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Everything posted by Dano

  1. One must learn to choose their battles carefully, methinks you may NOT have chosen wisely this time!
  2. PLEASE reference the first photo, as I believe this will answer your question!
  3. Dano

    Are you there?

    So now we have proof that you CAN be here AND there at the same time! That might also explain all of the SNOW that is here, there and everywhere!:snow:
  4. Put your glasses back on Bob, you'll be able to see the bikes then!!
  5. You sissies down south just need to suck it up or we'll turn on the window fans and send some snow down to ya to go with that little bit of chill you got goin' on!!
  6. Dano


    You need to do a compression test, I'll bet you have valve stem seals or an oil ring that is letting oil seep thru and it's causing low compression. That'll make it harder to start and will allow for the few moments of blue smoke out of the tail pipe till it burns off the oil collected in the cylinder. If you can induce some air pressure into the cylinder via the spark plug hole, then you can listen for air at the carb (slightly open intake valve), or thru the exhaust is the same with an exhaust valve. If you hear it come out the crankcase breather, then it's escaping past the rings. Give that a try and let us know what you find.......
  7. 650 miles and you only ended up in INDIANA??????? I'da been down south somewhere with 650 miles, helluva lot warmer than up here!!!!
  8. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  9. I'll bet the bike was owned by the previous dealer, it sat in a back store room for a long time. I've seen several car dealerships that have some amazing cars tucked away in their buildings.
  10. Dano

    Are you there?

    :sign **** happens:
  11. Especially if Jonas sends a little gift for MD, but I'm thinkin' you'll be rejoicing with Quickstep and Annie a bit........ DEFINITELY if you come up on Friday, 'course it could be a little loud outside for your Saturday morning hangover,,, er,,, I mean sleepover......... We could always set up the carbtune tent right by yours tho, if that would help you out!
  12. Buy it. If you can work on it, 2nd gear repair isn't that expensive, I have a parts list you'll need for gaskets, etc. If not, a decent parts bike isn't bad to have.
  13. Go Bucks!! One of the best games of the post season, all the way down to the last minute!
  14. Happy Birthday Todd, hope for many more to come!
  15. Didn't see my name or pic in the obituaries so I figured I better get up and drink the coffee and get the year started with a little ride!
  16. 60f yesterday took care of the snow, rain last night cleared them off. A bit of sunshine this afternoon got me going, temps around 30f. But I got my ride in, only about 50 miles to go run some errands, but it's still a ride! BTW, I HOPE Santa brings me a pair of heated gloves next year!!
  17. Why is that Monty? Less of a walk to maybe find the wrong tent or fall and scrape your knees?!
  18. We had the same here, yesterday it was 60f out and melted the roads, rain last night to clear them off. Temps back down around 30f today, but with a little sunshine to help, I took off on my New Years Day ride and did some errands. Saw the Harley group take off of their ride, around 15 or so bikes and a few other hard souls out to get their two-wheeled joys in. All-in-all it was nice to get back out there for a bit, but I believe I'll ask Santa for a pair of those heated gloves next year!
  19. Watching Dr. Who on BBC, working on the laptop. Watched Darrell Hall with Smoky Robinson, Todd Rundgren and others with the wif just before midnight.
  20. I don't think 9 litres will be enuff for you Charlie, better have another ready just in case! Oh, but you probably already do!! And like Yammer said, you better have the aspirin beside the bed in the morning (or afternoon, whichever comes first for ya!)
  21. Happy New Year to everyone, went out to dinner with the wife and son, he's over at friends, she's in the house and I'm out here setting up the new laptop again. 1 hour to go!
  22. Tucked away safely in the garage, no outside storage here! Sittin' right next to the bike, both under cover ...........
  23. Merry Christmas Steve and Irene, hope that young'un didn't tear too much stuff up today!
  24. Well, what about the police, fire, social services, nurses, doctors, support personnel etc. that are out there working today to protect you whether you are out of your home or not? My daughter worked yesterday AND last night at the hospital to make sure that anyone who came in had the care they deserved. The NFL, NBA and other sports are entertainment, just as the movie houses that are open, etc. providing for what the public wants. BTW, 10 minutes left in the 4th quarter and its Dallas 20 Arizona 21............
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