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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. Here is a link to a photo of my bike with my Zumo mounted. The zumo is on the left and the XM adapter is on the right. Sorry is doesn't show more detail of the mount. http://www.traynorphoto.com/07venture/pages/vent4.htm DT
  2. Don't know if this would work on a 5th wheeler or not but I saw this on the back of a motorhome in Wyoming a couple of years ago. Here's their web site.. http://www.hydralift-usa.com/ DT
  3. I've had good luck with cameras and my Zumo 500 from www.buydig.com $649 with free shipping. http://www.buydig.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=GRZUMO550 Dennis
  4. Check out this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15303&highlight=zumo+microphone+cable And you might contact Buddyrich about a mic cable. Dennis
  5. We just made it home from Floriday. If you want photos I've posted a few on my web site and I must warn you a couple of them are in poor taste. Oh well, it was bike week. www.traynorphoto.com/daytona DT
  6. I plan to be there... Dennis
  7. I've got Bridgestones on my '07 which was purchased in Oct. They will be coming off when I get home with only about 3500 miles on them. I don't like the way they ride and they would have been switched earlier if it had been at the peak of riding season. DT
  8. Well I made it to Daytona today. I met up with Animal and Honey who were my tour guides for the day. We visited main street, the speedway and a couple of other places that I don't recall. I didn't know there were this many bikes in the country. It was a great day with clear skies and temperatures around 80. Attached are a couple of photos from today. I look forward to tomorrow. DT
  9. While on Main street in Daytona today I snapped this photo of a Venture rider. Anyone know if he's a member here? DT
  10. Al, I could be up for that. I'll probably be there one of those days. Leaving town tomorrow after work with a stop near Atlanta and then on to Lakeland. Dennis
  11. I just picked up a quart of Mobil 1 75w90 synthetic, GL5. Hope it works. Dennis
  12. I was in the parts store today checking out the gear oils and I noticed that none of them had the GL4 spec that the Venture service manual calls for. All were GL5. Does anyone know if the ratings are backward compatible? Can GL5 be used for a GL4 application? what oil do you recommend? Dennis
  13. Pilot, thanks for the putting this together. I loaded all of the points on my Zumo tonight. I had to load all of the states. When I tried just the US_Canada file it only gave me 20 names or so. So I just loaded all of the states along with it and it seems to work. Dennis
  14. Hmmmm, must be why I always seem to ride to DQ. DT
  15. I'll be trailering down to Lakeland. My wife and I will be staying with friends there and I'll be making day trips to Daytona from there. I'll probably be going to Daytona Mon-Thur. I would like to meet other members there. Dennis
  16. Is anyone going to be around earlier in the week? I am not sure if I'll still be in the area on Friday. I'll probably be there Mon through Thurs at least. Dennis
  17. Pete, I have a Whelen dual intensity LED strip-lite bar mounted under my trunk. This is the same light that HD uses on their police package tour packs. I fabricated a mounting bracket out of a piece of aluminum angle and mounted by using longer trunk mounting screws with locknuts on the bottom. It is very bright and makes a very good running light as well as brake light. Whelen is the company that makes all sorts of flashing lights for emergency vehicles. Attached is a photo of the light bar and here is a link to an online source: http://www.squadfitters.com/catalog/led-lighting/whelen-led-lighting/whelen-strip-lite-brake-tail-led-dual-intensity DT
  18. I recently had my Zumo's motorcycle mount replaced due to a bad connection at the mic input jack causing problems when I tried to talk on the bluetooth phone. I had been using a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter to connect the mic. This adapter was a straight adapter which along with the 3.5mm jack caused the whole jack assembly to stick straight out from the mount. My theory is that this put quite a bit of stress on the female jack from the vibrations of the bike. So I went online and found a 90 degree cable adapter that allows me to connect the mic and keep the weight of the cable off of the jack. I figure it can't hurt. If you are interested here is a link to the adapter that I bought: http://www.eforcity.com/cothxxxxad01.html DT
  19. I installed the Barons risers on my bike and have been very satisfied with them. I was able to install them without changing cables. I believe I had to slide the front brake lever about 3/8" closer to the center to get things to work smoothly. They let me set up in a more relaxed riding position. DT
  20. I keep out tub at 103 to 104 degrees and it is great when it gets down in the teens. I hate it when those snowflakes hit my shoulders though. DT
  21. That really surprises me. I thought XM had to have a view to the sky above. That's why it drops out in my garage and going through tunnels. DT
  22. Is anyone having any trouble with their Zumo motorcycle cradle. Last summer I started having trouble with a lot of noise during phone calls. Mainly the noise was with the party on the other end of the call. They were picking up a lot of noise as I would accelerate. By accident I found that if I wiggled the mic cable at the cradle connector I could influence the noise. Make it better or worse. The problem continued after I changed bikes. I checked the mic jack and it seemed fine. So I concluded that the connector in the cradle must be bad. I called Garmin with a warranty claim and they sent me a new cradle. I installed it today and everything is fine again. I researched this a bit on www.zumoforums.com and I found several complaints about the connectors on the cradle. Mainly dealing with the 3.5mm audio out connection. Garmin was good about replacing the cradle. I just worry now about what happens after warranty. This may be a weak design point. Dennis
  23. My wife had the same experience the last time we got on an Ultra Classic. She is only 5'4" and is much more comfortable on the RSV. DT
  24. The connector can be mounted most anywhere close to the hitch. I just chose to bring the wiring out under the trunk. When not in use I wire tie the wiring and connector under the trunk, out of sight. My hitch is a vertical receiver hitch and when I remove the insert the hitch is hidden under the fender. The only time you know that I tow a trailer is when it hooked up. Dennis
  25. My location is: 37 58 44.63 N 84 35 02.77 W Thanks, Dennis
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