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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Them stars have to do something to earn their keep!
  2. I have some Federal-Pacific breakers if you ever need them, Carl. Just noticed that in your pics. Place is looking real good, as long as you keep the blinders on Blondie, you should be OK!
  3. Like I said last night, I wondered wht you were gonna fix tonite! Thanks Don, you're way ahead of us!
  4. I'll have to get the camara out and then send you via email, want it to be a surprise!
  5. Right now LP is pretty cheap, I'm on budget with 1.69 p/gallon on budget year round, 55 bucks a month for total of 660 a year. 2 yr old goodman setup in and out. Don't like the single R/A he put in my floor, I HAD R/A in each room up by ceiling (9' high) before and it was very comfortable. Might have to redo it myself (I listened to my wife and let someone else do it!). Besides that, I like putting my cold feet over the register with propane than the cold air you get with a heat pump.
  6. Dano

    Who Dat?

    Colts don't talk about it, they just do it. CU in Miami!
  7. Beer's pretty busy with his business right now, hopefully you'll hear from him soon. It's either that or Beer 24/7 has him tied up with those leather ties again........
  8. I have something to send him also, it'll go well with those pink chaps he's so fond of! Does he have the same email addy as over here? Got a couple of questions for him.
  9. I wish my brother would have done that in his battle against cancer, he might have stood a chance of beating it last year instead of succuming to it. All he did was to listen to the local doctors opinion.
  10. So, What Do We Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ? Still tryin' to figur' that one out, eh? 1. Smarties So good you're keeping them to yourselves 2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp OK, so the coffee crisp is good, I'll give you that one! 3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls. Can't play as long as us, and can't hold on to the ball! 4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 - Ingersoll , ON And HOW many teams do you have up there now? 5. Lacrosse is Canadian And your point is? 6. Hockey is Canadian See above 7. Basketball is Canadian My son will STILL beat your son down in the low post 8. Apple pie is Canadian But Johnny Appleseed planted the trees down here 9. Mr.. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers But was he a "good" neighbor?! 10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts Tried 'em, didn't like 'em 11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed the Americans back past their White House. Then we burned it, and most of Washington..We got bored because they ran away.. Then, we came home and partied........ Go figure. Mind comin' down here and doing that again? You can go straight down to Washington, no need to stop along the way. 12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany . No comment needed 13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER. (We got clobbered in the odd battle but prevailed in ALL the wars). Picky, aren't you? 14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour. Our bar fights last longer than that 15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught. So THAT'S where Barnie Fife went to! 16. A Canadian invented Standard Time. Kinda answers itself, if'n you think about it! 17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company. Downsizings a bear, isn't it 18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes. (That's more information than I need!) We know to feed our dogs so they don't do that! 19. We know what to do with all the body parts of a buffalo. Why? 20. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, the paint roller, roller skates, duct tape, the jolly-jumper, air conditioned vehicles, the Zamboni, the barcode, the Blackberry, the telephone, the electric car, the goalie mask, the pacemaker, and the snow blower. Guess you gotta have something to do in those 11 months of winter 21. Even the light bulb was invented by a Canadian (Henry Woodward patented it in 1874). The patent was bought by some obscure American named Edison who improved upon the design and took credit for inventing it. Of course, we make everything better! 22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal, and lived to tell about it still speaking proper English. Once again, no answer needed! 23. A Canadian invented Superman. But it took us to bring him to life 24. Our elections only take one day, and we prorogue parliament (quit and go home) when our politicians fight too much. Once again, no intestinal fortitude for a good fight! 25. We have coloured money. We regulate our banks, and although we'd never admit it, we really like paying taxes. Go ahead, you can keep those 26. Our beer advertisements rock {Incidently...so does our beer} (Where are your Super Bowl commercials?) BUT MOST IMPORTANT ! The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on. That's why we wear gloves! OOoohhhhh.... Canada !! The previous replies are not meant to offend anybody of Canadian heritage, bloodline or nationality. They are merely presented as representation of the folks who know better than to stay up where it's too cold to not be able to get out and ride their scoot even in the middle of winter! Oh, and we know how to build garages to keep our bikes in, so we don't take up valuable living room space where the Barcolounger and couch goes to watch REAL football and basketball!
  11. Sounds like the answer right there
  12. Cookie, if you've got some questions on proper wire and breaker size needed, just post the info from the label on the side of the unit on here and I'll be glad to help you out with that. Look for min/max breaker size, and that will allow me to size the wire properly for you. Also, don't forget the disconnect needed at the outside unit. Another question would be- is this a heat-pump or straight AC? Dan
  13. Check on that Jerry, HF trailers may have an ID #on them. The one I bought from a local guy had a manufacturers tag already on there. If your buddy already has it tagged, he'll already have a title for you.
  14. If I am reading the charts correctly, the Dynatek unit does not advance as far as the Hitachi unit does, nor at the same parameters. I also noticed the "easy throttle" advance is much more aggressive than the WOT on the Hitachi unit. Not really understanding how this affects HP output (and therefore torque values), how does this compare unit to unit on the longevity of our motors? Just askin', tryin to further my edumacation here.
  15. Might have been the new battery's a little low on charge, these bikes are a bear if you don't have full voltage with good CCA in them. Have you done the cable upgrade yet? Next step. Also pull the starter, take it apart and clean all the carbon dust in there out. There is also a mod for soldering an extra grounding wire inside the starter that will help out hard-start situations. Good luck and let us know if we can help mess you up a little more!
  16. Unfortunately Bubber, your clone takes the same tool to adjust the head bearings as our old MAYTAGS do! Of course, you know that Maytags keep on runnin' without the need for the repairman............ unlike a slower 2nd gen..... and that ones FOR Boomer the CPO!
  17. Just take a couple more of those little white pills Karl, you'll be JUST fine!
  18. Here in Indiana you have to have a Sherriff come out and look at it, he will approve and give you documentation to send in for a VIN #. Then take pics of it and the VIN plate you have made up and attached to the trailer, send those to the BMV with a bunch of cash and voila! they'll send you a title and plates. At least that's how it works for us. Good luck!
  19. Beats the heck out of using a screwdriver and hammer. Put me down for one.
  20. So you're doing the reverse of the route that Mother and OMG did last year then? Did you go out Rt 66 to California? Man I want to do that someday. You are one lucky guy, along with your compadre, getting to see all these sights. Have fun and keep the pics coming. Dan
  21. Pull the right front turn signal and check the connectors on the vacuum pump, since it's an intermittent thing. Go thru all the simple items first like connectors, etc. Might even pull thwe headlight and check behind there. I've got an 87 that has the fairing off right now, so if you need a hand tracing down connections, let me know. Dan
  22. Gary, you keep on living that dream for us, one day we will walk in your shoes. Enjoy it while you can in that Space Shuttle of yours. You DO plan on being back east by MD, don't you?! Dan
  23. Dano

    US Census

    At the polls in November. We can replace the entire House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate this coming November. Lets pick the small business guys who don't give a hoot about politics and just wanna get this country going back where it should be. Then in 2 years another 1/3 of the Senate then 2 years after that to finish the job. The time for "career" politicians should be over. It's up to us now to do this. JMHO Dan
  24. Yammer would be so proud of you!!!!!!
  25. Pick me up on your way down I69, would 'ya?
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