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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I just wanna hear how he tweaks up a camel to go faster!!! (BTW- we need some camel smilies!)
  2. Strap those Macs on that bike and bring 'em with 'ya Lowell, be glad to help you clean out the garage! Glad to hear you're back out on that scoot! Look forward to seeing you again! Dan & Rose
  3. Glad you could stop by, good to see you two safe and sound. We'll try to throw some miles on the bike next week and see how that comes out! Dan
  4. Let me know when you leave, we'll try to time it as you go past Exit 101 up here on 74 and be on the bridge and wave at ya!
  5. They are the intake manifolds, the black rubber boots just under the carbs. If it's leaking at the carb/manifold junction, you're pulling vacuum below that when you are synching, so you are just compensating for the extra air coming in above that.
  6. Sounds like I gots more money to spend! And some more work to do! :mo money::bang head: Thanks guys for the great write-ups!
  7. I had a spare made for the wife, she nevers looses it! As long as I got her with me, that is! Now,,,, what happens if I lose her??????????
  8. I had carpal in both hands. One thing you don't realize is that the 2-1/2 fingers to the outside (pinky, ring and half middle) the nerve for those run through the elbow at the "funny bone" area. This can become calcified also and thats what gives you the tinglies on those fingers. Thumb, pointer and other half of middle come through the "Carpal" area of the wrist. Doc operated on both, I'm fine now except for numbness when riding. Put a wrist-rest on there last week, so far so good!
  9. That'll be great, be nice to have someone come along, makes for a better ride. Might not have time for a lot of sight-seeing (maybe coffee at Ecks!), but it should be a nice ride. Be glad to have you along. Dan
  10. Yep, I go back to tire iron also, dual purpose description, also refers to the flat bars we used to use to change tires back when I was a kid. You always knew which one dad was talsking about by where you were in the process. Tire still on the car, you needed the lug wrech, etc........ Good ol' days........
  11. I'm sorry he missed the big guy, sure had hopes that they could hook up. Shoulda thought and told Jeff his phone wouldn't work over there. I would have just used a local phone to get ahold of him. Thats a once in a lifetime chance! But then again, we don't know what his layover was like. Must not have been very long. Keep us up to date Mini and thanks for the updates so far. Dan
  12. That would be me! I'd be glad to take it off your hands. See you then! Dan
  13. Hey Old Venture, the wife and I are leaving the Hub on Friday morning and heading over to Chattanooga to spend the night and then ride the Dragon on our way home on Saturday morning. She's gotta start back to work on Monday morning, so we can't make the Vogel ride the next weekend. You're welcome to join us. We're going down to Little Rock over to Memphis, then dipping into Alabama thru Huntsville over to Chat town. Dan
  14. I found Jim (moparlvr) at a local bike dealer the other day and introduced him to VR. He has the last 1st gen sold in the US. He bought it new from the dealer. Now we have the first and the last 1st gens on our site! Good luck on your ride Jim, and as I said in the PM, now you're officially hooked into VR land! Dan
  15. And then the fight started...........
  16. Thats what he gets for not stopping by and saying Hi when he camee thru Indy!
  17. I'll have tools with me, basic wrenches and ratchets, if someone wants to put their stuff on. My help will cost you a beverage. If it's on a second gen, it'll cost you two!
  18. Dano

    Indiana 135

    Better get that put in your calendar, Jim. Be good to have you along on that one. Dan
  19. Hey Jeff, just one more "Good luck and stay safe" before you take the big bird tomorrow. Hope to see you on here soon, and really hope you get that "ride" over there in Germany! Give him a big hug and "Squeeze" for me if you two get together! Oh, we need a pic! He hasn't been too forthcoming on visuals!
  20. Welcome aboard, Mama Laura! Glad Randy let you out of the dungeon! (At least that's where he told us he kept you! LOL) Have fun! :wel_5Wa:
  21. Dang Squid, you need to get a job! You gots TOO much time on your hands now! LOL Good looking job, by the way.
  22. If the gaskets are thinner than new (#/16ths or so) you can use a #12 solid copper wire to enhace the sealing ability. If new is needed, a couple turns of #10 copper wire will work. Been on mine for a couple of years now, still quiet! Good luck Clay, aren't you busy with football right now?! Glad you got your priorities straight! The Venture comes first! Dan
  23. Looks like I better find that shoehorn!
  24. Hey Donnie, I bet you could show up at Lamberts in Ozark next Sunday the 2nd, about 12:30 to 1, buy us lunch and there'd be about 10 or 15 guys who could do that for you in a few minutes! LOL I'm sure somebody coming to the Hub will have a set of sticks with them, if mine arrive by then I'll have 'em with me. It's an option, and a good way to get in good with everybody here! Plus a chance for a nice ride on a Sunday! Dan
  25. Too bad it doesn't come with the tool also!
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