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  • Location
    springfield, MO, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    96 royal star
  1. so changed out my throttle cables took the scoot for a ride.. next day took off and speedometer and odometer not working.. so I let off of the throttle and up it goes.. when I apply throttle down it goes.. letting off and again back up. If I get completly off the throttle we see acurate speed.. after possibly 10 miles.. it will start working correctly. ever heard this before?
  2. Good day team, I am looking for a foot peg for the 96 Royal Star my right side cover seems to have disapeared. the skinny chrome bar is still there but the nice ovesized peg (cover?) seems to be missing. My wife said it was there when we started the ride but after a full day of riding and a few stops when we got to the hotel .. gone.. Ghost maybe? If you have one and would like to part with it please let me know.
  3. 94,400 at Feb 3rd, now 96,020 whoo hoo!
  4. Awesome! thats great to know .. anyone have some they would like to get rid of? or a good (cheap) place I could find some?
  5. thanks, guess I just have to stay with the pegs.
  6. thanks! UR a God Send
  7. HGWT get first choice but I need a set of passenger boards and brackets for a 96 Royal Star,
  8. I have a 96 Royal Star and am in need of Passenger floor boards.. My wife gets pretty serious cramps with the pegs. Anyone want to get rid of some?
  9. also .. "embarrased" where would I put the clutch fluid in?
  10. where do I check the clutch fluid.. thought it was the same as the oil I am not "mechanically inclined" I just go my 96RS Classic (not venture) and am trying to learn as I go.. Have rode a lot of bikes over the years but this is the first Big Bike for me. Replaced rear caliper as it was worn through.. eeks that was high.. now my throttle cables have broke.. Changed the oil as soon as I got the bike.. it was black.. really black.. flushed the brake fluid when the caliper change .. but clutch fluid.. no idea.. also .. what lubes the shaft drive? How about .. where do I check the antifreeze? thanks for any help.
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