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About BoxerX2

  • Birthday September 8

Personal Information

  • Name
    Max Hill


  • Location
    Rogers, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Camping, Boating, Motorcycling
  • Bike Year and Model
    06 RSV
  1. I had problems with my 06 RSV. Took the fairing apart and applied di-electric grease to the connections, and no more problems for the past year.
  2. How do you like your Rover?

    the wife & I have over 12,000 miles on our, and we love the day lights out of it.

    Happy Trailering.

    Brake Pad 07 RSV & Rover Trailer

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  3. I bought a pair for my wife, we rode from Oklahoma to North Carolina last year with them, now she uses them all the time. Makes it more comfortable as she can move her legs around a little. I also bought the arm rests from Diamond T. They are great also
  4. Where did you order the mount from? I need one too. Thanks
  5. When people ask why I don't have a Harley, I tell them I like to ride a motorcycle, not work on one.
  6. Rosebud, Good Pictures, Thanks to you and Buddy for getting this set up. I had a great time visiting with old friends, and making new ones. Hope to see everyone again soon. BoxerX2
  7. Buddy, no apology needed. Sometimes there are gliches that can't be helped. I believe everyone had a good time, and I know I enjoyed seeing all the ones I had met before, and meeting a bunch of new friends. Thanks for all of your efforts BoxerX2:bighug:
  8. They look Great, just ordered 2 of them Thanks
  9. Rosebud, Max, Beverly and Ross are planning to attend See everyone then
  10. Three CHEERS for your son, We could all learn from small children. Give that boy a big hug, and one for yourself as well. You are definately doing something right
  11. Here in Oklahoma we keep rocks in our pockets for days like that. Good Luck
  12. I work a rotating shift, 1 week nights, the next days, nights, days. Body doesn't know when it is supposed to be awake or asleep. I usually come home, take 4 advil, and shortly will relax enough to sleep. Never sleep sound in the daytime, usually couple hours at a stretch. Good Luck, I have been doing this for 26 years and am looking forward to retirement so I can have a life like normal people.
  13. I am thinking of shipping my bike from OKlahoma to Washington state, to be able to ride home after our Alaska Cruise. Who would I ship the bike to? Would a dealership accept the shipment, or who would I ship it to? The bike may be there a couple of days before we retrieved it. thanks
  14. How about a small Venture Riders logo on the left front with Eureka Springs 2008 under the logo, and maybe Venture Riders above the logo. As to shirt color, I prefer anything other than black (hot) or white (I'm sloppy with the food too) Just my thoughts
  15. I'm not ready for the trike just yet, but with the rhumetoid arthritis that I have in my hips, I know it won't be far away. A trike kit will be the only option that will keep me on a motorcycle. It may not be what I want, but I know it is what is coming. I don't want to have to give up the thing my wife and I enjoy so much. We bought the Venture, because we knew down the road we could have it triked. Don't want to have to cage it and miss out on so much.
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