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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Hope the surgery went well and you are on the road to recovery by now Jay. Take it easy, you have all winter to let that shoulder heal up.
  2. Isn't the boiling water optional? Sounds like too much dilution to me!
  3. Dano

    Red X

    I thought it was just the self-regulating software Don put on here to keep Saddlebums bad pics from showing up!
  4. That's why I bought a quad and put a blade on it a few years ago, so my son wouldn't get so tired clearing the driveway! But also so that I will have it next year when he goes off to college!
  5. Yep, might just have to migrate to NY for Christmas!
  6. Thats a good use for dumpster wood and old pallets!
  7. Don, you need to quit fibbing to Eileen, you obviously didn't take your meds for your psychosis this morning! Of course, girls who ride prefer a first gen over the slower 2nd gen! They actually want to get to their destination!
  8. Nah, rust took care of that too!
  9. I keep telling the wife that I'll get heated grips for the quad if she would do the driveway, no response yet.
  10. Hmmm, if I leave now, I can miss the 20d temps coming my way, the in-laws all day, the shopping on Friday, get some of Lonnas cooking and cheesecake,,,,,,,,, Sounds like a win-win situation!!!!!!!
  11. Give me till next weekend, I'm pulling mine out for an aftermarket (head unit didn't always work). I can ship it to you to try yours out, if it fixes it we'll talk about $$, if not just ship it back to me and you'll know that the trouble is somewhere else. Whadya think?
  12. Yep, that's why Wayne has Robin around, she keeps all the phone numbers handy........
  13. It's been another year already? Happy Birthday Charlie, may you have as many years left as you have miles to ride!
  14. Congrats to Arthur and all, little cutie pie there, just beggin' to be spoiled! Hey Mini- is that your new god-daughter I see in those pics??!
  15. Hey Yammer, when you get that TCI in and want it checked out, I have been successful in repairing a couple that I have, 1 had a bad trace and the other I replaced the diodes. It'll only cost you the 10 bucks shipping back and forth if you want me to check it out..... I'm just sayin'.....
  16. I checked this out on Snoopes, they are saying this is an impossible equation.......... Small bit of humor injected here to offset the seriousness of the thread........ balances out the ranting.....
  17. Dano

    Buying Gold

    Shoulda bought it back in the 70's and 80's when it was down below $250, I coulda been somewhat less poor by now!
  18. Link worked good, big enuff box and you might be able to do a whole set of Venture carbs, but I like the idea of using the ultrasonic to get all the gunk out of the interior passages. Don't know if just sitting there static would do it.
  19. Same going out from here too Bob, were you actually working or just failed to clean-up properly after your last project?!
  20. I have not done this myself, but you might PM Rick Butler, I believe he has done this mod before.
  21. I should have thought of that, but my neighbors can attest to what it sounds like!
  22. Hmmm, VMax heads and cams (already have the V-boost!), Bunkhouse camper and the time/money to put it to good use!!
  23. Mine was built in Oct. 83 so that might make the difference in my color, titled as an 84. #1252 on the lower frame sticker.
  24. Your 83 is reading correctly on the temp gauge, they should run up to the red before the fan kicks on. Glad she's running better, now you know what these bikes are capable of (at least if you opened her up at all!).
  25. Have someone hold the bike up straight, look on the right side below the water pump and you will see a sight glass. Oil should be up to the halfway point, any higher and it will suck oil up into the airbox. Start reading thru the First Gen Tech library, you will find a lot of info about these great bikes there. BTW, where's the ?
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