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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. The bulbs that the platinum burners from Walmart take are called MR16 and come in a variety of wattages. 35 actually seems to be very popular. It is a complete unit with reflector, bulb and glass face. Not just a separate bulb. http://www.lightbulbsdirect.com/page/001/CTGY/MR16-35W12V This link is an example but they are available all over the place including Home Depot and Lowes. I have mine mounted on Squidley's brackets and really like them. They are wired with a relay AND a switch to the aux so that they go off with the key. Usually I just leave the switch on and they then come on with the bike.
  2. Actually the bulbs for those are available at Lowes and Home Depot for around $8 and come in 35 watt. They are a complete sealed unit. I have the same lights on my 84 with the 35 watt bulbs. I think they put out lots of light and are easily seen from oncoming traffic.
  3. Got a HF 20% off coupon in email today..
  4. Wow: Robin and I are praying for 100% recovery. You are one of God's children. He WILL take care of you .. I'm so glad to see him smiling.. and hearing that he is looking forward..
  5. I believe the Elite II has been out of production for awhile. You may be getting tires that are past their service life... The IIs have been replaced with IIIs. A lot of people here really like the elite III tires including me.
  6. I'm thinking tires as well. If not new then maybe they are cupped
  7. I smell a Meet n Eat
  8. This is exactly what I did. All the running lights on the bumper have been changed to LEDs and I also rewired it so that some were running, brakes and signal.. My bumper has 22 bulbs in it all together. I also changed the 50 watt hwy lights to a smaller wattage but I found going to 35 was perfect and still gives me very good light coverage at night and makes be easier to see during the day. I run those lights all the time.. Your amp is what I don't have but I do have heated jacket for my missus and everything can be on without a problem as long as I'm moving..
  9. Thanks Jim: I have a best of album with that song on it. I can rip an MP3 and send it to original poster if he pm's me his email address.. Wayne
  10. The audio from that clip isn't from the movie. It sounds very much like something from Dire Straits but I can't put my finger on it.. If you like that tune you might like Telegraph Road by Dire Straits. It's fairly long.. give it some time to get into the instrumental part.. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd3btVhwr48]Dire Straits - Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]
  11. Nice Evan: Looks good.. Hmmmmmm
  12. Actually I need a complete set. the inner tubes on the bike are pitted or damaged in the area that goes past the seals. One of the outer tubes it looks like someone tried to drill out the bolt at the bottom and slipped off so there is a hole in the area that it seals.. Carl came up with some "O" rings and it appears to be holding at the moment but not sure for how long etc..
  13. Hi All you guys with parts bikes... I was wondering if anyone has a set of forks for a MKII they would be willing to part with? Got a project to work on...
  14. Congratulations Bob.. Looks good on ya. Hope you get to do some sight seeing now.. Enjoy!!!
  15. We just did a set on an 86 tonight. Was not a bad job. Took a few hours and we didn't need any special tools. Used an air gun to get the bottom bolt out and a broom handle to hold it in place to put it back together. Forks came out easy. All in all worth doing yourself. Like Rocket said.. buy the OEM seals. Usually a couple of dollars more but they work.
  16. it is most likely the switch at the stand. You may need to take it apart and clean it. Be sure the connections are good as well.
  17. I don't have an answer for you but you are talking about a 1st gen so the previous post isn't going to be a help. Hopefully someone will chime in with an answer soon. BUT you may be onto something with the bearing. There should be no whine at all. At around 3000 rpm you may hear what appears to be a bag of crickets..
  18. Ok.. you can download it from the previous posts location. You might want to reboot into safe mode with networking. If you do you can "restore" your computer to an earlier time (say the day before you got infected) then reboot into safe mode with networking again. Download and install antimalware and do a full scan. If you restored to an earlier time your virus may not be running so it will be easier for the program to get rid of it. To get into safe mode you start the computer from scratch and tap on the F8 key till you get a black screen with text. Curser to the "safe mode with networking" line and hit enter key.
  19. If this is for your 86. The antenna goes on the right side if you are sitting on the bike. There should be a bar coming out of the rack that holds the trunk. I don't believe there is a mounting plate on the left side. On the 1st gens the CB antenna is used for both CB and for Radio.
  20. By going to an earlier date you have stopped it from running. But the infected file is still somewhere on your system. Download Malwarebyte's Antimalware (the free version) and do a full scan. That SHOULD find and remove the offending file. When you start it for the first time it will ask if you want to try the pro(paid) version but you can decline at that point. The free on works a charm.
  21. I just seen this.. Not good news to be hearing first thing.. Anyhow Robin and I are praying for a fast recovery and for answers.. Please make sure she KNOWS that we are all here for her...
  22. If you are in Canada the stock filters are available at Canadian Tire and they come with both "O" rings.
  23. the weather looks to be cooperating as well.. Robin and I will be there. Is Marca feeling better this week?
  24. I'm still in for a YES.. looks good and not as easy to make as it looks...
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