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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. I also have the Barons tach mounted on the brake reservoir. It works fine. Attached is a photo of the mounted unit. Sorry it is not closer. Dennis
  2. For the most part I would have to agree with you, if you can get comfortable on one. I ride 4 guys that have GL1800s and they all tried to get me to buy one when I bought my 07 Venture last fall. I rode them several times and the wide fairing and peg position just would not let me get a comfortable with my bad knees. I also don't care for the toe shift and brake pedal. If I had been comfortable on one I would surely have one now. My Venture has led all four of those wings on cross country, 4500+ mile trips twice. The Venture is still a fully capable machine. Dennis
  3. I saw the Voyager in Daytona yesterday and I felt the build quality was fine. The trunk and bags are made of material similar to the 2nd gen Venture. The pieces were plastic and had some flex in them but so do the Venture's. I can't comment on the chrome or how long it will last but it was shiny. Dennis
  4. I was at Biketoberfest for a while today and stopped by the Kawasaki display and looked at the new Voyager. While I am not ready to trade my Venture, the Voyager is a nice bike. It felt very comfortable to set on but had a little less leg room than the Venture. The saddle bags and trunk had a decent amount of space. I like that the trunk opens from the side. Here are a few photos I snapped of it. I also looked at the new Vmax and I liked it as well if I were into that type of bike. I asked the Yamaha rep about a new Venture and he just expressed the same hope that most of us have that Yamaha will update it. If he new anything he didn't let you know. Dennis
  5. If you are an Iphone user check out the Accufuel application from the Apple App store. It is an simple application that tracks mileage for each fill up and keeps an average mpg as well as a tank mpg. Since I always have my phone with me it is easy to enter the data at each fill up. $0.99 well spent. Check it out at: http://www.appigo.com/accufuel/ DT
  6. Princess, I hope I don't fall into that category. Since I don't want a permanent missing tooth I am comparing the options of a bridge or implant. Based on your experiences do you have an opinion on either one? I am tending to lean toward an implant because I don't like the idea of messing with healthy teeth on either side to create the bridge which would give me 2 more potential problems. I'm told that implants are almost as good as the originals and take about as long to complete the process. Thanks, Dennis
  7. Sorry Wayne, I do think my case is probably that 1 in a million chance of something like this happening and unfortunately it wasn't hitting a lottery number. The dentist, my ENT and Oral Surgeon all agree that it was probably caused by one of the multiple injection sticks and none can recall seeing a previous case in their respective practice. In the future I will taking a preemptive round of antibiotics a few days prior to any future dental work. These hosptial beds suck! Why am I still awake? Dennis
  8. I haven't been on the forum for a few days and I'm not super active but I'll let you know why. Tuesday before last I went in for a simple root canal. The tool was a bit sensitive but not hurting. My wife assured me that root canals were a not big deal. So OK, I like our dentist and he's gentle. So I go in and after 5 injections he couldn't get me numb. That wasn't much fun. So I left and returned on Thursday to try again with no problems. My jaw was sore the next day which should have been normal from having the procedure done. Then on Saturday morning I was riding out to our small Central KY M&E and I was a bit concerned with how I would be able to eat since I could barely open my mouth to insert food. After an abbrevieated ride I wasn't feeling too well and headed for home. As Saturday wore on I was in much more pain from my jaw and that side of my face and could only part my teeth about 1/4 inch. My dentist was calling me for updates and he offered suggestions of pain meds and muscle relaxers. Nothing worked. Sunday it was more of the same. While he kept wanting me to meet him at the office so he could have a look, I had found some pain meds that seemed to make things bearable and I still thought it was just trauma that had to wear off from the all of the injections. Sunday afternoon I felt well enough to attend my Aunt's funeral. As they day wore on it got so I could not eat at all and the pain was out of control again. No sleep or food all night. Monday morning I was back into the dental office at 7:00 where the dentist opened the temp filling to make sure there was no infection within the tooth. There wasn't. So the dentist immediately refferred us to an oral surgeon that got us in immediately. He knows my wife from here previous career in dentistry. Once there he is sure there is an infection somewhere and gives me IV antibiotics immediately. I leave there for some blood work that confirms my white count is elevated. He wants to see me the next day and another IV treatment. The pain continued and now I hadn't eaten since Saturday and drank very little