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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Good luck you guys, I'm glad to see the end is finally near...... I'm like Dale, tho. It's not over till the gavel hits the bench. Tell him and Haylie that Rose and I said Hi and we're ready for some more ribs! Here's to better times and getting this behind you! Dan & Rose
  2. Split the cases on Big Dudes motor tonight to replace the damper cam. We pulled the driven axle and replaced the damper cam. At the time I ordered parts, I also ordered a new "holder" that the spring seats against on the opposite end. Checking the one that was in there against the new one, there is an 1/8" difference between the two. The existing one is wider between the bearing seat and the spring seat, therefore compressing the spring more than the new one. This part # (2we-17524-00-00) is the same for Ventures and VMaxxes from 83 to present. I wonder if the extra 1/8" compression on this already stiff spring would not allow the damper cam to do its job and rotate in the pinion under extreme duress as happened in his case when he hit second gear hard and split the damper cam? Part on the left was in the motor, one on the right is the new one. Any guesses?
  3. Hey Brad, looks like my run of luck at MD happened to transfer to you for this run. Glad you were closer to home when this happened, not so far to go for a fix. Could'a happened over in NY where it would've been a pain (you would have to stay at Toms house longer!)
  4. Dano

    Hey Yammer!

    Found one for ya over in Lynchburg, maybe the warden will let ya have some money! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-Yamaha-Venture-Motorcycle_W0QQitemZ330342905250QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item4ce9f8b5a2&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A317 Kinda beat up cosmetically, but good parts. If'n I was closer, I'd go get it myself! Dan
  5. I was in Ohio, just happened to be about 170 miles northeast of you! I did go around 275 to 71 about noon, tho. Maybe that counts.
  6. Don't waste your time on that fitting, all you'll do is to increase your clean-up time when you pull the pumpkin and drive shaft to properly lube the driveshaft splines! You could pull that fitting and install it on your rear suspension shock links where it'll actually do some good!
  7. Heck, even I got 'em!
  8. Take one of the plugs out, put it in the cap and stick it where it will make contact with the block, then try cranking it. The spark won't be great, but if ignition system is working, then you will be able to verify this. Do you have an analog or digital meter? If so, can you use it? Or have someone around that can? We can go further at that point if spark is non-existant. Good luck, Dan
  9. If it is coming from over the left side of the collector, possible points of interest are the shift shaft where it enters the case, gear indicator switch, grommet for the stator and pick-up coil wires where they exit the stator cover (big cover on left side) or the clutch push rod also where it enters the case (behind the slave cylinder). Put the bike on center stand, use a mirror and flashlight and look underneath where the middle gear cover (smaller cover on the left side) is. There is a void behind the flat portion of the cover. The oil on the bottom of the drive shaft "cover" or swingarm, is probably due to blow-back from these areas. If the bikes been sitting for awhile, it's probably one of these seals. Good luck, Dan
  10. You mean you gotta let go of the throttle every once in a while??
  11. Dano


    There was a band in the video?????
  12. But how did the a$$-wipes come out? I'm sure a couple of them got what they deserved!
  13. Easiest thing to do is to just remove the YICS and put rubber caps over the ports. Sooner or later the chamber is going to start leaking, causing you all kinds of problems. JMHO Dan
  14. I guess you're just a tad too young, Jerry!
  15. Your intermittent misfire may be caused by a bad connection in the 8 pin plug going into the TCI. I finally found mine last nite, the 1/4" female plug inside the connector was not touching the blade coming out of the TCI on the orange (#1 cyl) blade. It doesn't contact the flat portion of the female tab, but rather the 2 rounded blades that come down from the top. I stuck a very small finishing nail through the back of the plug to bend those 2 tabs down a little, and voila, it started firing again! Might want to check that out, along with cleaning them very good inside. Dan
  16. Hmmmm, Jeff going away for awhile .......... Mini riding someone else's bike......... cold hands and hard nipples......... I wonder who's gonna be grabbing that machine gun at Muffins house next year?????
  17. I like that red MK1! Nice job!
  18. Dang, I knew I was gonna miss a good one! Oh well, after the last month, most everything on the bike will be replaced, so I should be good to go for a while.:mo money:
  19. Thanks Churchbuilder. Got parts ordered already, they're on the way. I tore mine apart last year for second gear fix, so this is a no brainer. "Preciate the reply, tho. Dan
  20. Well, include me in on this boat. My TCI just crashed on cylinders #1 & 2. Guess I'm hunting also. Dan
  21. You know, Skid IS getting a little older now............. Next a trike kit!!!!! LOL
  22. I always thought these damper cams were supposed to rotate around separately from the pinion gear in case of undue stress on the final driveline. I guess that proves this theory wrong! These pics were taken from outside the case, looking in where the u-joint/output pinion gear go into the case at the back left corner of the motor in case anyone was wondering. Dan
  23. Working on getting Mike to snap a couple, if not we'll stop by there tomorrow (gotta ride right past his house!) and get some. #3 on middle gear page on parts fiche. Split right down the piece lengthwise.
  24. Yep. Been there before. SHiny or the long screws go in the outer holes. Chased that one for a couple of months! Dan
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