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Everything posted by Wizard765

  1. I got an email yesterday from Mr Frank.. apparently he's sent me numerous emails that I have failed to respond to. I had a relative pass away and I'm the sole heir of 6.2M USD and its sitting in their bank All I have to do is contact Mr Frank at his private email address.. fjoran5635tg@gmail.com just in case any of you want to follow up on this :-)
  2. Yup I'm still around. Still have the Millennium Venture but due to a move and other things coming up it's still stored in a friends barn.. Hope to make up for that next year. Really miss my therapy.. Check in here regularly but don't post much.. Love this bunch.. Thanks Don for all you do ..
  3. Home Hardware carries the same stuff called Plastex in smaller quantities and would work perfectly for your repair....
  4. A good friend of mine was on a dream trip. He left Hamilton Ontario to head to he West Coast to meet with family members and put his father's ashes to rest. Riding across the country had been a dream for a long time.. Fat boys are not the best touring bikes so he was taking his time with not a lot of really long days.. Anyhow on Facebook he was sharing his journey and his thoughts. Being a stroke survivor that was not suppose to live this was a major undertaking.. Once the event was finished he had three choices.. Sell the bike, ship the bike or ride the bike home.. After enjoying the ride out so much it was an easy decision to ride her home.. Unfortunately he didn't make it home.. Not far from Sault Saint Marie he rear ended an SUV and died in the hospital.. He will be missed. At this time we have no other information. This happened at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Prayers for his family would be appreciated..
  5. I have that exact same Venture and it is rock solid dependable as well as comfortable.. like a lazy boy on wheels.. I have a friend with a GL1500 that I have ridden a few times.. couldn't wait to get back on my Venture.. both I believe are dependable. He has very little trouble with it. His major issue was the stator and he wound up installing an alternator.. In my opinion both good bikes but the Venture is way more comfortable and looks like a bike.. Mine has 210,000 kms and runs perfect.
  6. I will be talking to my friend Jesus for you Bob.. He's an AMAZING Healer..
  7. In our area we have a few ISPs that are offering decent prices on high speed internet AND streaming TV through a thing called V-Media which is built into the Roku. Great selection of channels and in our case all our local stations are being streamed as well.. lots of them in HD.. works a charm. Have a look at the V-Media website and see the channel lineup..
  8. I have a DJI Mavic Pro.. it is AMAZING. I'd say because of how smart it is and the GPS etc anyone can fly this thing.. If you let go of the sticks it hovers in place (up to 25 MPH winds) until you decide what you want to do.. lots of auto features like following someone or circling a point etc.. 4K Video and 12 MP stills.. Use your phone or a tablet (I use an ipad mini) as a screen. It folds up small enough to carry in my saddlebag. The flight time is about 25 minutes per charge and the battery just snaps in so I have 3 and can go out for an hour of flying.. The range in an unobstructed area is 7 Kilometers (5 Miles). absolutely love this thing.. Oh and I can go UP 500 meters. (a little over 1500 feet) I can post a few pics if anyone wants to see
  9. Here is a link to one https://www.bricelam.net/ImageResizer/
  10. I've got a small power tool that attaches to windows explorer. It makes resizing a snap. All you do is find the picture or pictures you want to resize. Highlight them and right click and choose resize. It makes a copy pretty much any size you want and labels it. If there is a way for me to share that tool I will gladly do that..
  11. Just curious how you hooked up the outside lighted ring on these lights?
  12. The red one is a MKII so has to be 86 or newer and the bags are not transferable.. The 85 had the same side bags and the larger top trunk otherwise the same as 84
  13. We have a trillium. Wash it well scrub with a white scrubby (Green is too harsh) and Bar keepers friend. Hardware store carries this. I like the powder. five or six very thin coats of Zep wet look floor finish. Stuff goes on like water. We used microfibre cloths. Dipped and almost rung out. Start on one corner or roof and go around and over to where you started. Then keep going. It will look like new and last for years. If you want you can add a coat every 2 or 3 years. Buy it at Lowes or Home Depot Ours was nasty. Even had moss on the Roof. Very chalky. Now looks like new.
  14. I organize by year first so in pictures I have 2002, 2003, 2004 etc then inside those folders I use either the dates or the event if it's big enough like trips or weddings etc. Then I backup the years to DvDs. This way come January i only have one year to back up. When I started doing that it was CDs but after a couple of years and my wife getting into photography it turned into DvDs quickly.. I got my first digital camera in 02 so that is where I started.. BUT recently acquired a slide scanner so now i go back to 1979..
  15. You are right. They are both fibreglass small campers.. There are numerous ones out there and it all started as a fibreglass septic tank that turned into a boler. They were the first in around the beginning of the 70s (first one built was in 1967). We have a Trillium which was built in 1980. There is quite the online gathering for these little trailers. This year is the 50th anniversary and a large gathering is planned near Winnipeg. We really love our little Egg.. Casita and Scamp are somewhat newer and there are others like Bigfoot and Uhaul and Burro.
  16. That one has the stock headlight and the passing lights are the ones with the halo which is what I'm finding all the time. what I'm looking for is the ones without the halo.. I'm also reading that in some cases you can get an adapter to mount the headlight and if not then there is some cutting involved to get it into the stock bucket..
  17. https://www.ebay.ca/i/332578406323?ul_noapp=true that is the black set
  18. so I'm seeing a lot of daymakers on eBay for the venture. They come with a bracket to mount them.. BUT all the ones I'm seeing have a halo ring around the outside and on the highway lights they are amber.. I really don't like the halo so does anyone know of a source without the halo? Price ranges from $115 to over $200.. I did see a black set that looked like what I wanted and black might even look good on my Millennium. Anyhooooo anyone?
  19. this is terrible news.. shocked.. We are and will continue to pray for his family..
  20. They appear to be made by Philips and if that is true then they are probably very good.. Philips has a good rep and they are offering a 5 year warranty..I think a good deal
  21. Congrats!!! so cannot find anywhere in here WHO the parents are? You have more than one daughter if I recall..
  22. That was an AMAZING rally.. Had a fantastic time and the area had no bad roads.. Thanks Bob for the memories
  23. More like a raspberry.
  24. I think you could make some out of an old inner tube.. I keep an old bicycle inner tube for that purpose..
  25. I like it!!
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