because I was now having trouble swallowing. The next day at the oral surgeons we discussed options and I know little about dentistry so I relied on my wifes advice and he thought the correct thing to do woud be to remove troubled tooth. I didn't care much for that idea but I didn't have a better plan and I sure didn't feel like working one up. The remove the tooth and found no infection sent me home and I stayed in pain another day and night without nutrition and little water. Wed morning my wife and I are back in the car in panic mode now calling all the drs we know. Hell, I was ready to call her OB/GYN at this point. We stopped by the oral surgeon for him to check me again. In that visit he mentioned that he was beginning to think my problem was an infection in the jaw muscles and nerve tract caused by repeated injections into the site with bacteria picked up inside my mouth tracking into a subsequent injection. I left his office and went to an infectious desiese doc for for control of the infection. She gave me IV antibiotics then and I was to come back in on the next day for a pick-line placement and continued daily treatemest for a week or so. When I went back in on Thursday I was in less pain but I still can't drink. So the docs get together with my primary care physician who didn't want to take this on when we initially called him because I was under another drs care. Anyway, the conscenus was made that I should be hospitalized for 24/7 IV fluids, antibitotics and pain management. So I checked into the hosptial Thurday. Friday I felt much better but still cant swallow water with it asprirating to my lungs. So to recap, It's a little after midnight Saturday mornign and has been going on for nearly 11 days days, I've note eaten in 7 days, I've lost a tooth that probably was ok, I'm now facing a dental implant to replace the tooth, I'm down about 15 lbs (not a bad thing), and who knows how much expense not covered by insurance and I haven't worked all week. My wife's words, "root canal, no big deal" keep ringing in my ears. Sorry to make this so long but it's not like I've got much to do here. I'm just thankful that hospitals now have wireless access so I still have my lifeline to the world. This my first overnight hospital stay since I was 6 years old and I am a lousy patient. Floss daily! Dennis
  9. Just ask for the "Venturerider" table. I look forward to meeting everyone. Dennis
  10. We're still on for the Meet-n-eat on Saturday. I arrive at the Cracker Barrel a few minutes early to secure us a table. It looks like we should have 6 to 8 people. See you tomorrow. Dennis
  11. I would say you did allright. Online price is nearly $150. http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/fluke/dmm/117.htm?gclid=CIjAz6SU_ZQCFQH0Igod6wOlrA DT
  12. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have had a death in the family (aunt) and the arrangements won't be made until tomorrow. We're expecting the service to be Sunday or Monday but if by chance it is Saturday I will most likely have to postpone Saturday's M&E. I won't know for sure until about noon on Friday and I will post an update as soon as I do. I just want to let everyone know so you can be sure to check back tomorrow. Thanks, Dennis
  13. So far it looks like besides myself we have Bob and Tina from Paris, FuzzyRSTD and friend from Olive Hill, Dan from Lexington and hopefully Eddy from Winchester. Looks like a decent turnout for a first time event. I think we have a good weather forecast and I am looking forward to meeting everyone. Dennis
  14. Thanks for the invite Curt. But I am kind of with Bob on this. I would prefer a liesurely ride through the countryside. I'm not much of a party animal. Dennis
  15. Let's meet at the Cracker Barrel at exit 115 on I75. That puts us close to my planned route through some horse farm country. We'll be taking in parts of Fayette, Scott, Woodford, Jessamine, Mercer and Madison counties. See the attached routes. I had to make them two parts because the mapping software wouldn't let me cross the river on the ferry. Depending on stops, we should be able to cover this route in about 3 hours. Dennis
  16. Bob and Tina, I look forward to meeitng you. I set the time for 9:00 in case anyone wanted to ride in from a couple of hours away they wouldn't have to leave before sun-up. Right now it is just you guys, Eddy and myself. I know there are several conflicting M&E's plus the Ashville gathering this week so we may not have a big crowd. We've got to start somewhere. I'll post our planned route later in the week. Dennis
  17. Speaking of paying it forward, today I was telling this story to my brother and how Riley, the Vstrom rider was on his way to Bagdad, KY (a really small place in Shelby County) for some type of conference or camp. My brother immediately replied that he had heard about the camp on the radio. It is some type of gathering of children of Iraq war military personnel at a Christian Camp there. I'm speculating that this young man was probably some type of counselor on his way to help there. Once again, a biker out to do some good. DT
  18. You've got that right. I had a smile on my face all the way home. It also helped that this was a really nice guy and he seemed to sincerely appreciate the help. DT
