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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Sounds like a 2nd gen gear whine down there in Fla! I'll be outside in 19f high temp tomorrow setting up new parking lot lights for a customer. Any you guys down there want to come help? I'll save some coffee for you! :rotf: Dan
  2. Getting ready to tear mine down, gleaning info from here b4 I start, hopefully uncomplicated. Just need to see if anything else to do with it while out of the bike. WOuld like to do vmax upgrade, not enuff snow to push to come up with the extra funds! Dan
  3. 21 degrees, dusting snow, 30 mph winds---- I guess if I had skis on the bike I could give it a try-----, would be a VENTURE!!!!! Dan
  4. Have a great vacation and Happy New Year, Don. I'm sure SOMEONE will watch over us! Dan
  5. Oz, feel your pain, getting ready to do mine, also. Muffinman sent me the part #'s for the gaskets, will need to get #'s for the shaft, gear set and other parts needed. Dan
  6. Once in garage trying to get on center stand, once in gravel driveway doing same thing! DOn't forget COmpany policy!!! You drop it, 5 bucks to the donation kitty here on the site!! ESPECIALLY if you report it! Gonna donate my 10 bucks soon. Dan
  7. I'm thinkin Beer 30 might just show Dray what kind of rider he is! Maybe a personal M&E!:whistling: Dan
  8. Road Captain also. Dan
  9. Just one question, who are the baby bottles for?:rotf: Dan
  10. Great job, guys, very impressed. I'll have to do a better job of taking pics next time. I got 1 in, so for 1st yr on here, not to shabby! Makes my wife look good taking the pic! Dan
  11. Thom, just gleaning info here, for Marlcarl and the rest. Has it overheated recently? I mean really hot? Have not studied these motors up close and personal yet, but I will this winter. Not sure of the water passages thru the heads, etc. Hopefully it's not a cracked head. Dan PS, I'll shut up and just read now!
  12. Thom, forgot to mention, don't know how, you shouldn't run it with the oil/water mix. It could cause corrosion in the oil paths and it makes the oil really sludgey(?). It will definately reduce oil flow thru motor, depending on how much water (anti-freeze) has gotten in there. Replace the filter, oil change at least twice I would think, to flush out the contaminents(watch a 2nd genner try to understand this!). Sorry to hear you gotta pull it, but a good time to check out the heads, valves, chain tensioner, etc. I would throw new valve cover gaskets on it too, if it's never been apart. You got a good motor, no reason to start over on somebody elses (hidden) problems. Good luck, Dan PS- don't feel bad, I'm doing the second gear fix this winter, so I'm right there with you! But at least I'll know when I get this done, it's Lowell kind-of mileage before I gotta do that again! Hmmm, makes you wonder why Lowell doesn't ride a 2nd gen, huh!!!
  13. DO a compression check when the motor is cold, should show a blown head gasket. Muffinman or Squeeze will definately be the answer men when it comes to this. And I agree with your position on the second gens. Seems I've been seeing more problems out of them on the site lately than the 1st gens!!!!! Dan
  14. At least with a 1st gen you have STYLE that is unique and second to Goldwings . Hmmm, looks like somebody forgot the 1/4 mile times that are somewhere on here. Don't remember a Goldwing OR 2nd gen doing 12.05 sec @ 105 mph down the track (if they've even got the nerve!) :rotf: 1st gen MK1 and proud of it! Dan
  15. If he could use some recent Popular Mechanics mags, I could send him some. Let me know and I'll get them right out. Dan
  16. Goin' up on the new fridge now! Dan
  17. Remember when we used to build stuff like this with our dads in the basement? Lazarus dep't. store in Columbus, OH used to have a big animated display on High St. Used to go see it all the time. Dan
  18. Dano

    Christmas ride

    Happy and glad for all those up north here who decided to ride! I'm wanting to go on Fat Daddy's (in Shelbyville, In) New Years Day ride next week if it's up in the 40's with dry roads. I've got a couple of HD buddies who are going. DOn't have all the fancy cold weather gear, but Carhartt bibs and coat has been working good. Anybody else from Indy want to go, PM me and we'll hook-up. Dan
  19. So, if I read this right, you guys get Christmas (Eve?) AND Boxing Day off with pay??? We're going to have to sit down and compare paid Holidays off with other countries and see who's got the best deal! A move might be in order! Happy Boxing Day! Dan
  20. Who took the chance to go out for a ride today (Christmas Day)? Needed to go to Grandmas, of course "over the river (creek) and through the woods (several tree stands). Was about 45f when we left at 2:30 this afternoon, son rode in with me. Beautifull!!!! When we left at 8 tonite, the daughter rode with me. I believe when we got back home it was close to 32f outside. Still glad I haven't started to tear her down yet!!! Gonna have to get going, tho. Still couldn't pass up a chance for a ride!!!!! Dan
  21. My brother-in-law (wife's sister), was an HD guy, spent all his money and no time riding, went to the sport bike side (used to ride in Germany on the autobahn), and after looking at my bike today (84 Standard), said that he would like to get rid of his Buell Lightning and get something more like mine. When I told him that my 730 pound "sled" would do 12.5 seconds @ 105 mph in the quarter mile, his jaw dropped to the ground!!! He has finally come to his senses and may leave "the Dark Side". Thankfully he hasn't dropped his bike in a long time. I myself wonder "why" these crotch-rockets feel the need to put themselves and others at risk with their riding. Go to a track if you need to feel that! Dan
  22. Spear, from all of us on the diagonally oposite side of the world from you, we hope yours was great, Santa brought what you wanted, and we need PICS,PICS,PICS!!!!! Squeeze and you Aussies get to celebrate ALOT earlier than we do. My wife is still wrapping stuff for tomorrow! Merry Christmas, Dan
  23. In case you haven't heard, Mars will be draped in red tonite, followed an hour later by the full moon. Should rise in the SE sky. THis is the closest Mars will be for another 26 months, and tonite it is exactly in line with the earth and sun, allowing us to see it in red. Supposed to be seen by the necked eye! Mega Cool! Merry Christmas, Dan
  24. THanks Randy, I was wanting to watch the weather and see when it would start. Sun been up less hours than I work, terrible! Dan
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