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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Good idea, ordering thru Flatout, so I hope they get it right. Gonna sit down tonite and get busy. Let me know how it works out. Good luck, Dan
  2. I've got all 3 motors for this car,,,, the 110 2 bbl, the 140 horse 4 bbl, AND the 180 horse turbo. I'm gonna have fun one of these days!!!!!!
  3. If your bike has never been apart for a thorough cleaning, it'll get like this. My 84 was nasty when I tore it down. Under the clutch slave cylinder cover, you will get seepage from the alternator wires that come out of the left side case, maybe some from the clutch slave cylinder if it's been bled, maybe even valve cover gaskets. You should be able to get to the plug wires after you remove the battery box, may even be able to remove the setup-- also has your ignition box and boost sensor on the bracket. Clean all your connections with an electrical component cleaner while you have them out. I'm sure others will be on here to help also. Good luck, Dan
  4. Thanks guys, will have sandblasted (local company) and paint frame. I think I have enough threads to chase after painting that powdercoating would take too long. Definately going after all bearings, I think this is where my "frame wobble" comes in. Just felt like every bearing had play while riding (of course, theres only the 2 swing arm and the neck bearings that contribute mightily to this) I know, wheel bearings too, but frame has to do with rigidity)). I do want to ride this year, but with a marked improvement over last year, and not have to worry about it later. Squeeze, the grease fittings for the neck and swingarm-- just past the races? Definately want these. Gotta go now, more maintenance around the house to do. Talk to ya later Dan
  5. Oh, one other question. when you look at the oil manifold below the crank, can you see that the orange o-ring near the filter is in place? RandyA I knew there was one to check, now I know which one! Thanks again.
  6. Cool, I'll check that out. Thanks!
  7. This is how I get rid of headaches! Very relaxing for me! The headache will come when it's time to put it all back together!
  8. Got the frame cleaned off finally, got a couple of questions on the center stand bracing. To me, it looks like somebody has welded in triangular braces already. These welds, especially the one on the right side of frame (straight triangle, looks like left side, frame upside down), does not look like factory weld. Do I need to do additional bracing while I'm in here? No cracks are evident, will wait till I sand frame down (or get it sand-blasted) to check closer. Word of wisdom, as is evidenced at the kick-stand switch, leaking hydraulic fluid will eat the crap out of your paint job! Maybe I should just paint the frame w/ brake fluid to strip it! Next pic is again from the battery acid fumes due to no breather vent hose on the bike. Also noticed in the neck bearing races, looks like bearings have "set" themselves in one area. Should I replace the races and bearings as a set? Middle 2 shots-- my "wash-down" area (keeps me out of the doghouse-eh Dragonslayer?!) and the project I had before I got the Venture. Will get to it sometime! Thanks guys again, Dan Sorry the pics aren't that clear, still trying to learn this camera!
  9. Finally got the case split and the frame cleaned up. #'s match on motor and frame, so it is original. First a couple of pointers that I had not seen in earlier posts. For some reason, MamaYama decided not to put the drain plug in the lowest portion of the oil pan, so you don't get a complete oil change, nor drain the sludge. It makes it messy when you're tearing down the motor such as I am. I figured this one out, though. Take a gallon oil jug, split it in half vertically. Then follow these pics. I thought it was ingenious! Got about 1/4- 2/3rds quart of oil out of the motor. Just lay a couple of 2x4s on their edge with the split jugs under them and lay the motor over on it's side. By the way, how do you like my hillbilly work bench!?! Next: here are pics of my forks, only 1 showing any face wear, maybe just in the beginning phases of the damage part. I'm not seeing much damage on the gearset, haven't broken down the drive axle set yet (tomorrow?). Whada'ya think? I'm hoping thrust washer, check shaft and fork, replace if necessary. Can't figure out how to get pics between lines to continue commentary, will set new post for my frame questions. Thanks guys, Dan