  19. I've had headset noise intermittently on my system as well. I don't think it is the cable though. I hear the noise as I accelerate and I found accidently one time that if I wiggled the mic input jack on the side of the Zumo that it would stop. So I felt it was a problem with the mounting base. I called Garmin and they replaced it. All was good for a few days and then it started happening again. What I have found is that if I remove the Zumo from the mount and then reseat it in the cradle it will correct the problem. Sometimes I can just apply a little pressure to the top of it and it will stop. I've concluded that it is the connection point between the GPS and the mounting base that is causing my problem. I hear it about once a week now and it's seems to be after I've placed the unit back in the mount and maybe I didn't get it seated properly. Also, I would never hear it unless the intercom volume was turned up. The party on the other end of my phone call could also hear it when it happened. Good luck. DT
  20. I pulled up to my local auto parts store at about 7:00 this evening to pick up some spark plugs for my RSV and I parked next to a young guy and his Vstrom. He had the seat off and was starting to take the plastic off. We exchanged hello's and commented that he hoped I didn't have his problem. A short in the electrical system due to melted insulation on several wires that had made contact with head. As I walked away to go in and get my spark plugs I noticed that he was from out of state with an Arkansas plate. When I came out I asked what I could do to help. While Riley (the owner) had fortunately found the short it was in one of those places that you could see but couldn't reach into. Neither he nor I had ever worked on a Vstrom. After I had assured him that I would not leave him stranded we spent the next 2 hours in the parking lot stripping the bike down by taking off the fairing and tank in order to get access to the wires. The store personnel were great in that they let him borrow tools from the shelf. We managed to get enough slack in the wire bundle and separate the melted wires in order to wrap them with tape. While we worked we got to know each other a bit and I found that he is a photographer who shoots weddings. So do I, or I did. So we were able to talk photography as well. Just as dark fell we had the bike back together and running well. He had another 40 miles to go tonight to make his next stop. He was very appreciative of my help and I enjoyed helping a fellow rider out. Hopefully, I'll get my spark plugs installed tomorrow night. DT
  21. Bob and Eddy, hope you can make it. I believe there are several other members within an hour or so of Lexington so maybe we can pick up a few more. We can't let these MI, OH, IN, NC, GA, AL & ONT guys have all the fun. DT
  22. Sorry you can't make it. The 9th is my only free Saturday in August. How did I miss Brad and Lonna's announcement? I couldn't get away for an overnight trip then anyway. If I have any success with this I'll defintely do it again. I was across the ferry last Saturday. I'm leaving in a few minutes for Somerset myself. Going down to have dinner with my SIL and niece. Not a bad ride down US27. DT
  23. Since I won't be able to make it to Ashville next week and I know there are few members around central KY I thought I would take a stab at hosting a M&E. Is there any interest? I'm thinking we could meet at the Cracker Barrel in Lexington off I75 for breakfast around 9:00 and then head off on a ride through some of my favorite local roads which would take us through some horse farms, along the KY river Palisades, Shakertown and possbily a ride across the ferry at Valley View. Any interest? Dennis
  24. I fit that category. My helmet cracked a windshield last year and I am certain that I would not have survived without it. DT
  25. I agree with everyone here. The horn is a great safety device and it has pushed many people back into their own lane for me. I do have one humorous story to relate about the horn. Shortly after installing the Stebel horn I was headed to my mother's place one morning and a mile or so before I get to her home there is a school for problem (behavioral) students and there were two teen-agers strolling down the middle of the road with an attitude as if to dare anyone to hit them. You know the type with the crotch of their pants below their knees. As I approached I saw a car have to stop and wait for them to get out of the road, there are no sidewalks there. They jumped back out in the middle of the road walking away from me and waited for the next car to come along. However, I was next and with the stock pipes the bike is pretty quiet and I was closing on them at the speed limit and there was no oncoming traffic my plan was to pass in the left lane so by the time they heard me they heard a very good blast of the horn just behind them. At that time one kid jumped for the ditch and the other one tried to run and couldn't, remember the crotch down to his knees, so he fell on his ass. As I passed I looked back in the mirror and they just looked stunned and couldn't quite figure out what hit them. That horn put a smile on my face all day. DT
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