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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. Here is a set new on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Saddlebag-Guard-Rails-for-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Tour-Deluxe-/171271089168?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27e08d6c10&vxp=mtr
  2. We spent 2 weeks this past summer on the east coast. Did not make it over to New Foundland but did spent time in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The Cabot Trail is a MUST. If fact if time permits it would be good to do it twice. Once in each direction. The Hopewell Rocks are worth seeing and we also spent time in the area around Peggy's Cove.. All in all it was a GREAT trip.
  3. Welcome Back Jopi.. Hope to run into you some time soon
  4. http://www.rjrcooltools.com/vessel.cfm There are impact bits on this site
  5. Skydoc_17 is still doing it.. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3878&title=first-gens-sbrake-line-delink-kit-now-with-s-sclutch-line-21&cat=22 Great kit and fits perfect
  6. I bought a few of these Vessel screw drivers and really like them.. Now my go to when I reach into the tool box.. Love the way they grip the screws and the feel of the handle and the knurled shaft.. They also have a set that fits small cordless impact gun. http://www.rjrcooltools.com/shop_item_detail.cfm?subcat_ID=65
  7. I have watched (helped) Marcarl replace seals many times and just did mine on an 87 last week. We always take the forks out and then after dumping out the spring and spacer etc. Put them in a vice by the bolt holes.. Then using an air impact gun and a broom handle stuck down the fork with a little pressure we remove the Allen bolt from the bottom. Then the dust seal and then a clip. After that a quick yank usually has the whole thing apart. When reassembling we stretch a little electrical tape over the small groove in the upper shaft so that it won't hurt the new seal. This time doing mine we didn't use the air gun on the first one (maybe got lazy) and tried a small battery impact.. didn't work so we had to scrounge around and make a tool to hold piece in the bottom of the fork to get that bolt out. So bottom line is EVERY time we used the air gun it worked without any special tools... other than a broom handle :-) Oh almost forgot. a small length of ABS pipe that just fits over the upper tube is a great SPECIAL tool for seating the new seal..
  8. You're RIGHT!!! I do LOVE M&Ms
  9. That is AMAZING!! Never would have thought of that.. Thanks
  10. So the short form for the Millennium Edition is RSV MM or seems to be but shouldn't it be ME for Millennium Edition? What does MM stand for? Any takers?
  11. Yup Looks GREAT!!! I believe you WILL have interest...
  12. Happy Birthday Don!!!!! I hope you and yours are doing well and you will have a GREAT day!!
  13. Aliens from Tau Ceti entered out solar system yesterday.. Dan has been picking up their signal on his left back filling and listening in has determined that they should be in our vicinity by Monday.. Looking forward to the hoopla..
  14. Those are the same sets I am using. They are perfectly fine for talking. Maybe not as good as more expensive units for music but like you I'm using mine for communications. Talking to my navigator and talking on the CB to others in a group ride. Almost never listen to music so they are fine. The standard 5 pin is what the Ventures have, both 1st and 2nd Gens.
  15. Me too
  16. given the funding I'd have one in a minute.. looks like a blast.
  17. Carl has been doing his Venture Inn for many years now and it's ALWAYS a great time. We have yet to be rained out and so far it's always been very nice weather except one year it was cooler and windy. Yep only a few hours from the boarder.. For those of you south of the boarder it just means getting a passport or enhanced drivers license if you don't have one.
  18. Robin and I had the pleasure of spending an evening with Bob n Becky while they were this side of the boarder.. Was a great evening swapping li*** err stories and having a good meal.. Nice room by the way.. hope you guys took advantage of that tub.
  19. Don: We all know that this was a difficult decision and that you would not make it lightly. We hope you know that you have a lot of people here that are concerned and praying for you and your family. If you need anything let us know. My wife and I are and will be praying that whatever is going on in your life that God will be involved. Bless you Wayne
  20. Hope it was a GREAT one!!!
  21. Right now it's -6F (-21C) here in Southern Ontario.. It's been the coldest winter in a very long time.. Didn't even get the usual January thaw.. When it gets this cold driving gets a little tricky. Salt is almost ineffective.
  22. You know you're getting old when.... You CAN'T trust a fart.. That was my favourite line from "The Bucket List"
  23. In Internet explorer you can do a reset which should take care of it. Go to "tools" then "Internet Options" In the new window that comes up go to the last tab and near the bottom is a button to "reset" When I do that the next screen has a check to remove personal data. It would mean that you would have to put in your username and passwords again anywhere that you have them saved. I usually do that as well.
  24. Hey Bob: This is GREAT news.. Congrats on the finances and I hope you guys totally enjoy the celebratory trip.. Gonna try surfing? Renting a bike a going up the mountain would be very cool..
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