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Everything posted by garyS-NJ

  1. I worked in a small engine shop where we rebuilt a gazillion carbs and while we had a real carb cleaning kit with small gauge wires, the go to in everyone's box was the end of a clutch cable.about 2" long with the cable wires frayed.
  2. I'm going to buy a used truck air seat.. posted this before I found them around $150..
  3. So to grease my drive shafts (every 20k miles?) I need to remove the shaft? Then that's removing the read wheel and the pumpkin?
  4. I have a nice air seat in my dump truck and was thinking would be so nice to have an sir seat in my friends boat for those long hard offshore rides. But truck seats are expensive. Junk ventures and parts like a tail section might not be too expensive and I bet could make a nice air seat.. but perhaps to stiff for just a man on a seat. Comments? Maybe a lighter sprinng??
  5. I bought a seized 84 xvz12 last year and dud what I had to do to get her running and put on new skins. I checked the rear gear oil level but didn't replace it yet.. will do that when I get around to fork oil and that class error code solder fix.. but just noticed there's a zerk fitting on top of the drive shaft housing.. isn't that an oil bath or is the shaft greased front and rear??
  6. Check your plug wire too. But hunting around is often an air leak on throttle shafts or choke circuit.
  7. I had a rear caliper seize up on my old cb750 and by the time I stopped, the caliper caught fire (plastic shield). Well I was right in front of a fireworks store and someone yelled fire. I was hitting it with my gloved hand when a guy ran up with a large soda. I grabbed the soda and doused it luckily before anything else lit up.
  8. Eurolite is selling day maker style lights manufactured by Chinese company Sunpie
  9. A Chinese mfg overseen by a good company can mfr to higher quality standards than most of the Chinese companies mfg knockoffs selling to a different market.
  10. My comments about the Chinese knockoffs was regarding WIZ Daymakers. They are packaged leds with optics -potentially a lot better than led mounted in an H4 base. And no leds them selves are made in several countries and light assemblies also are made all over. I think jw speaker and trucklights are assembled in USA and Idk who's leds they use but most likely top notch like cree or osram
  11. Do the lights give a good long bright high beam (I guess that's the outer beams) and a good bright cutoff low beam (I guess that's the center light)?. Both lights just swith on or off right? (No high and low within one light). Post the link.
  12. Jw speaker makes lights for Harley that they call daymaker (sold by harley) and they make/sell same lights without the daymaker/harley label. Their lights are very expensive. Foe that price off Amazon no doubt you got Chinese knockoffs but I didn't think they were that inexpensive.. but if they work, they work.. great deal.
  13. That's three daymakers? But you actually mean the jw speaker led headlights? That's lots of money! I was thinking g about the truck light 4x6 led for my '84 then cheaper out and bought a sealed beam which is supposed to be better than oem. Haven't tried it yet.
  14. My bet is if that bike runs now it will just run and run and run. On top of the other suggestions I'd say think about splitting the brakes and keep your eyes open for a bigger front master. After I split my brakes, my rear master went but I had a parts bike dare to swap in.. for a long ride, might be good insurance to rebuild the masters and at least clear out the calipers. And grease the speedo cable. And get a 4 brush starter.. and if it hasn't been ridden regularly, you may well have some crud in the carbs, but you will know it running it. Seafoam in the fuel might help clean minor deposits. Get new spark plugs and check the wires. And if your stock tci is still working, replace the diodes (& cross your fingers, I bought the ignetek). Flush the tank and change the fuel filter too.
  15. I'm pretty sure the two brush has screws holding the permanent field magnets and the four brush has no screws as the magnets are bonded in. And yes, the four brush eliminated my hot start problem
  16. That kaw looks way fast. My brother has a 2000something vfr8 and it's beautiful but he says he's also thinking of adding a super fast big bike like the hybusa or big Honda cbr
  17. NJ rocks. Hey that set up in NJ quick and dirty under $50. All the lighting snobs are saying that a Chinese LED or HID "drop-in" cannot produce a good light (either under powered, overpowered, miss aimed, hot spots, glaring...) but I like to think of it just in two terms: Can I see better, and am i blinding oncoming traffic. your lens has nothing to make a cutoff and so it's just your bi-led. The Chinese are famous for overstasting LED power and so I'm guessing it's 32W rated total, so running a lot less power and then some leds turned off for low beam.. So how is your light compared to stock, can you see better and do you blind oncoming traffic? have you ever ridden with a Harley running a day maker??
