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Everything posted by royalstarjac

  1. http://www.cycleworld.com/motorcycle_roadtest/first_rides_articles/11q3/2012_victory_cross_country_tour_-_first_ride
  2. Yes, it's fuel injected.
  3. It also come standard with ABS, heated grips and seats. No cassette player though:whistling:.
  4. http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory-motorcycles/touring/cross-country-tour/pages/features.aspx It looks like Victory has hit a home run on this one IMO. What do yall think?
  5. Thanks for the great pics! It really saves wear and tear on my camera!
  6. 1500's have issues with the stator. Most have been replaced.
  7. Prayers going up for Tom! He rode behind us most of the day Friday.
  8. Personally, I would stick with the RSTC. Shaft drive, water cooled, Cadillac ride. Whats not to like?
  9. Here is a diagram for a 99. It should be the same as a 96. http://www.ronayers.com/Fiche/TypeID/26/Type/Motorcycle/MakeID/4/Make/Yamaha/YearID/40/Year/1999/ModelID/7797/Model/Royal_Star_Tour_Classic/GroupID/370557/Group/SEAT_
  10. Frankfurt Kentucky?
  11. Congrats on the new bike and welcome to the Wing segment of VR!
  12. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  13. Sorry to hear of this Lewis. Prayers sent!
  14. I stand corrected.
  15. Isn't that a 4 piper? If so it's an earlier model than '00. Good looking scoot btw! There was no RS in '00. '98 was the last year. The RSV came along in '99 and the TD in '05 The bike in that pic looks like a '96 or '97.
  16. Sounds like the rear shock is adjusted on the stiff side. If you have the tool kit for it there is a spanner type wrench that is used to adjust the rear shock.
  17. I would set out on 3k mi trip tomorrow on either one of mine.
  18. You can rent a bike here http://www.cherokeecountycycles.com/
  19. My guess would be your timing is off on one side.
  20. "If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.'' Our "masters" love this sort of thinking by the sheeple. It makes their jobs much easier.
  21. Google is your friend. http://www.jeffsly.com/content/honda-goldwing-1800-model-numbers-explained
  22. One side effect of freedom is that there will be people you don't like doing things you don't like. It is WBC right to speak their mind and it is ours to stand the line and shield the families from their venom.
  23. The 5 pin cable will work on the wing. Congrats on the new bike! what color did you get?
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