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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. Miles: If you are ever ANYWHERE in Southern Ontario.. Let me know.. Would very much like to meet you. Wayne
  2. the 765t is an excellent unit for the dollars. A lot of the same features as the zumo just not waterproof. Even does routes etc.. good choice and in a great price range
  3. yer welcome... was a nice visit and a nice dinner.. Thanks Bob for all you do..
  4. in Ontario and I believe anywhere in Canada it is required..
  5. Yes.. I've done it both ways and keeping a large group together can be challenging to say the least. Especially if going through towns or a lot of turns at busy intersections. It's totally cool though on a large stretch of road to see a long line of bikes.. say on a lazy sweep..
  6. Way to go Don.. Sounds like a GREAT day.. Did you stay as one large group or break up into smaller groups for the ride?
  7. I'm using isogrips from Kuryakin and really like them.
  8. Are you looking for the base (has the speaker grill in it) or the part that pops out with a key and has the Cassette and radio in it?
  9. This is a tale of two Ventures... I'm helping a friend with and 88 VR that has really really bad front end plastic.. it's all held together with duct tape and wire.. Very Very UGLY... Anyhow he has an 83/84 parts bike almost the same color and the plastic is in pretty good shape so we are swapping the fairing etc over.. The rest of the 83 will be parted out.. So far it is looking way better but we need 1 (one) part still.. Upper right fairing cover. The one that holds the CB and CLASS controller.... Anybody have one they are willing to part with... PLEASE .. Pretty Please???
  10. Holy Cow.. If he keeps on cleaning ..... We'll never catch him
  11. Steve: Even though your not asking.. Robin and I will be praying for you and your family.. God Bless.
  12. Carl Carl Carl....... I too am very happy to hear that YOU are OK. Now the challenge will be to get her back looking pretty.. Maybe some wonderful soul on here will have a couple of left side crash bars that would get part of the job done.. The big problem is gonna be the road rash on the fairing.. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.. Oh and BTW. My scoot will start and go into gear and move right along with the side stand down. It also shows on the dash that it is down. So something is not right on mine either. So far I've been lucky because the couple of times that I left it down it was forced up AS I was leaving.. Just a little shocking at that point..
  13. This sounds AWESOME.. I'm in...
  14. Hey Rhonda: Somehow I missed this one. I hope you had an AWESOME Birthday.
  15. YAHOO!! Congrats on the new toy.. But we would really like to see a picture of YOUR bike..
  16. Does the speedo work properly. Does it get jittery? If the speedo gearbox needs lube it will make a racket especially when cold.
  17. 85 was the last year of the Mk1 so 86 is the first year of the Mk2
  18. You can get the hitch from Carbon One on this site and installation is very easy. There is no way I'd give a stealer $475 to do this ...
  19. Sounds like a good deal to me.. Low miles and some of the safety chrome already on her..
  20. I'm in I'm In I'm IN when are we going ? huh huh huh?
  21. I've been watching Carl work on this 86 he picked up so thought I'd share a few photos of his progress.. Must say it looks real good compaired to what it looked like when it showed up...
  22. a rubber "O" ring will also stop it from sliding. Most flag poles come with "O" rings for that purpose..
  23. I am pretty sure that if I was strapped into that thing I'd puke...
  24. Happy Birthday Don. Hope you and your family have an AMAZING day. God Bless You and Yours..
  25. You know I can actually picture him saying something exactly like that.... Would not surprise me at all if this was actually a true account.. Don is and always has been a say like he sees it kind a guy...
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