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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. Something isn't right. I can't download it either. Let me work on this tonight and I'll post a followup note. DT
  2. Last summer my wife and I toured Yellowstone and Glacier National parks with several other couples. I have finally got the slide show created from the trip. It is a compilation of images from everyone's camera. If you care to see it you can download the exectutable file from my web site. It is quite large, 377 mb so you'll need a broadband connection. The file is has been zipped so it will have to be unzipped to run. Here's the link: www.traynorphoto.com/glacier.zip Enjoy... Dennis
  3. These battery operated Gerbing gloves look interesting, just a bit pricey. http://www.gerbing.com/heat/glovescore.html DT
  4. Just a thought, would it be possible to dial the pressure regulator on the air compressor down to about 5 lbs and let it control the input pressure to the shock instead of using a guage? Will the regulator control that precisely? DT
  5. I just called our local HF store and they don't stock the lift. However, they will order air/hydraulic lift for me and it takes about a week to get it. I can pick it up at the store for the advertised price of $379. No shipping. I guess I'll put it on my wish list for Christmas. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94121 DT
  6. I checked the Tahoe and I've got at least 8 inches of clearance so it shouldn't be a problem. I checked out the Greg Smith Equipment site and their lifts look pretty nice. I also found this quote on their site interesting: "Manufactured in a 100% American owned offshore factory. Sold by a 100% American owned distributor that has been in the lift business for 27 years. Enough said." Their lifts are made in China just like the HF lifts. DT
  7. Has anyone tried the Harbor Frieght air/hydraulic bike lift? Here's the link to their web site. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94121 I've got some interest in one but was wondering if it is sturdy enough for a 2nd gen. Also wondering if it is low enough for my Tahoe to pass over it in the garage. I guess I can go measure that. DT
  8. It was cloudy and about 65 here today so I left work at 11:00 and took off with a couple of friends and we got in about 150 miles of nice riding today. DT
  9. Thanks for the info so far. I'll have to study the map some more. How far in advance should we make our hotel reservations? I'm thinking I should get things firmed up and reservations made by January. Dennis
  10. I am beginning to plan our next big ride for next year and we think Utah will be the destination. There will probably be 3 to 5 bikes with 6 to 9 people. Those of us that choose to ride from KY will meet those that want to fly in Las Vegas. From there we'll head to Utah. At a minimum we will want to visit Bryce Canyon, Zion and Arches national parks. Is it possible to visit these locations out of a central location or will we need to ride some type of loop? We would like to stay a few of days in one place if possible instead of changing hotels daily. Is there a location that we could stay for a couple of days and take in Zion and Bryce and then move to Moab for a couple of days to take in Arches? I've put together a loop route but, since we are not familiar with the area, I am concerned we may need to overnight in some pretty desolate areas which may not have hotels. Therefore, I am seeking advice on how best to see Utah. How many days should we need? Any recommendations on lodging, sites, etc. We'll most likely visit in late May or early June. Thanks, Dennis
  11. Buddy's cable essentially only gives you a microphone input for using the bluetooth phone adapter. The audio output capability is already there in the form of the auxi input on the cassette deck or other input jack that you may have spliced in. DT
  12. That's the price I paid for mine locally about a month ago. DT
  13. I saw this a couple of years ago somewhere in MN. DT
  14. Buddyrich is right. Also, you only get weather and traffic data if you subscribe to that extra service. DT
  15. I have a complete set from an '04 Midnight Venture. They have the Venture logo and studs. I would sell the complete set for $150 plus shipping. DT
  16. Well said! Sure glad I don't have to suffer as much PMS as you guys up north. DT
  17. This probably doesn't meet your criteria since it's not leather and probably not too fashionable for casual wear, but my wife prefers her Olympia Airglide over her leather. It's more protective and can be worn year round. If I could find one to fit right I would have one also. http://www.olympiamotosports.com/ladiesairglide/ladiesairglide.htm And, if she can wear and extra small or extra large, this site has a great price on them. We paid well over $100 for my wife's. http://store.bobsbmw.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=2130 DT
  18. For cold weather I have a First Gear Kilimanjaro. Not sure which version but it is a couple of years old. It with the fleece liner is good down to low to mid 40's. Colder than that I add the electric jacket liner and then I am toasty. It blocks all wind. My two complaints with it is that it is heavy, about 9 lbs with the liner and for me, the sleeves are about 3 inches too long or my waist line is too big. DT
  19. I usually tip in the 15% to 20% range depending on how the check rounds up and I then I adjust from there depending on the level of service. The thing I hate are the places that add a 15% gratuity for large parties. The servers get shortchanged there because most people tip more. And, I find that the service isn't as good in those cases because the server knows the tip is already earned when the order is placed. Last summer while in Jackson Hole we ate at fairly expensive restaurant, the Cadillac Ranch I think and had horrible service. We had a large party and we refused to pay it. The manager started getting huffy with us and said that the tip was a requirement just like the other resaurants in town. I calmly asked him if he would expect me to pay for a meal that wasn't served and of course he said no. I then explained to him that he was asking us to pay for service that wasn't received, case closed. DT
  20. I have a full jacket liner and like the heat in the arms. I ride with a friend that has a vest and he has mentioned that he wishes that he had bought a full jacket instead. DT
  21. Midrsv


    I tend to stay on 16 - country, 6 - 60's, 7-70's and occasionally check out CNN or FOX news. I mounted my antenna with a RAM mount setup and it can be seen in this photo. DT
  22. Thanks for the notice. I just signed in and ordered the free update. DT
  23. Yes. it is my bike. I plan to add my trunk rack today. Dt
  24. If any of the photos at http://www.traynorphoto.com/07venture/ work for you and you want the high resolution file just let me know and I can send it to you. DT
  25. I have the Baron's risers that pull the bars back and up about 1.5 inches. With the risers on you could rotate the bar up a little higher than stock. I didn't have to change my control lines. Here is a link to the Barons site: http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/777/index.html DT
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