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Everything posted by Dano

  1. If nobody else answers, I'll check mine after dinner. You know it's ALWAYS the next size up from the biggest one you have! Dan
  2. First thing to do is check your battery voltage when you are cranking, then follow your wire to its end. This way you can check all points. Dan
  3. WIsh I would have read this Thursday nite, I was at a local dealers "yard sale" yesterday and they had a whole box full of hoses with banjo fittings that they were trying to give away.........
  4. Gonna go look at an 89 tomorrow, he says its silver, not a standard color? Needs a little work, but I might get it and rehab and flip it. We'll see.
  5. Dang, looks like that one could use some cleaning up!
  6. I just have a pair of black "Mainstay" camera bags mounted there by the PO. Work great for holding water bottles or your favorite smokes. Dan
  7. Mine just has a couple of camera bags mounted there, just cheapy black ones with zippers across the top. Great for holding water bottles or other. Dan
  8. Possibly stripped the driveshaft at the u-joint, another possibility is that you stripped the middle gear. If the driveshaft is OK, then you'll have to remove the swingarm to check the middle gear. If you're not sure nor if you have the tools to do that, load it up and bring it up here to the house and I'll help ya. I'm just off I-74 at exit 101 (Pleasant View). I'll be around Sunday or at nite during the week. Dan
  9. Dem guys dun habbin' too mucho fun! We'll never git him back down to earth now!
  10. How about packing up snow against the garage and riding the sled down off of it? Was that dangerous? Got plenty more! Let's hear them!
  11. It's all that fun we had when we were kids and kept saying "AW, this don't hurt when I jump off the garage......"
  12. Usually caused by the fork seals, wd40 would cure that. Dan
  13. You're extra special alright Lewis! Probably not how you think, but still extra special!! Dan
  14. Way cool guy, great to talk with. Enjoyed having him around this weekend and helping him live his dream! Too bad I had to much to do on my bike to enjoy some of the "Black Death". Dan
  15. That shaft end is lubed through the final drive gear oil, a step-up from the MK1's. Don't pull it out or you'll damage the seal....... Dan
  16. Dano

    Home safe

    Sounds like something to add to the tool kit! Better get some myself.
  17. Allen, glad you got that pesky thing under control a little bit, but how are the guys in front of you gonna know you're still there?! Dan PS Great having you and Dee along for the ride, thanks for the help with the trailer. Hope to see you down the road sometime!
  18. Go to www.flatoutmotorcycles.com , go to their Yamaha parts fiche and enter the info for your bike. This will bring up the same parts fiche as your local dealer. More than likely you will find the info you're looking for under the engine areas such as carbs or emissions or so forth. Check their prices and then check your local dealer if it is not available at NAPA. Dan
  19. Dano

    Home safe

    I understand Bubba was there to help let the smoke out of the wires........... 'Preciate you being there to help, 6'r, glad it wasn't worse!
  20. I'm in the same boat, got laid off a month ago, but I'm not waiting on the gubbermint to take care of me. I had my own business before and I'm gonna give it another shot for awhile. I've got enuff work for a bit, and the old boss has to use me for a couple projects (at MY price!). Everything but the house and car is paid for, COBRA health ins. will only be a couple hundred a month for 9 months, maybe I'll find something better along the way. I hope you guys that have been laid off and don't have chances for outside income can make it. I know its tuff out there and unemployment sure doesn't cut it, I know I wouldn't survive a month on it. Good luck, Dan
  21. Dano

    Home safe

    Glad to hear everyone made it home OK, you better get that "lag" checked out there, Lowell, we don't want you missing any riding time! Dan
  22. Glad you guys made it back safe Cindy. Hey, I would have let Dale use my Frogtogg longer if he needed it! Even the pants! Now that would have looked good in pictures! Dan
  23. Or, don't use the 18-22 guage wiring on the socket extension! I ran #12 thru the fuse link for power and #12 to ground for my lighter socket. Plus shorter lengths would help. Also, DO NOT coil up any unused wire together as this will create a magnetic field which will induce heat and create a fire also! Dan
  24. Dano


    Wow, I gots a migraine now........
  25. I think I'm gonna change out to my new Sirius diaphragms sometime this week or next, mines crap at lower rpms till about 2750-3k. She'll buck and snort at ya till she gets up where she likes it, then hang on! Dan
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