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Everything posted by Dano

  1. You guys are lucky they were only fawns. If'n it'd been an 8 point buck like mine, results would've been different..... Glad you were able to handle it and you're all ok.......
  2. We might come down there for a brief break from the heat!!
  3. That's why we must ALWAYS pay attention to the traffic around us. We don't know who is there and who really isn't all there! Saw in the news this am where a beer truck turned right in front of a rider and it killed the rider!!!
  4. Looks like Dingys young son....
  5. STILL a bunch of them without power over there, takes a bit longer to stretch out all the extension cords!! Sure hope they're all OK over there, tho....
  6. And a swivel joint helps as well. Lowes used to have Kobalt tools, they had a thin-walled 18mm socket that works perfect......
  7. I've got an 87 parts bike that has those cruise parts if you need some replacements, just let me know, cost will be reasonable.
  8. Best trailer I've seen!!
  9. Only the TRUE members on here know of the huge help that has been donated to the wife and I after my accident of last year, the same ones that KNOW what I have donated to all the folks that ask for help over the last 4 years I have belonged to this INCREDIBLE site..... Maybe we'll have to get him out for a ride......
  10. Yah, yah, that's what we all say,,,,,,
  11. Use it on the neighbors houses first, that way they can't tell where it's messed up!
  12. Happy Birthday Rick! May you sit comfortably for a while after today!
  13. Spray it with some Round-up, it'll die and you can just cut it off at the boards
  14. Oh, thought you said RE-tired, like you get everyday.......
  15. Or spend the money for the flight over to England or Thailand or somewhere else over there and just pick one up. While you're there, enjoy a brief vacation!!
  16. Might have some on the 87 parts bike, I might know where to ship them too pretty cheap. I'll get into it tonite, bikes kinda buried in the garage with my son re-arching the rear leaf springs in his 79 Camaro....
  17. Congrats to you two, nice to remember it's been a long time for you guys. Hope to see ya'll in the next year sometime!! Which one is Lonna??
  18. Not a problem, but Condor may have 2 or 3 trailers by then!! A newer one would be better for ya! Be good to see you guys next year:bighug:
  19. Huh, had to replace my bike, but the 8 point buck lost his life!! But I was nice a gave him a bit of a ride (75') down the road At 45-50 mph.......
  20. Is that a nice little face grinder?
  21. We got our patches today too! They look great and will be on the vests! Thanks Annie, great thought and job!
  22. Sorry to hear this, another good one gone too early...
  23. Countrymark sells 100% gas here in Indiana and parts elsewhere, that's all I put in my bikes and small equipment....
  24. Not hard to remember THIS birthday!!
  25. Hard to tell with this guy.....
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