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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. Now THAT is FUNNy!!!!
  2. I don't get it.. Why would the insurance company be doing this and not the police? How does the insurance company even have the authority to do this?
  3. Canadian Tire here in Caledonia has it now too. Large supply as well as some of the other products from seafoam like deep creep. But $11.75 which I think is expensive.
  4. I got a few chuckles out of this one.. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqazJcj2jgA&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Funny Talking Animal Voiceovers BBC[/ame]
  5. Holy Cow!!!! INSANE!!!
  6. Hey look!! There's some color in them there greenbacks...
  7. plastex is amazing stuff and will rebuild the tab for you including the threads.. Works like a charm.
  8. Do they make ritalin for dogs?
  9. Annie: I'm guessing you don't see snow even in your winter. If you do it is for a few moments and don't stick around. Now I actually like the change in seasons. Not that I like to shovel snow but it makes me appreciate the good days more. Also gives me a reason to tear the scoot down. I'm not riding for 4 months anyhow. For 10 years my wife and I spent every winter on a snowmobile. It was fun but getting very expensive for the few weeks that the trails were open. This year is looking better than we've had for a long time for that pastime. Wayne
  10. You cna get a compatability converter from Microsoft for free here.... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=cf196df0-70e5-4595-8a98-370278f40c57&DisplayLang=en This will enable you to open the new format in your version. Both Word and Excel etc.
  11. This is AWSOME!! Looks like you are going to have a GREAT time and see lots. It's impossible to see everything but seeing lots and having some downtime every once in awhile to just chill and get to know a few people can be amazing. Looking forward to meeting you guys in person. Since I'm just down the road from Carl and Marca we will be seeing you early in the trip. Wayne
  12. Is VENTURINN a word?
  13. Hey Charlie: I'm actually going to be in your back yard for a couple of days. Field to be exact. Wayne
  14. I'll take the headsets Charlie.. Just let me know how much the shipping is...
  15. Hey Ben: To get the free coffee you had to pick them up in person. We got ours as well..(even way up here in the GREAT WHITE NORTH...) Thanks Don they are awsome.. Wayne
  16. Turn on your sound.. I thought this was very funny.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3iFhLdWjqc&hd=1]YouTube - Cats Playing Patty-cake, what they were saying...[/ame]
  17. The C550 is very thick. It has a humped back on it and I doubt that it would fit in an aqua box. Evan is using a C550 and really likes it. He just removes it when it rains but I believe if you needed it on a trip while raining you could just bag it. I believe Mother has one as well. They can be wired so that you can hear the instructions through your speakers.
  18. Happy Birthday Lonna... Hope it's an AWSOME one!!
  19. The StreetPilot C550 according to the Garmin site is not waterproof. A baggie will take care of that in the event of rain. Ram makes mounts for that unit. http://www.ram-mount.com/SearchResults/tabid/38/searchBy/WizardResults/criteria/ignored/Default.aspx GPS City may have them a few $ less.
  20. I don't know if you have a GPS now but if you do why not just put the North American maps on it for your trip. If you don't have one... why not get a decent one (mototcycle specific with daylight readable screen) for the trip and take it home when done and put the Australian maps on it?
  21. If the unit is going to be mostly for traveling and not a replacement for an everyday computer then a netbook is an excellent choice. Some of them have solid state hard drives which means they would stand up to much more abuse (bumps, vibration, drops etc). That would be my choice if I was buying for travel purposes but after saying that I have a Macbook 13" and take that with me whenever we travel. I made a pouch out of bubble wrap to help shield it. It fits fine in my trunk and I have a mkI which has a very small trunk.
  22. That would be a very popular item and should be available at any electronics store or anywhere that sells audio stuff. Even Wally world should have it.
  23. Just throw a tarp over what you have now.. It'll work fine..
  24. Bob is right. The first set was aluminum and was done with a lot of help from Bongobob at his place. The set that is on there now is stainless and I didn most of it myself with some help installing them from Marcarl. The brackets are easy to make up. They are necessary because the original passenger pegs have a bracket that holds the exhaust. This whole bracket is replaced when you change to the MarkII floor boards. In my opinion worth it.
  25. Robin and I will be praying for you. Where 2 or more are together Jesus will be there.
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