 4.0 jacket is the fourth generation in a jacket that has been a favorite among commuters and touring riders for years. The main things that set this jacket apart are the full-coverage 3/4 length design and the extensive storage built into the jacket. A 3/4 length style like this can provide great coverage from the elements, especially in cold weather. The main zipper of the jacket is “two way” meaning you zip it up normally from the bottom, but you can also raise a second zipper slider from the bottom which will help with comfort when sitting on a bike in the riding position (you’ll know what I’m trying to say when you try it out). The storage system on this jacket is fantastic. I count at least seven pockets, including large cargo storage pockets on front that have little organizing features built in as well. Plenty of room for all your touring needs. For cold weather, you get a removable full-sleeve thermal liner. The liner is a great design since it serves as a light casual jacket when removed. This dual-purpose capability is handy for those with limited packing space. Take the “View Larger Pictures” link above to see what I mean about the liner design. When the weather warms up, you can leave the liner out and use the zippered vents (two in front and one in back). For crash protection, you get a full set of CE approved armor. The armor is a combination of firm plastic covered in a soft foam material. It’s very substantial and should provide good protection in case of a fall. The back armor is a soft flexible “memory foam” type armor.
  11. The one on the left looks like the mount for the Dually iso mount foot pegs.-Jack
  12. What type of diagnostic tach do yall use. I'm looking at this one:http://www.autotoolexpress.com/ate-esi325.html Anyone have any experience with one like this?-Jack
  13. Welcome to the wonderful world of Ventures and VentureRider! I got an 07 Blue/Black in June and have rolled 10k mi so far. It just gets better and better. It must be tough to get a new bike and then have to put it up for the winter. Fortunately down here in Ga we can ride year round with the proper gear.-Jack:080402gudl_prv:
  14. Ever think about insulating the garage? It makes a big difference and you can get by with a smaller heater.-Jack
  15. Sorry about your wreck but glad your ok. This is a good reminder that it's not just stupid cagers we have to watch for, there are some stupid bikers out there too! Good luck with whatever you decide.-Jack
  16. I saw a lady two years ago that carried a Yorkie in a mesh back pack. She wore it backwards so he was in front of her.-Jack
  17. Thanks for the link. A 550 is on my wish list for next year.-Jack
  18. It was in the mid 20's yesterday and I rode 90 mi to work, This morning it was a balmy 35 and rode in again. C'mon you Northerners Man Up!:rotf::rotf:
  19. Did anyone notice this article from webikeworld on the right side of our home page. Pretty kewl I think.-Jack http://www.webbikeworld.com/r3/motorcycle-air-bag/dainese-d-air.htm ps I see Freebird beat me to it by 5 mins on another post! oh well.
  20. I wonder why in the owners manual they say to bring it to the dealer for horizontal adjustment when you can plainly see the adjustment screw. Do they think we're too stupid to be able to adjust our headlights correctly?-Jack:confused24:
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Brand-NEW-2007-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Touring-Blue_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50045QQihZ017QQitemZ270186986017QQtcZphoto The buy it now price is right around dealer cost.-jack
  22. I didn't know that. So I can put a cd in my disc drive and then download to the mp3? I may go that route for now. I'm thinking about getting a Garmin Zumo 550 next year and they have both xm and mp3 capability. No sense in spending $ on a seperate sat unit now.-Jack
  23. Is there a cheap way to download music? The only legal way I know of is itunes at .99 a pop. That can get a mite expensive.-Jack
  24. I really wouldn't know from personal experience(yeah right:rotf:), in a normal stopped or slow speed drop it should rest on the bottom portion of the engine guard with no damage but some scratches.-Jack
  25. I had a similar experience. I bought my wife a new jacket, it had some dirt on the white leather that wouldn't clean off...plus she hated the jacket! They took it back no problem and promptly credited my account.-Jack
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