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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Nice lookin' Scoot! Dan
  2. Thanks Squeeze, I really appreciate the vote of confidence, I think I know what my limits of ability are, but I don't mind "pushing the envelope" as long as I know what I'm doing. If I screw it up bad enough, I can always order a new set!!!!!!! Dan
  3. Thanks, Squeeze. Fork will be ordered and I'm trying to work up the courage to do the grind myself. Can't believe that thrust washer was worn down like that. Oh well, everything will be fine when I get it done. Dan
  4. All these 2nd genners on here talkin' about their bikes. HMMMM, couldn't hear 'em, cause even with my bike torn down for maintenance, IT'S STILL FASTER THAN THEIRS WILL EVER HOPE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bikersmilie: dAN
  5. Dittos from water soaked Central Indiana, ready for the ground to dry out. You guys be carefull over there. Dan
  6. dirt in the carbs
  7. Thanks Jim, that's a good start. May try Yammi's site and see if they got anything, or I'll check with Flatout when I'm in there. I'll post anything I find. Dan
  8. Randy, once I took it apart and got the close-up pics, I knew it needed cut. I will review the thread tonite on the procedure, and will make the determination then. It really surprised me how much the thrust washer was worn down. I wonder if one has ever worn all the way through? What a mess that would create! Thanks for looking, I'm just gonna go ahead and replace the fork, not much cost there. A previous post shows the wear on the fork. Dan
  9. Great finish to the article Cecil, well done! Dan
  10. OK, looking through the manual, I see that there are different beginning serial #'s for the XVZ12. There is JYA26H (TK), mine is a 41R (L), 41V (DL), 47R (KC2), 47T (DKC2), 31M (TDK). Does anyone know the difference or what the different enumerators stand for? I'm just passing time and was wondering. Might help for parts ID. Dan
  11. Fixit, never got to get it on in 2nd, but 1st and 3rd was OK. THis fix along with putting on the vboost under the carbs should get me at least "Warp 3", I'm thinkin'. Not that I will always ride like that, but if you need it to get out of a situation, it'll be there! Definately will not be pulling the trigger on the vboost with the Navigator on there! By the way, did you do your own cutting on the dogs? I'm kind of hesitant after reading Randy's column on this, but I could be psyching myself out. However, I'm not above letting someone else who has more experience do this for me. Thanks, Dan
  12. Fixit, never got to get it on in 2nd, but 1st and 3rd was OK. THis fix along with putting on the vboost under the carbs should get me at least "Warp 3", I'm thinkin'. Not that I will always ride like that, but if you need it to get out of a situation, it'll be there! Definately will not be pulling the trigger on the vboost with the Navigator on there! By the way, did you do your own cutting on the dogs? I'm kind of hesitant after reading Randy's column on this, but I could be psyching myself out. However, I'm not above letting someone else who has more experience do this for me. Thanks, Dan
  13. Shameless bump! for Squeeze or Marcarl or anyone interested in the dreaded 2nd gear stuff!
  14. You've got 2"s and 60 pounds on me, it's all technique. I tend to use the rear guard rail and foot to get the bike up (ya'll thought I was gonna say "get it up" didn't ya!). Just make sure you're about a foot or so away from anything behind the bike. Dan
  15. Ok, here we are
  16. Here are the close-up pics of the dogs and gear. Thrust washer is worn almost 1/3rd of the way through. Needs undercut, huh? Wanna do it for me? Dan I'll try it again, this time I'll actually add the pictures!!!! Dooooh!
  17. So if I'm figurin' this out, with the colortune you're actually tuning the mixture (air/fuel) by looking at the explosion of the mixture in the cylinder? I missed the original post on this do-dad. That and right now I got plenty of parts for Jeff to throw around. That sounds cool as all-get-out. D--n, I need to move to NC and buy some ice cream!!!!!! Dan
  18. Congrats Spear, on the addition to the family. Got mannners, that one does. Glad you had fun on the ride. How did the new shock work out? Welcome back, Dan
  19. Dano


    By the way who moved the smiles ? Not on the side no more but I found them Brad Freebird messin' with us again, seeing if we pay attention! Dan
  20. Wow, and I thought I was having fun with my complete teardown. My harness is loose from the bike, but still in fairing frame, headlight, etc. if I can help you. It is a virgin harness with no mods. Dan
  21. Nice bike, better lock it up when Freebird is around! Enjoy, Dan
  22. Dano

    1st time

    I don't see a Venturerider tshirt on her yet!!!!! Congratulations, Kan, have fun spoiling her! Dan:bighug:
  23. Yeah, I just went through the parts fiche and found the same thing. It must have come from the factory that way, Doesn't look like anybodies been hear before. Just had me worried. Dan
  24. Make sure that the drain valve on the lower front cross-tube is in the off position. This is approximately 2 o'clock as you are looking at it. Mine seeped for a bit, I turned it back and forth, then set it to off, and it quit. This was last winter. Use a flashlight to look at it, it is printed with off/on on the front. Good luck Dan
  25. Ok, just noticed on my bearings on both shafts, only 1 has a full circlip on it(Big bearing on main axle). The other two ( small bearing main axle, opposite end from pinion on drive axle) only have half-clips that are in the lower case half. No parts left in the main case. Is that how they're supposed to be? MamaYama manual shows full clips, the case is grooved for full clips. Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!! Dan
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