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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Got you in there, John.
  2. Hey Randy, the above says it all!
  3. The latest list, others are superceded: Danob11 -1x Squeeze - 5x paid Rocket - 2x paid Paul Richard ozlander - 1x paid Merlyn Michael timgray - 1x paid Tim Gray barend - 1x paid Barend de Vlaming mbrood - 2x paid Mike Brood Props - 1x Enjay - 1x paid Mike Cavagnaro Snaggletooth - 1x Iowa Guy - 1x paid Tim Lantz safetyguy -1x paid Mike Levy nyjerry -1x paid Gerald Doverspike thom440 -1x paid Tom Bagby Condor -2x paid Jack Chalais Camos -2x paid Clive Amos kbert777 -1x paid Klaus Bertram Smitty161 -1x paid Jonathan J Smith Marcarl -5x paid Carl Norg Bongobobny -2x paid Bob Scharf MikeC -2x dthomso1 -1x paid Doug Thomson friesmann1 -1x paid Brian Fries uncledj -1x paid John Sheehn Wizard765 -1x paid Wayne Higson gscbetrand -1x cimmer -2x paid Richard Fink Saddle_Bag -1x hlange -1x paid Henry Lange Rumn1-2x paid Mike Rumney Stuck on Stupid- 1x StuD- 4x paid Stewart Doonan BobbyD- 1x DiggerC – 1x paid Stan Cook JasonM - 2x paid Jason Morris Skydoc17- 1x paid Earl Harrell Mraf- 1x paid Alan Waters SmilingJack 1x paid Chuck Franchello Tony1M 1x paid Fulton Morneau Saddlebum 1x paid Ben Bennink Total as of
  4. You guys up there need to quit talkin like that! It's not even September yet!
  5. No, we were downtown all evening.
  6. More pics
  7. Well, another year for MotoGP here, and the crowd downtown for bike nite has doubled! We got down there just as they were letting the bikes in the area, got to park right on the corner in the middle of the action! Saw an 87 Blondie from Iowa there, the only other 1st gen we saw. A couple of 2nd gens, left VR cards on them all! Probably 1000- 1500 bikes down there, they stretched from south of Union Station to a block or two north of the circle (about a 5 block span), with bikes also filling 2 side streets as well. A couple of notes, we saw at least 4 09 VMaxxes, 2 Visions (yeck), probably an early 50's Harley that had NOT been touched since it was built. Red Bull had a big presence with a couple of "Party Blocks" setup (sponsor of the race). All in all, a really good time! Met up with Pegscraper and family, showed them around looking at the bikes, their Foreign Exchange student Carmen had an absolutely great time (she likes the "ape-hanger" choppers with the young fellas riding!). That's her beside the Boss Hoss bike. Finally ran into Mariner Fan right as we were leaving for the night, he had a dead cell phone and NO CAMERA! Mighty strange for Bob! Heres a few pics, check out the Harley with the custom paint:
  8. She looks pretty good all cleaned up. Always nice to have another member in the household! Have you started the training for Pond Monster detection yet?
  9. Dano

    Ho Hum....

    I know you're up there a bit Renne, but slow down on the PMS preparations! We don't wanna start thinking that way down here closer to the equator! Even tho its only a high of 68dF here today! Last year MotoGp was monsoons, this year it's almost snowing outside! I think I'll still take a ride today, tho!
  10. Got you in there, Stewart! Remember, it's over tonite! 4 more to pay!
  11. Good luck Karl, we're praying for you! Dan
  12. Order them thru www.partshark.com (formerly Flatout Motorsports). Even with trhe shipping included, you're still cheaper than buying them over the counter, and they'll have to order them too. You should replace all 4 of them if you're going to do it, 2 uppers and 2 lowers. You may not have to pull the left fairing off (only if you have cruise control) to get to the "slider" that connects the lowers to the uppers. Yamaha's way of making everything difficult for us! Dan
  13. Not that stoopid!
  14. These trannys, middle gear and final drives have what I call a tremendous amount of "free-play" in them. One way to see this is to jack up the rear tire (center stand for us 1st gen guys!) and put the bike in gear. Move the tire back and forth throughout the different gears and you can see how much free play there is. It'll be different in each gear, but not a whole lot. Dan
  15. Just reposted the latest list, remember this is over tomorrow night! DO NOT refer back to the other lists in this post, I have deleted the lists there so there's no confusion. Dan
  16. I see a problem with the axle hole on the swingarm. Looks to me like the inside edge is ground towards the outside at the rear of the hole. I know the shoulder of the axle comes through there against the washer, but something just doesn't look right! JMHO Dan
  17. And I thank you again, Don. Just that one item produced about 3 or 4 days of fun for us! AND lead to another nickname! Dano, er Danob11, er Vern, er Skinny Squidley!
  18. Good to see you back home, Boss, We were really, really good while you were gone (well, most of us, anyway!)
  19. I'll put it in for you, Chuck. Be sure to paypal by Sunday night. danob11@comcast.net Here's the updated list, don't refer to the old ones any more. Danob11 -2x Squeeze - 5x paid Rocket - 2x paid Paul Richard ozlander - 1x paid Merlyn Michael timgray - 1x paid Tim Gray barend - 1x paid Barend de Vlaming mbrood - 2x paid Mike Brood Props - 1x Enjay - 1x paid Mike Cavagnaro Snaggletooth - 1x Iowa Guy - 1x paid Tim Lantz safetyguy -1x paid Mike Levy nyjerry -1x paid Gerald Doverspike thom440 -1x paid Tom Bagby Condor -2x paid Jack Chalais Camos -2x paid Clive Amos kbert777 -1x paid Klaus Bertram Smitty161 -1x paid Jonathan J Smith Marcarl -5x paid Carl Norg Bongobobny -2x paid Bob Scharf MikeC -2x dthomso1 -1x paid Doug Thomson friesmann1 -1x paid Brian Fries uncledj -1x Wizard765 -1x paid Wayne Higson gscbetrand -1x cimmer -2x paid Richard Fink Saddle_Bag -1x hlange -1x paid Henry Lange Rumn1-2x paid Mike Rumney Stuck on Stupid- 1x StuD- 4x paid Stewart Doonan BobbyD- 1x DiggerC – 1x paid Stan Cook JasonM - 2x paid Jason Morris Skydoc17- 1x paid Earl Harrell Mraf- 1x paid Alan Waters SmilingJack 1x paid Chuck Franchello Total as of
  20. 18mm thin wall Kobalt (Lowes), straight 4" extension and ratchet on the back, add u-joint for the fronts. YICS and heat shields removed a long time ago. Do the same on the anti-sieze and warm motor.
  21. Charlie, are ya tellin me you need me to bring my ol IT400 up there and show ya how a young guy rides those trails? Better yet, I'll just send you my knobbys up there so you have some decent tires to go ride the trails with! Glad to hear all it was is a couple bruised ribs and some ego thrown in for good luck! I've done that a couple times myself! Twisted ankle, bruised knee and ribs, you know the tales! Ya shoulda kept some of that Apple Pie!
  22. He'll never get out of it now!
  23. I believe I see a dual at next years MD. If it happens sooner, I have some spare tickets from the raffle at school that we could use, make a little money for the fund, ya know! Definately want to be around for that one! I'll take my place at the finish line.......
  24. Hmmmmm, wonder if I could find it somewhere around here......... http://selfbow.tripod.com/
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