  18. Wait campfire, you had an h4 format hid in a 4×6 reflector, and then managed to get 4 h4 incandescent's into a 4×6 reflector, and no you have a single Cree led 300 bulb (h4? Can you post link?) In a regular 4x6 halogen style reflector?? I've read that the hid or led drop in bulbs do not make a good beam. And Kevin yes I fish a lot but there's something about a $500 headlight on a $600 bike that bothers me.
  19. Looks like the 4×6 would work with a matt but I have a feeling that two large led projectors would throw more light.. maybe not. Hope others chime in. I can't be cutting edge with all them venture riders out there!
  20. Good stuff kevin. But that's a $500 headlight!!! I thought the 5x7 or 4×6 and Yamaha oem would be standard sizing. I'll look for alternate led projectors...
  21. I considered upgrading my '84 to an '87 headlight and l know there would be more light but seeing as seeing is very important to me, I'm now thinking a pair of projectors mounted into the headlight area (behind the clear outer shield). But considering the dual lights as HIDs are bright but have that nasty low beam curtain in turns and never seem to last long, I'm wondering about LED projectors (or reflectors), or just buying a good 5X7" LED headlight from JW Speaker or trucklite. has anyone bought one of these and compaired to a HID projector(s)?? http://www.jwspeaker.com/products/led-headlights-model-8900-evolution/ http://www.truck-lite.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=92027&langId=-1 or has anyone had luck with any of the Chinese knock offs.??
  22. I'd think the silverstar bulb was not hi watts. why did you replace the connector? If both the connector melted and reflector loose maybe something was intermittent causing surges in voltage/current or just a high resistance that heated up?? what happened? I'm waiting for a 75W Osram rallye H4 bulb to install in my '84 VR and I didn't buy the ceramic connector.
  23. Thanks again Kevin I'd swear I googled and looked around here without finding much and again, you found the good links. Funny some drama there with gary marketing the dual hella halogen.. I'm thinking an HID LOW and a halogen or maybe LED high beam. I bought an OSRAM 75W rallye bulb for the time being. l'll check gary and mike about their designs and mounting plates. And I PMed the guy who had parts for sale that he never implemented. I have to think HID projectors are more light per watt than halogens but wondering with that sharp low beam cutoff if the curtain in turns would be an issue (on my '78 Honda I had a good aftermarket 7" round and a pair of aux HID pods (one high beam, one fixed low beam) and I was happy with the total light. the 35W HID low beam swamped the stock beam but I'm sure the stock beam helped in the turns. I'm wondering if the truck lite or JW speaker 5X7 LEDs are the way to go now. I'mm post here and the other site to see if anyone has tried either..
  24. Nice looking dual light Mike. I'm looking to do similar/same on my'84 and will PM you. garyS
  25. I think I could get these parts but after reading that projector retrofit thread, I'm thinking more along those lines or perhaps just drop the penny for the JW speaker or truck lite 5X7 LED. seems all the aftermarket HID bulbs and or ballasts are short lived. that projector retrofit was not a dual projector but rather a single projector I think with a "curtain" that moves for the low beam cut off. This is another likely failure point and looking at most cars we find HIDs for the low beam and a halogen for the high beam (HIDs don't switch on fast enough to "flash" high beams). Two projectors in the headlamp enclosure would solve that (one set for low beam and the other with a high beam (LED?) ). Nice that in my '84 I already have the clear front cover for the HID projector. And I was thinking rather than mount one smallish projector in the light housing, why not mount on the headlight plate? I wonder how long his retrofit lasted (will PM) and what he was talking about regarding the aux lights...
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