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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. Thanks for the info. I like the idea of the heat shrink splice connector for connecting two wire ends. How do you connect to an existing wire, no end available. I had previously used a scotchloc type connector that went over the existing wire and had a female spade connector off to one side. I've got to connect: Passing lamps GPS Brake light bar battery tender heated jacket connection voltmeter Thanks, DT
  2. I'll be picking my new '07 RSV up next week and will have to splice into the electrical system in several places to connect lights and accessories. In the past I have used the scotch-loc type connectors but never felt that was the best method. Is there a better method? Also, where can I get a connector that will mate up with the 12V accessory plug under the seat? Thanks, DT
  3. Sorry to hear of your crash and glad to hear that you relatively OK. As has been said, the bike can be replaced. Having totaled mine a couple of weeks ago and already settled with the insurance company, I hope you had Progressive too. They were great to work with. Good Luck, Dennis
  4. Follow your dream. I rode the "going to the sun highway" through Glacier with friends in July. It was an impressive ride. Dt
  5. Is this the one? http://www.zumoforums.com/ DT
  6. Midrsv

    Insurance cost

    By full coverage do you also carry personal injury protection for the operator? That may be why. DT
  7. I'm picking mine up on the 15th for $14,884 out the door. DT
  8. Now is a good time. The dealers had a $500 factory incentive for bikes ordered by last Friday. My new blue/raven will be picked up on the 15th. Dt
  9. If you are looking for an insurance horror story, this ain't it. Last Thursday I totaled my '04 Midnight RSV. Late Thursday I called in the claim. They promised to have someone call me back within 2 hours, they did. That person told me that an adujster would get with me the next day, Friday. Late Friday afternoon the adjuster, a really nice guy, came to my home to inspect the bike and prepare an estimate. He indicated at that time that it would probably be a total loss, it was. He called this morning to set up a time to come by and discuss the settlement this evening. I must say at that time I was expecting to have to negotiate a bit. I didn't. I "settled" for $13,039 after my $500 deductible. Seemed very fair to me a 3 year old bike with 40,000+ miles. The check is in the bank and I should have my new '07 black/blue RSV on the 15th. The adjuster was very polite, courteous and dependable. He did what he promised on time. Only 5 days from crash to settlement with a weekend in the middle. So if anyone asks for an insurance recommendation from me, it's Progressive. DT
  10. That's probably not too bad for an '08. I am going to be buying a new '07 for just under $15,000 out the door. The '07 models have a $500 dealer incentive on them so I am getting the bike for normal dealer cost and he is making his profit off the incentive. So an '08 would be $500 more plus and year to year price increase. Good luck, DT
  11. Thanks, exactly what I needed. I hope to settle with the insurance company monday and make the deal on the '07 the same day. Dennis
  12. Does anyone have some good photos of a blue/black '07 Venture? I was at my dealer today checking out my options to replace my '04 Midnight and it seems I can get a nice deal on a blue '07. He didn't have one in stock and no '07 brochures and I would like for my wife to see sort of what it looks like before I sign the check. Thanks, Dennis
  13. I just checked online and they are listing my claim as a total loss. I haven't heard the final offer from the adjuster yet but if it comes close to the number he mentioned while hear I would consider it very fair. DT
  14. I met with the adjuster and he believes that the bike will be totaled. He estimated the damages at nearly 75% of value. And based on his comments I expect the settlement to be fair. And we should be able to get it cleared up next week. I'll let you know. DT
  15. Thanks, that's encouraging. I meet with the adjuster in about 10 minutes. DT
  16. I am meeting later today with the insurance adjuster to look at my bike. Does anyone have experience with Progressive? What is a clean '04 midnight worth? DT
  17. And no doubt would have been without the helmet. DT
  18. Here is a diagram of the accident scene. I was turning left out of the right front entrance to the BP station. I guess I should have gone out at the side entrance and used the light to cross traffic. To add insult to injury, I had to go buy a plane ticket to Florida. Oh well, I do like helmets. I need to send a thank you note to HJC. Dennis
  19. Have I told you guys how much I like helmets? I do. Anyway, as an update, I went to the DR to satisfy my wife and everything seems to be OK. Just a pretty good bruise on my left thigh and sore left ankle. They took about a dozen Xrays and being put on that hard table hurt worse than the crash. I've got prescriptions for some good drugs which I'll probably need if I plan to be able to move in the morning. Thanks for all of the support. Dennis
