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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. Wizard765


    The Nuvi 550 from Garmin is very versatile. It is waterproof and can be used on the bike or in a car or in a boat or even hiking.. Sunlight readable as well. It does not have Bluetooth but you apparently are not looking for that. Garmin's screens are very easy to read and figure out what is coming up next. Wayne
  2. AWWWWW... Bob that is too bad.. I think you're gonna miss a good one... Wayne
  3. Carl: I can do Wednesday night... How's that for you Phil?? Wayne
  4. It's too bad you are gonna miss Sunday... but I'm up for a ride tonight. Not sure about Carl because I THINK he has some sort of meeting or something.... I'm gonna check with him to be sure... What time can you get away?? Anyone else want to come along? Wayne
  5. Dogman: Is this "Mechanic" doing it for free? That seems like a long time to wait to get a tire fixed. Why not remove the front wheel yourself and take it in to a local shop to get fixed? Did you want some help with that? Wayne
  6. This is shaping up to be a GREAT day!! Looking forward to hanging out with you guys n gals and getting in some good riding with an ice cream stop or two. Hey BIG TOM.. when are you gonna get your passport?? So far the long term forcast is looking good too... Wayne
  7. 2nd weekend in June looks good to me as well. Usually June is fairly dry. It gives us a small break between Marcarls Venture Inn and MD.. I can then to both.. Wayne
  8. Let's assume for the moment that the weather is going to co-operate. That being the case we are intending to ride. Leaving Caledonia at 9:00AM and having a leisurely ride along the Grand River followed by some more kinda slow and lazy roads following Lake Erie shoreline where we will get to see a cool optical illusion then off to Ft Erie and follow the Niagara river to Niagara on the Lake. Then back to Caledonia through Caister etc.... The Count (Steve and Michele) are coming along with Robin and I. All are welcome to join us. We should be back by dinner time but I'm not gonna PROMISE that.... It IS going to be a relaxing ride with some stops. Wayne
  9. I am curious about this unit as well. It seems to have most of the features I'm looking for BUT does it have a microphone input? Could it be connected using BuddyRich cable to the bike for hands free calling? Wayne
  10. Awsome!! I can imagine the amount of time this took.. Thanks for doing that. Wayne
  11. I have mine on all the time. The main purpose is to be seen. I wired them with a relay and a marine toggle switch. I can turn them off when in a group at night. If I remember I usually turn them off so the the bike starts better when warm.
  12. I have the lights in the caliper cover on the front brakes as well as a chrome "bumper" on the rear of the bike. I changed all the lights to LEDs. They are brighter and draw next to nothing. Got them at Superbright LED... I also have highway lights that I got from Wallmart. They are small Platinum Burners that came with 55 watt bulbs. I changed them to 35 watt bulbs that I got at Lowes. Burners were $16 and bulbs were $6 each. I have no problem with charging and I feel the bike is well lit up. Wireing the running lights I ran a fused power cable from the battery and used relays then tied into the running light, brake light and signal etc to enable the relays. No drain on the system and all power comes directly from the battery. I also used a relay for the highway lights with a switch but also tied into the ignition so the lights go off even if I forget to switch them off (which I did a few time before I changed to that system). Everything is working awsome and the way it was planned. Not hard to do but takes a little time. Wayne
  13. I got mine at a music instrument store (Lakeshore Music in Burlington) It is sheilded and BLACK :-) Wayne
  14. This has also been an interesting topic for me due to the changes in the law taking effect in October here in Ontario. I have been looking at a lot of units and reading the reviews. As a result I just ordered a unit from Parrot (minikit) that is portable and somewhat similar to the Motorola unit. The cost from Amazon.com was $56.00 with shipping. It has an internal memory for voice dialing and is true hands free. Even for dialing and hanging up etc. It may take a little longer to set up. Names and numbers can be uploaded to it from your phone's address book. They claim it will use your address book directly but the accuracy is better if you set it up on the unit itself. Parrot apparently has developed an excellent noise reduction system and the reviews say it works well even with windows open or even in a CONVERTABLE.... hmmm.. I'll post more comments when it gets here... Wayne
  15. Ok enough with the whining.. I get the hint.. Here are some of the pictures so ya'll can get the idea... enjoy.. Wayne
  16. Ok for those of you that didn't come.... We had a GREAT day!! We rode hockley valley, Beaver Valley, Airport Rd. excellent lunch at a scottish pub in Thornbury. Topped Blue Mountain.. Shared time with some awsome people and topped it off with an amazing dinner at the Pioneer BBQ in Kitchener.. Wow!!! Even the weather could not be beat... I don't get much better.. only thing better would be if those that could have come did.... Wayne
  17. The meeting place is the Tim Hortons in mono mills. That is Airport Rd. and Hwy 9 just east of Orangeville.
  18. I'm thinking that if your phone has a jack for an external headset and mic then the BuddyRich cable might work. It allows the mic and sounds from a zumo to be pumped through the system so it should also work for a phone as long as the phone has the input and outputs... Wayne
  19. an excited BUMP.... looking forward to this ride.. come and join us...
  20. I was able to find a set of chrome helmet holder studs that fit those holes. I really like the ability to just hang my helmet there and not have to worry about it falling off etc. BUT I cannot locate the left hand thread version any more (a friend wants a set). You can still get the right hand thread anywhere and they also fit early model Goldwings. Would like to know if there are any left hand versions available anywhere. Anyhow they fill the hole and have a practical use. I was still able to get the chrome cover on as well. Wayne
  21. Jopie: That is an AWSOME idea!! We will be leaving our house at 7 am and will have a few bikes with us... Gonna be a GRRRRRRREAT Day!!! Really looking forward to seeing you guys again and finally getting to ride with you. I take it you are feeling somewhat better... Wayne
  22. Hey Dave: They look GREAT.. You could have come for the Tuesday night ride :nanner:and I could have HEARD them as well... Are you going to make the Labour day ride? Wayne
  23. The model number of the Odyssey for the 1st gen is PC-680. I paid $150 for it.
  24. Hey Carl: I'd like to see that route.. could you send it to me? Wayne
  25. I bought my Odyssey battery in Hamilton on Parkdale Ave. It made a big difference for me. Some people have changed to a starter from a Vmax. Wayne
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