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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Dang you're letting sickness slow you down,,,,,,must be gettin' closer to my age.... No prob bub, it'll be off today and I'll email him....
  2. Do you have them taken care of Squid? I've got one here that could be there by Wednesday.....
  3. Got him taken care of.....
  4. Seems like you guys wanna duplicate whats already been done to the Corvair back in the day..... A 4 bbl in place of the 4 carbs..... Cain't find the daggone pic....
  5. I believe I may have one in the garage......lemme check... Oh yeah, it's still attached to the frame I'm takin' apart, little rusty but there are still some "treaded" oops I mean threaded screws still on there.... Being in Batavia sure seems a loooonng way (at least a hunerd miles!) away..... Give me a call at 317-370-0139 and we'll get it to ya.....
  6. Hmmm, it's going on 8:45 PM and he STILL hasn't come up with something we all didn't ALREADY know!!
  7. Happy Birthday from Rose and I Don! I CERTAINLY hope you are taking Eileen out for dinner tonite!!
  8. :sign yeah that:
  9. Maybe the snow wasn't as deep then!!
  10. Dano

    Worn Out

    And I've just got my FIRST one coming at the end of May! Better keep the 2nd gen tuned up and ready to chase......
  11. If'n ya'll get rid of those pesky snow and ice storms down there,,,,,, A quite knowledgeable Master licensed electrician MIGHT think about movin' his little sole-proprietor business down there.....
  12. Lessee now, is he: Retired (tired of workin' all the time) Re-tired (of getting up all the time) Re-tired (of listening to Yammer all da time?!) OR Re-tired on the bike (to head down to Houston after the snow passes thru this weekend!) :detective:
  13. Dano


    WHY do I drive an extended 1 ton van? WHY??!
  14. Are you sure it's a gonna be up above 0 degrees Celsius by then??!:ICrolleyes:
  15. Still sendin' them prayers out for ya Skid, wanna see you out and about this year!
  16. Same to ya from over here David, hope to see you sometime this year out on the road!
  17. Ohhh,"jack-light" the deer, not "hit and hijack" the deer like I did a couple of years ago!
  18. gettin' one for da wif, already got the highway pegs on there for her, she loved them on the way to Cody and back!
  19. Now he'll have to hang his left foot out the window to warn everyone he's coming! Wishing you well Jeff, better listen to Margaret for at least a couple more months!
  20. Happy Birthday my friend, glad another one has gone by!
  21. I just noticed it came from Eckerd Corporation.....
  22. Just logged into VR for a bit after a couple weeks away, sorry to miss your cousins club (I had one too) members passing away, our feelings go out to you and Tom
  23. The same as everyone on here feels, thoughts and prayers go out from here.
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