  20. I know it is happening far too frequently but I have to add my name to the list of those that have crashed this year and it was my fault. It was threatening rain today but I had to ride to work anyway due to having an appointment at noon to have new tires mounted before my ride to Florida next week. As I rode it began to rain so I made it to gas station with a canopy to pull under so I could put my rain pants on. I was about 100 yards from an intersection and I had to make a left out of the station crossing two lanes of inbound traffic to get to the outbound lane. It was raining lightly. I had to wait for traffic moving in both directions. I kept watching to the left and saw that the light was changing at the intersection so the traffic would have to stop and, I could get out before the people turning right off of the cross street made it to me. I again looked left, right, back left and started out. As crossed the near lane and proceeded into the next lane I looked to the left again about 10 yards from me was a black Honda coming right at me. I had failed to see her car. I was fully perpendicular to her lane was in her way. I thougt to myself, "this ain't going to be pretty". I recall hearing an impact but don't recall any pain. Seconds later I stood up and was really disoriented from being spun around in the air. I found my bearings and walked back to the gas station to get under the canopy. A few minutes later the EMT, fire dept, police, and then my wife show up. All so surreal. I have a little soreness in my left thigh from hitting the right side of the tank and a bit of soreness above my left ankle. And, HELMETS WORK, the ladie's windshield was broken at the base just above her hood. She said my head hit it. At my wife's insistence I'm going to the DR this afternoon to get checked out. So the fire dept rolls my bike off to the side and after the reports were made my wife took me home go get my truck. I called a couple of friends and picked up a trailer to go retrieve the bike. The left side is pretty bent up. Saddle bag, both floor boards, crash bars front and rear, lower left fairing is obliterated, upper fairing is beat up, trunk or mounting is bent because it doesnt close too good and it is really off-center relative to the windshield, and my friends think the fork is bent slightly at the fender. So it is setting on a trailer in my garage and I guess I need to call the insurance company now. I hope it is totaled because I don't think I would have any confidence in it once repaired. Anyone need a new set of Michelin Commanders? I'll put them on the shelf until my next bike wears out a set. I nearly always ride with a helmet. About the only time I don't is when I am within my neighborhood. They work and I won't go out of the driveway now without one. Be Careful! Dennis
  21. You are correct, some things are dual language in the U.S. But for Canada you would have to add French to those items. That still makes it unique. Or you create a trilingual product. As an example, you have 2 languages that create a 100 page users manual, add French for a 3rd language and another 50 pages and that drives the cost up on 90% of the volume for that doesn't go to Canada. I don't like paying for those extra pages in Spanish as it is now. DT
  22. I understand your frustration. However, it is more expensive to produce products for Canada. Products sold into Canada must be sold with dual languages on the packaging and printed material. This makes a unique sku for Canadian products so you don't have the same economies of scale for those goods. The manufacturing costs for the unique components are more expensive and the cost of any tooling required is spread over a much lower volume, about 10% of the U.S. volume. In addition, manufacturers then have to stock and plan for the unique inventory. There may be additional distribution expense due to border crossings and additional taxes. Combine that with currency exchange rates and you get the price deltas that you are experiencing. DT
  23. Are there any members in the Souwest Florida area, Ft. Myers/Naples? I plan to ride down FT. Myers Beach for the week of 10/7-10/13. If anyone is interested in meeting up to ride a bit or grab a meal let me know. Dennis
  24. I've owned my '04 for 2 years now and have put 40,000 miles on it. They only things I have done other than routine service is have the clutch basket replaced, replaced a horn and replace the lower left fairing. It's not the perfect bike. But then if you look at the other 3 touring bikes (Goldwing, Harley Ultra, BMW K1200) you will find them all to be a compromise of some sort. Don't like the peg position on the wing, limited dealer network on the BMW and poor peg position, Harley is too hot due to air cooling, too expensive, and not enough room. The compromises I made on the Venture were no fuel injection, not as much power as the Wing, but the power is adequate. I plan on running this bike until the warranty expires in '09 and then hopefully replace it with an updated '09 or '10 Venture. If not, I'll just look for a low mileage used '08 Venture. DT
  25. Jeff, On my unit my wife can hear the conversation but she can't join in. Can't explain why but her mic doesn't go to the telephone, just the front one. And, Buddyrich's cable works great. Dennis
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