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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Dano


    Same from here, ya' ol ----, dang you're 5 years older'n me!
  2. The wife, son and I are heading to her parents house for some din-din, sit back and socialize for awhile, then snooze time!!!!!
  3. I believe that I may be providin' the first mod to this subject.....
  4. Just for the heck of it today I had to run up to the parts shop, put on my stuff and rode up there, it was 45dF and sunny! Enjoyed it so much I brought the looooonnng way back home......
  5. Larry's gotta have something to do this winter!!
  6. I won't put mine up till we see if New Years Day is clear enuff (don't matter 'bout cold!) to get the first ride of the year in!!
  7. Glad you're doing well over there Skid, hope Yammer and all are OK too. We just have wind and rain this far out, not as bad as you guys.
  8. I'll guess they're probably (especially Yammer Dan!) without power or Inet connect...
  9. just some ideas with ya'lls thoughts.... how ya think I'm gettin' along now
  10. Filled up at $3.06 today.....
  11. Thank goodness to the Man up above I have now made my 1 year anniversary from taking out that 8 point buck last year (sure wish I had those antlers!), back into riding a bit and making it back into full time work and $$ producing! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone on here that bought a raffle ticket for the "Aussie Annie" trailer last year to help us thru this time, it was amazing and truly let us know how we are appreciated around here. I have no other "family" like you guys that know how to make a guy feel after the devastating effects that happened. We shall be happy to see a lot of you next year via MD and the Int'l Rally! Thanks again, Dano and Rose :bighug:
  12. You'd have to park down at the church for the night if'n you come thru here....... not that much room thru the neighborhood for your rig!
  13. 77 H2 750 was my first bike at 18...... did an unintentional wheelie the first time out on the street.....
  14. Nice,,,,looks well laid out and built for a Winger......
  15. I've been out a bit on the bike but not as much as I've wanted to. That was a big enuff adVenture for me up to Don's back in June, I'm working a lot more now and that feels good.
  16. I know, we had to go over to Columbus OH today, and if'n the wif didn't wanna go both me and the son would have ridden over and back.....
  17. Look who posted this---- and the original post!!
  18. I don't think Brad EVER got that one done.......even after 4 years!!
  19. Good reply Earl, sounds like you're close to me in the body attitude! 'Course I had a bit of help with mine! Happy Birthday ya ol' coot and may you have many more!!
  20. Happy Birthday Peg, hope it's all going good for you
  21. You didn't happen to catch an 8 point buck also with that front end, did'ja??? Glad you're doin' better, I'm just coming up on my 1st year anniversary.....
  22. We SURE missed coming down there!!! Wish I had the time to get around a bit,,,,,miss being with all you crazy guys!!
  23. Heck, a big playground on 2-1/2 acres!! I can see a few dirt bike tires goin' on a couple of 1st gens and making a good track in the back yard........ SURE wish we could be there, that's my 1st anniv. since I became a deer hunter,,,,,,,,
  24. Wow, sorry to hear of this, I hope he pulls through OK, I know it's a long road to haul. I'm glad that he was on a ride with other bikers, not out by himself and no one was there to immediately help him(I kinda got some background in that....) Call me if you guys need anything.
  25. Looks exactly like the one I pulled behind both of my bikes, could never tell it was there. I would definitely go with the 5 wire hookup, never had one of those gizmos to run them, just tied into the bike wiring under the passenger seat to light'em up..... Make a couple of boxes to install underneath to put your fold up grass chairs in......:whistling:
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