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Everything posted by Dano

  1. You should be OK at 4, just send the paypal in US if you can, then. If not, go with the Cn $ amount. Dan
  2. Nah, got that done the next weekend. It involves the bike, ya know! It's the crap around the house I need a :buttkick:to get going on! Dan
  3. Thanks Wayne, when I get them in, I'll have to see how I can get them packed up, especially the multi-unit orders. Gonna use the flat rate boxes, seems to be the cheapest way. Or would it be cheaper for you guys to ship to a MI member (Squidley?!) and you pick up from there? Just asking, a lot of possible scenarios there. Dan
  4. Got everybody covered so far. Thanks for your help, guys. Anybody wanna come help repack and ship next week??
  5. Sounds like my week after we got back from the Int'l Rally, all 4 of my 4 wheeled vehicles had the coniption fits- my work van started missing (plug wire off!), the Durango's turn signals went crazy (bad trailer light converter), Camaro started running ruff (dirt in idle circuit in quadrajet) and the coupe-de-grace-- the 97 Sebring had a crank position sensor go out! Had to get in there and grind that one out! Didn't cost like yours did, but still a PIA to deal with all at once! I commiserate with you sir!
  6. Hey Earl, I got some siding to hang, gutters to clean out and a garage to straighten up. You interested?!!!!!
  7. You shoulda just walked up and smacked the corner of the building like Mel Gibson does! Works real well for him, and no rehab! Glad it wasn't worse, maybe all that morphine is kickin' in now!
  8. Got you marked off there Brian, just reposted the list. Dan
  9. As long as you getyour paypal to me by Sunday, $47.65 US, I guess I could include 'ya!
  10. You have a meaningfull title there, Owl, it's MODERATOR :clap2:
  11. You need to change the ground cable also. Even the original cable shouldn't be smoking like that. Smoking is reserved for the rear tire when you're beating a Hayabusa off the line! Send a PM to Skydoc17, Earl may have some knowledge on who does the upgraded cables if you don't want to do it yourself. I would seriously take a good long hard look at your starter, you may have a bit of a problem there. Dan
  12. WHERE did THAT come from, Bob? You KNOW there's no logic around here!:crackup:
  13. Hey Lynn, not sure how the hotels are holding up right now, but if you need a place, I'll check with the wife and see if you can just stay here. Dan
  14. Gotcha in there Mike, Thanks for the reply
  15. Just a bump here. I'm cutting off the time to receive your paypal to Sunday night Aug. 30th. I plan to order the parts on Monday morning the 31st. Thanks, Dan
  16. Yep Randy, you caught me in a "dumb-***" moment there. Agree with the non-pressurization of the case. But it sounds like a good story!
  17. I will be setting a cut-off time to receive payment for your order at Sunday nite, the 30th. I will be placing the order on Monday morning the 31st. If you know someone on here that hasn't paid, give'em a shout and jangle their chain for me. Thanks Dan
  18. Got it straightened out, Clive. Had it written correctly on my hard copy, forgot to change it on the site. Thanks
  19. That's the consensus so far. But you must remember, you are still limited to the output of the stator, this unit just manages the output better. If you want heated clothing, better go with LED bulbs in all your running lights, especially if you have a lot of them.
  20. My brother probably had one of his cars there, he likes to go out to Springfield too. Nice pics, you probably have a ton more of them, dontcha'?! Thanks
  21. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37971]has anyone explored alternative voltage regulator... - VentureRider.Org[/ame] It's a new mosfet regulator/rectifier, replaces the 25 year old technology on the bike now. Better power output.
  22. Hey, a skinny guys gotta eat too! Skinny Squidley, er Vern!
  23. I remember one night I was out at Big Dudes house working on his bike, sky started looking bad, had his wife check the radar. She said it was only a little shower and it would pass over, wait till its done. Well, been there done that, got out of there the back way with Big Dude showing the way to the state road at lickety-split speed. Managed to stay in front of it as I was watching it grow bigger and bigger. Finally got away from it about 20 miles later. If I had stayed, I'd been stuck for another hour at least and it was already 9:30 at night........
  24. The ladys expression behind them in the first pic says it all!
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