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Everything posted by Midrsv

  1. Sorry, I would love to stop but we are going down US25 to near Augusta and then we'll pick up 78 to 64 to 21 on to Fripp. Dennis
  2. Sorry I just saw your reply. We are in Greenville now after a nice ride down US 25. We had a few sprinkles in southern KY but it cleared of nicely the further south we came. I managed to meet up with an uncle that I rarely get to visit and we had dinner. On to Fripp Island tomorrow. Dennis
  3. Thanks for advice, I'll remember that. DT
  4. We're heading out in the morning for the Charleston-Hilton Head-Savannah area. If you see a Blue/Black RSV or Black HD Ultra towing Unigo's give us a wave. We plan to follow US25 most of the way with a stop in Greenville, SC tomorrow night. Hope to stay dry but I doubt it. Dennis
  5. Since you're taking your GPS, go to the Harley ride planner and lay out your route and it will send it to your GPS. It is much easier than Mapsource or any other mapping programs that I have tried. http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/Content/Pages/Ride_Planner/Ride_Planner.jsp?locale=en_US Dennis
  6. Too bad I'm leaving on Thursday for SC. I would ride with you from Lexington to Somerset. I have family there I could visit. Anyway, once you get south of Columbus pick up 62 and follow it to Ripley. Then take 52 to Aberdeen and cross the river into Maysville. From Maysville take 68 through Paris where you will pick up 27 on into Lexington. All of the KY roads are good and the last time I rode those parts of Ohio I think they were too. 27 south to Somerset is a good ride too with several sections of it 4-lane. Have fun, sorry I missed you. Dennis
  7. I've just added this event to the calendar. It would be helpful if everyone could RSVP there. Thanks, Dennis
  8. Bob has proposed a very good route. After riding it you'll wonder what all the fuss about the "Dragon" is about. I've created the route on the Harley ride planner and it can be found at: http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?nologin=1&locale=en_US&bmLocale=en_US Just pick roads at the top and select rider submitted roads on the left and zoom up similar to the image shown below and look for the icon labeled "venturerider red river gorge loop" . Click on that and zoom it up to see real "twisties". For the last leg back to Lexington you might choose to ride the interstate in order to rest a bit. This is going to be good. Dennis
  9. You're right. I'm leaning toward riding on it but I just wanted to get a few more opinions because I am certainly no expert. We're not leaving until next Thursday so I am going to order a new tire tomorrow to get it here by Tuesday or so. I plan to ride through the weekend and watch it. If it doesn't show and problematic signs I'll go with it. If it does I'll switch it before I go. I'll need a new tire by fall anyway so I'll already have one ready. Dennis
  10. While adding Dyna Beads to my tires this evening I noticed a small cut in my front tire (after adding the beads). I'm leaving next week on a week long trip and I am debating on whether I need to change the tire before I go or not. The tire has less than 2,000 miles on it. The cut is about 1/2 the depth of the tread at the tread and then taper up to nothing at the other end. The cut is clean and there is nothing in it. Attached are a couple of photos of the tire to show the cut and the scale. I'm seeking other opinions. Would you ride on it or not? Dennis
  11. I just installed 2 oz in each tire tonight and I rode a couple of miles down the road. At 70 mph I pulled the clutch and let it coast and the bike was perfectly smooth. Initial impressions are that this is good modification. Dennis
  12. Fromt the table on the web site it appears that you would need to use 2 oz per wheel. Is that correct? I have a daler near me and I plan to install some this weekend. DT
  13. Sure, that is a good ride. I'll work up a map of that area and try to post it tomorrow. There have been some forest fires in that area this week. Dennis
  14. Joe, the Super 8 you are referring to is at exit 110 and not 113. Attached is a map of the intersection. Since everyone will be at that hotel I have modified my proposed route for Saturday to make a big loop around Lexington through some very pretty horse farm areas. The total route is about 125 miles and is a very easy ride. A section of the ride is Pisgah Pike and is noted as a scenic byway. http://www.byways.org/explore/byways/2131/ At the intersection of Pisgah and US60 there is the Castle which has a long history of being a vacant shell of an unfinished castle. It has recently been completed and is now a tourist home. http://www.thecastlepost.com/ Maybe you would like to stay there! A little further along on our way to Shakertown (http://www.shakervillageky.org/) we will ride along the KY River Palisades. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_River_Palisades From there on to Burgin and the Kickstand, http://www.thekickstandllc.com/. From Burgin we'll make our way to Valley View for a ferry crossing, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_View_Ferry From there we'll just cruise some nice country roads through Madison county as we make our way back to your hotel. I'll work with Bob to come up with something for Sunday. If you have something specific you would like to see let us know. Dennis
  15. Can they be put in with the wheel on the bike or does it have to be removed and place horizontally? DT
  16. I was told by a local shop that you couldn't use the beads in a wheel that had a 90 degree valvle stem like our rears. Is that true? I couldn't see what difference it would make. I am seriously thinking about trying them. DT
  17. I did a Travelocity search of hotels around exit 110 on I-75. That location would be convenient to restaurants and shopping areas and it's close to some nice riding areas. There is a Cracker Barrel and Bob Evans at that exit also. Attached are the results of my search.
