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Everything posted by Dano

  1. If I was checking or changing my rear diff GEAR LUBE, and saw it coming out gray, I would be concerned about the amount of metal coming off my gears..........
  2. Petcock valve filter may be getting plugged up too, you would have to pull the tank to be able to take it out.
  3. So Gil, when did you change your screen name? Prayers and thoughts out to the family, almost happened to me last week up in Anderson, guy came up past me on my left, saw a train up ahead, and with me right next to him he decided he was going to turn right right in front of me! Thank the Lord for the V4 power as thats all that saved me. I didn't stop because I was afraid I might not be able to stop beating him senseless. I bet he missed the left rear corner of my bike by only a couple of inches!! Took me 45 minutes to calm down after that.
  4. Prayers for you all Don, see ya on here Thursday sometime!
  5. Too bad you weren't closer, I'd pick up that 83 motor from ya when you get done!
  6. Check for a cracked or split intake boot right at the base of the carburetors, Big Dude just found one on his MK2. It took him taking a stethiscope, breaking off the rod so he had an empty tube at the end of it and listening all around the carbs till he found the leak. Have you synched the carbs? Does it change over temperature range? Cold versus hot? Inquiring minds need to know! Dano
  7. What's a matter Jack, can't get either one to run right now?
  8. Hmmm, kinda looks like an RSV, does it ride as good?!!!
  9. Ahhh, don't give up so easily. Take out the air cleaner, battery box and possibly pop the carbs off and pull them out the left side. Of course, you'll have to take the lower fairing legs off, easy to do. You could also remove the AIS system (which you should do anyway since it's useless and cap off the ports on the jugs with caps). Using a 1/4" ratchet with a 1/4" socket on it, get a #3 Phillips (the big one, don't use a #2, you'll strip out the head) driver insert. Using a mirror laying down on the motor so you can see the screws, invert the ratchet and insert the phillips driver into the screw heads. They've been in there for 25+ years so they'll be tough to break loose, but you can do it. Make sure you have the ratchet set to reverse before you start! No need to remove the upper fairing, not gonna make it any easier!! Good luck, Dan
  10. There now appears to be a witness that saw this officer at a CVS purchasing a large bottle of liquor that morning, not sure of the time. News station reported that today, I believe. There were also some high-ranking officers demoted to Lieutenant.
  11. For those that have yet to meet our Ambassador, me on the left, Squidley in the middle and LA on the right. I THINK you can see the resemblance in the mid-section between the Squid and LA........ I'm just sayin'.......
  12. A pic from Int'l Rally last year, me on the left, Squidley in the middle and LA on the right
  13. Yup Gary, that's it. Finally dug it out of my VR book and found the link at the bottom of the printed page. http://www.venturerider.org/images/tci.jpg
  14. Since you'll have the neccesary stuff out of the way, pull the TCI out, re-route the wires up around the starter solenoid and put that thing on top of the air box. Much easier to diagnose and swap out if needed. Now if I could just find the link to the TCI diagnoses sheet that someone came up with so you could print it out and use it......... Someone? Anyone????
  15. About time you took a break, have fun and be safe on your trip!
  16. Have seen it alot on cars, especially if there's alot of miles on this filter. Passes enough gas to run for awhile, then run out. Let it sit awhile and enough filters through to work again for a bit.
  17. Thanks Eck, I know it was a long trip for you and I for one appreciate it. Glad you got to spend some time with Lowell and he was feeling good. Dan
  18. Put Progressive springs in the forks (then you don't need air pressure up there), set the rear air to around 40 PSI or so (Schrader valve down on the left side) and forget about it. Make sure to add a "Condor" brace or "Superbrace' to the front forks and get rid of that POS the factory puts in for a fork brace! Add solid Delrin or Aluminum motor mounts and then you'll have a good ridin' steed! Matter of fact, you should do this to ANY 1st gen you're keeping!
  19. They know you too well, Don......... I bet Squidley won't be able to either
  20. He did it about the only way you could without causing any damage! Good riding!
  21. Thanks for the info Eck, we'll get a card out to him on Monday. Hope his recovery comes along well, that's one ol' fart that needs to be out on the road for a full recovery. Dan
  22. Glad you're back home safe and sound Jeff, wanted to be down there this weekend, but other things got in the way. Ya'll have fun and we'll see you soon! Glad you got to surprise everyone, wished I coulda been there to see that! Did Yammer fall outta his chair?!! Dan
  23. Sell them and buy mine! Or just buy it and then Rhonda will have her own!
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