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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. Bogus! [ame]http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2008/07/09/carroll.cellphone.popcorn.cnn[/ame]
  2. What others have said, and, I would add a tire repair kit and mini compressor. I have the Yamaha kit ( http://www.highlandsyamaha.com/pages/catalogs/detail/29/455/1031/5545/1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/atv-tubeless-tire-repair-kit.aspx ) but others are probably cheaper. The CO2 canisters are useless in my opinion so I added a Slime compressor. It is very small and I think it's available at Walmart. If not, here's a link: http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=125&manufacturer_ID=503&product_ID=16845&model_id=0 On our last 2 long trips we've had to plug a tire on each trip. Once one of mine and once someone else. I used to not carry water. Figured if I got thursty I would just pull in. We got stuck on the side of the road doing repairs on a friends bike in 90+ heat and I was sure thankful that someone had water with them. A bottle of water doesn't take up that much room. I keep an 8 oz bottle of water on the bike at all times. DT
  3. I had Onstar on my Tahoe for 4 years. About a month before I dropped it I locked my keys in the truck and in a few minutes Onstar had it unlocked. When they switched from analog to digital service they wanted me to prepay 2 years service in order to get a discount on converting my unit to digital but would give no refund if I sold the truck before the 2 years was used up. I dropped them. In retrospect that was a damned expensive door unlock. Dennis
  4. Here is a photo of my Zumo/GXM-30 set up. When travelling cross country I really like having the weather and traffic info available. Dennis
  5. Thanks for the info. Do you ever ride in cold weather, below 30 degrees? At low temps it feels like my bike never really warms to full operating temperature. Have you noticed that? Dennis
  6. Goose, Since you have the guage package and most of us don't, can you give us an idea of what the operating temperature range and oil pressure range is for these bikes? Just curious. Dennis
  7. Midrsv

    RV ?

    If you are thinking about a lift for the rear of a MH or 5th wheel you might look at this. I saw this while on a trip through Wyoming 3 years ago. That's a serious lift. Dennis
  8. They should show up in the "Extras" folder I believe. Dennis
  9. I don't expect it to get better. The bike is very well maintained and at 18,000 miles I would say it's broken in. I had an '04 that got the same mileage. I think the key factor is that I have a calibrated speedo/odometer. RSV's seem to be off by about 8%. Both of mine were. So if you are getting 42 mpg with an uncalibrated speedo you're really only getting a true 38.6 mpg. Another factor that hurts me is that I do a lot of city driving and in cold weather, mid 30's it's not uncommon for me to see 30 mpg. If i'm cruising country roads at less than 60 mpg I can get 40 mpg. If I'm on the interstate at 70+ never better than 35 mpg. This has been consistent with 60,000 combined miles on both bikes. Maybe it's just my riding style. I'm not complaining, it still beats my Tahoe. Dennis
  10. I've been keeping track of my mileage for the last 3000 miles or so using an application on my Iphone. With a speedohealer corrected odometer I've averaged 34.4 mpg over the last 3000 miles. Attached is a listing of all of my fill-ups. Some of them really suck. Dennis
  11. Thanks for the reminder. Done! Dennis
  12. I've been experimenting with the Harley Davidson site ride planner which can be found at this link. http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/Content/Pages/Ride_Planner/Ride_Planner.jsp?locale=en_US I think it is very good. I find it easier to build a route in the HD planner than Mapsource. Once you have the Garmin communicator installed you can have the planner automatically find your Garmin GPS and transfer the route to the unit. It may work with other GPS brands but Garmin is the only one I have tried. Give it a try. I like it. Dennis
  13. This trip was 13 days with 3 travel days each way from KY to Jackson Hole. Cameras were a mixed bag. While I shot my photos with a Canon 5D or G6, the images on the web site were a collection from everyone's camera. I tend to shoot more than everyone else so probably half of those were mine. Collectively I think we ended up with about 4000 images from that trip. Dennis
  14. Some of you seemed to enjoy my recent photos from Utah and I found time this weekend to upload a few photos from our 2007 trip to Yellowstone and Glacier National parks. This trip was with basically the same group and our wives flew in and out of Jackson Hole, WY. We made this trip in July of '07 and the Going to the Sun road had only been open for a week or so. We also rode Beartooth Highway from Red Lodge to Cooke City. Attached is our route out of Jackson Hole. The photos can be seen at: www.traynorphoto.com/Glacier/ Dennis
  15. Don't forget to load the Verturider.org member POI file. Dennis
  16. It's been a while since I looked at it but I think the csv files work. You will probably need to download the POI Loader from Garmin. Dennis
  17. Don, I have the Yamaha dealers along with all Kawasaki, Honda, and Harley dealers. If I have a flat I am not picky about where I find a tire. You can find the POI's at http://www.poi-factory.com/node/6216 Good Luck, Dennis
  18. Midrsv

    Biker dog

    One of my riding buddies stopped for a visit today with his dog. Had to share a photo. Dennis
  19. I've had good luck with www.buydig.com and they have it for $631.27 with free shipping. I've bought several cameras and my Zumo from them and I've never had a problem with them. Dennis
  20. The zumo 550 adds bluetooth phone capabilities and I'm not sure if the 450 plays mp3 music. For me the phone capability was worth it. Dennis
  21. My wife, er I mean Santa, brought me a set of chrome passenger floorboards. They sure do shine. Makes those stock boards look rather ugly. Here's a couple of photos. Dennis
  22. The radio receiver on one of my openers failed a few years ago. I bought a Genie generic reciever and transmistter and hooked to the opener and it worked great. I probably bought it at Lowes or Home Depot. You might try that. DT
  23. I received some new "safety" chrome passenger floorboards from my wife. I guess technically they are her's since she is the only one that will use them. DT
  24. It is a great group to ride with. Maybe a couple of people too many at times. But all are good friends. We had great weather on that trip. It was a little cool at Cedar Breaks NM, low 40's. And then when three of us rode into Bryce Canyon in the early morning it was in the 30's but by the time we got everyone else out of bed and on our way at 9:30 or so it had warmed to about 50. Dennis
  25. I believe that was highway 163 north of Mexican Hat. Dennis
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