  10. FIgured Don was playing around again when I went to post here today. I like it! Dan
  11. Ride on Mark, ride on Thank you KBran, for all you've done on our behalf.
  12. Great reply Squeeze, just what us true gearheads need and want to know. If we are to ever keep all this knowledge straight, with an easy to interface with database, then the wikipedia thing might be the best. I do my best work when I am armed with all the knowledge needed, and that's why I spend so much time on here reading the posts. Thanks again Squeeze, I'm sure we'll be pulling more info out of you in the future!!!! Dan:bighug:
  13. Dano

    Hey Condor

    You are, like the rest of us,,, but not so far gone that you'd buy a 2nd gen!!!!!! LOL Dan
  14. From what I'm understanding, is that the noise is something one would also hear from a gear-driven cam, such as in a small block Chevy or to that effect. This is the first I have seen where Yammi has determined that it comes from the gear interaction and not something else. While it sounds cool on a hot rod, that is 5 feet away and under the hood. On you 2nd genners bikes, it's got to be murder! By the way, the "H" inthe part number is the model bike designator----26H---- is the RS/Venture line. My 84 starts with 26H also. Good luck, Dan
  15. I think Squeeze will jump in and explain the nuances, but if memory serves correct(??????) I believe cam profile is different maybe timing. Haven't heard anything about gearing. I've also heard that the 83's were faster than the 84-85 bikes, too. Definately cams on that, as the 83 used the vmax lobe profile, I believe. (Let'em chew over that for awhile!). Hope this cornfuses you more, Dan
  16. I'm in the middle of a complete teardown of my 84, doing frame maintenance, second gear fix, front progressive springs, pretty much anything that needs attention. When I get done, the only thing I'll have to do next year is a re-paint and some chrome toys. These bikes are worth it, you don't want a 1300 motor, faster than a second gen but slower than the 83-85 1200 motors. Have fun with it!!!! Plenty of guys around hear to help you with the technical stuff, but doesn't sound like you'll need much. Dan
  17. Thanks, I'm going to check the wear pattern on everything when I disect the bottom end. This is fabulous info, I appreciate the time you've taken researching this. Very thorough and the posts discussing it has been like a lecture series on this area.
  18. Check with Flatout.com and mention you're with Venturerider. They're usually good with their prices. Dan
  19. 63d (f) here in Indy today, bike torn down, NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready to get my dirt bike out just for something to ride!! :(:( Dan
  20. No, the ujoint and nut move as one, I can feel the teeth touching each other when you rock it back and forth. I believe it's still tight, might just be the lash between the middle and pinion gear. I'll look closer when I finally get her opened up this weekend. Thanks, Dan
  21. I seem to remember something about that if you had boots on top of your lower tubes, that some metal had to be removed from the brace for the spacing. There's probably a post on this. Dan
  22. I've got an 84 like yours, you just discovered how much power these "old" Bikes have! I was worried at first also, but it sounds like the clutch is just busting loose with heavy right hand and a lot of torque to the wheel. Bet it doesn't slip under medium or lower throttle, does it? Nothing to be worried about right now, but would do the repairs listed above. Also, if you ever "get on it" in second gear and it jumps on you (slipping out and back into gear), you are in the beginning stages of the dreaded "second gear failure" syndrome these early bikes are famous for. Will be fine for a long time if you don't bust it loose with the throttle in 2nd gear, third is just as much fun at higher rpm's (I was told that 5500 rpm @ 65 mph was takin it easy!!!!). These bikes are durable and fun to ride. You just gotta look out for those 2nd genners, they're always trying to out do us 1st genners. Look forward to seeing you on here. Dan
  23. Ok, finally got my hillbilly work table together and got the motor up there (don't ask me how!). Pulled the side plates and I have about 1/8" movement in the ujoint when holding the middle gear nut. I can feel the teeth touching each other when I move the joint. Re-collar and re-torque?
  24. The shot of the three 1st Gens was great. Looks like a great place to stay down there. Thanks!
  25. Don, I'll take 2, paypal on the way, if you can just hold'em till maintenance day, I'll get them then. Save you some postage and an envelope. Thanks, Dan
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