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Trust The Road

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Mark Mitchell


  • Location
    Oakland, FL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2013 Yamaha RSV S

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  1. Hi, does anyone have any photos of an RSV with a Velorex sidecar mounted? Thinking about doing a sidecar, getting up there, and the best trike conversions are pretty dear. Doing a used sidecar will be better, budget wise... Photos, advice, Please share? Thanks,
  2. Found this on Amazon recently, about $22, free shipping, it arrived in 3-4 days as indicated. I had read the reviews before purchasing, so was hoping it would work. Was pleasantly surprised to find that it does work, rather well. Three operational tips to success: 1- do peel the little clear vinyl protector off the tape head of the cassette before using, 2- do keep the volume on the bluetooth unit sending the music down low, let the RSV sound controls crank it up for you, and 3- pair after starting the bike for best experience. The bluetooth cassette pairs easily to my old phone, and the unit is powered by the cassette player, so there is only the problem of keeping the phone / mp3 player charged while riding. The older DROID 2 smartphone I have is now an excellent mp3 player, and no more wire to the mp3 jack in the dash behind the cassette door flap.
  3. Cassettes can be had at thrift shops, Goodwill stores usually have some... and there are old vinyl record shops still in the world, those guys usually carry cassettes too. Saw a mention in the thread about a cassette mp3 player, I bought one and was unhappy with it. Made only in China and accepts a sd card, looks good. But once inserted and playing in the bike, the sound quality is very bad. Part of it is the effect you get when you have the sound on your mp3 player too high and the volume on the player off, you get bad output.... but running the cassette mp3 player down and adjusting volume on the bike, still a terrible output. Luckily the cassette mp3 player was dirt cheap......
  4. 2013 RSV, just hitting 8,000 miles. LOVE THE BIKE. Last few rides noticed small amount of coolant leaking out under the cover of cylinder #4, right front. The coolant only appeared after extended idle in the Florida heat, traffic jam start / stop slow movement situations, though the bike never overheated or displayed any symptom of overheating. Dealer says the cylinder drain plugs need replaced, and the bike needs kept overnight for the glue to properly dry. Does that sound correct? Thanks!
  5. I ordered a set of saddlebag lid covers, and had a special customization request. Nanci kindly and patiently coordinated my request with her business associate, Jill, at Sheep Mountain Embroidery. The covers came out great! Thanks!
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