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Everything posted by Dano

  1. If I'm chattin', I ain't workin on the bike..........
  2. I'm ready to move to Ohio, at least you got some snow I can plow to make some bike rebuild money!!
  3. Congrats on the new ride, may she treat you with respect and carry you home safely on every ride. I look forward to meeting you some day and sharing a ride. Dan
  4. SMall block or big block? Gotta be Chevy, I wouldn't waste my time puttin' that beautifull rig on a F--d.
  5. SQUEEZE!!! Turn your monitor back upright! My necks killing me from looking at this thing sideways!! LOL Dan
  6. Don't feel bad, Peg, we got 6-8 inches here at the house, go 6 mile into 465 and they got nuthin'. Haven't plowed any snow for pay since last year.:( Dan
  7. That's what I thought Pegscraper was gonna do. Or a turbo! Dan
  8. Ya'll can come over here and help me with my bike if'n you're that bored! Dan
  9. Dang, I need some of that so I can plow to get more parts for the bike! These guys keep coming up with more stuff I should do while I got her torn down! Dan
  10. DOn, if it's like Indy, they'll predict alot, then get nothing. I feel sorry for Cincinnati and those down there, they're getting 10+ inches right now. Good luck and prayers to you all. Dan
  11. So, if I understand correctly, if I hold my middle gear nut on the left side of the case, I should NOT be able to move the u-joint coming out the back. If it does, then replacement of the crush collar is the correct diagnoses? 59k on the mileage. Since I'm fixing 2nd gear anyway, I'm in the area. Thanks, Dan
  12. Yeah, it was hard to get everyone to turn their window fans in your direction, but we finally got 'er done!! Enjoy! Dan
  13. What a ride! But you finally made it!! Good luck on repairs, then relax with an adult beverage! Have fun, Dan
  14. Just made my reservation, only 6 rooms left under Ventureriders!!! Better hurry up!!! Dan
  15. Ah, I was gonna say sell it and buy a 1st gen, but today is "nice" day. Get ahold of Pegscraper and see if he can fit a V-boost on your bike like he did. Might help you out. Dan
  16. Yeah, I'll just continue to keep getting my wrenches dirty, fix her up good, not worrying if something new or unknown is gonna come up, cause you know, MY bikes been there, done that, came back, and will live to see PLENTY more days of sunshine and asphalt! I think these 2nd genners are just coming into their "problems", as is noticed on the board lately. Wish the best of luck to them, as I pass them on the road with my soon-to-be-born "RED ROCKET"!!!:whistling: :bikersmilie: All in fun----- Dan
  17. There's nothing more satisfying than working on your own scoot, taking it out for that first ride, and knowing everything you did now works right! Such a sense of ownership and pride! Great job!!!! Dan (I'll leave the poor boys on their 2nd gens alone in their misery for now!)
  18. Squeeze, most definately on my wish list of things to do. We're in the same situation, got 3 years till the boy graduates from High School, bunches of other things. But at least we know we have a plan!! Doesn't matter if you make it here first, or us there, the invites always open! It sets my heart to boil when I think of you only being 200 miles from the "RIng". I can remember watching tape-delayed races from there in the 60's where they went through the old course. And there's all the old movies, too. Well, back to work tomake and save some money for the trip!! Thanks for the kind words, Dan
  19. Squeeze, being a good representative of Indianapolis, (live 25 miles from the track), a huge open-wheel fan (both IRL and F1), I hereby extend the invite for ANYTIME you come to the states, stop here in Indy, stay out at my place and go out and see the track. Even if it's not in the month of May (and hopefully Paul Tracy isn't crying, I mean racing), there's a great museum and most of the race teams are located here. We also have a huge group of NHRA top fuel and funny car teams based here, most of which operate in their shops year round. Most all teams will allow you to glance at their operations while you're here. I would trade this time with you for a chance to go to Hockenheim (spelling?) or the Neurburgring (again?) and witness the races at those tracks. I get up early in the morning on Sundays to watch those races live! When you come over, I think you should hook-up with Wild Hair and tour the country with him! Our own Ambassador could give you a tour of the country. Just think, he knows ALL the members that drink good beer! The invite to stay here is good forever, so let us know! I'm sure we could come up with a bike for 'ya! Dan
  20. Only because you're on the other side of the world, chances are we may never meet and share beers. Or DQ for that matter. I really appreciate the info that you post, as I sure everyone does. And, I have noticed a definate improvement in your English language skills, not to mention your humorous tendancies. In other words, it's great to get to know you better!! Dan
  21. Another mystery solved by Squeeze!!
  22. Wow, I don't even need to post after these last two, they got everything covered!!!!!
  23. We learn more about the elusive Squeeze--- everyday another piece of the puzzle! Dan
  24. Nope, wasn't me, my bikes torn down and it was raining here! Dan
  25. Might have some stuff extra from my Corvair motors. How about a busted turbo housing? Not gonna do me any good, might as well see some artsy-fartsy come out of it! Dan
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