  18. The only local camping I am aware of is at the KY Horse Park and I am sure they will be quite busy that weekend. Dennis
  19. Looks good Curt. I think it documents the day very well. DT
  20. After talking with Freezyrider yesterday at the M&E I decided we should start doing a little planning. Assuming everyone comes in on Friday evening I would propose we meet for breakfast on Saturday morning and then start off on a ride around central KY. The ride I would like to propose would take us south of Lexington along the KY river palisades to Shakertown which is a historic Shaker village with very beautiful grounds. From there we would continue through Burgin with a stop at the Kickstand, a very nice motorcycle accessory shop, and there we could have refreshements or lunch across the street at the Burgin Diner. Definetly not a fancy place to eat but the food is good. From there we could continue riding along some nice country roads and make our way to the Valley View ferry for a ferry ride for our 3rd crossing of the KY river. We would then continue on toward Richmond and I am sure we would have to make a stop at the DQ. Then we would follow US 25 back to Lexington and cross the river for the 4th time for the day. This route would probably take 4 to 6 hours depending on how long we take at stops. I have created a route on the Harley Davidson ride planner site and you can see it by going to: http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?nologin=1&locale=en_US&bmLocale=en_US Once on the page select "roads" at the top of the page and select the "show rider submitted roads" box on the left side of the page. Then zoom the map in on an area showing south Lexingtion and maybe Nicholasville. You should see several blocks show up that if you hover the mouse over them you will see a ride name. You should find one labeled "Venturerider.org ride". Once you select it you will see the mapped route and you can zoom in and manipulate it. See the attached screen shot. This should leave some time in the afternoon for some cruising though the horse farm country. On Sunday we could plan more rides through the farm country or maybe a ride to Natural Bridge, Red River Gorge and Nada tunnel. These are just a few suggestions and I would be happy to lead these rides or rides to any other areas you would like to visit. Dennis
  21. Good choice. I like that color combination. Here's wishing you many safe and happy miles on it. Welcome to the group. Dennis
  22. We plan to arrive on Fripp on Friday 5/8. Our plan it to take day trips to Charleston, Savannah and surrounding areas. So we'll actually spend very little time on the island. We don't plan to buy activity cards so we won't be able to eat at island restaurants. On Saturday the 9th we plan to go to Charleston so my wife can visit some kraft market ane we'll spend the day there sightseeing. There is going to be 5 or 7 of us on 3 or 5 bikes. DT
  23. Yes, we'll be on the bike(s). Five of them. Dennis
  24. That is a good story and it is a testment to your character as well for making the effort to properly acknowledge their kindness. Well done! DT
  25. We are planning to visit SC in a few weeks and want to visit Charleston and Savannah. Instead of staying in hotels we have found a reasonably priced house on Fripp Island which appears to be centrally located between the two cities. Does anyone know anything about Fripp Island? From the web it appears that the island is quite restrictive. It's about 80 miles from Charleston and 65 from Savannah. How long will it take to travel to those cities? I've got to pay for the reservation in the next couple of days if we decide to stay there. Thanks, Dennis
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