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Everything posted by Dano

  1. C'mon, DragonRider, don't be chicken!!!!!! Tear it ALL the way down!!! Nothin' like a little pressure of already having reservations to motivate ya'!!!!!! Dan
  2. LOVE that color, just think, Squid can just repaint his new scoot and he'll have a new 09 and not have to go out and buy one!!!!!!:whistling:
  3. Yep about the bells. Know Ken Pritt out there? He's an electrician but might work in the foundry, mostly 3rd shift.
  4. Hey Rocket, I agree that we could really screw him up, errrrrrrrr help him fix his bike!!! Definately change fluid, needs to be done anyway. Then he can start by looking at the play in the linkage, could be the bushing going thru the left cover and check the linkage bolts to make sure they are tight. Myriads of possibilities here, aren't there! Keep asking questions, man, that's what we're here for!!! Dan
  5. Sounds like you've got a stuck caliper. If you have a c-clamp, you could put a pad in there and gently try to turn the c-clamp and see if the piston goes back in. If you don't want to use a pad, use something of the same thickness that will cover the piston so you can get it back in straight. If it is stuck, you could also back out the bleeder screw and you should get some fluid out of there when you apply pressure to the piston. As far as the metal piece, I'll have to look at mine to tell. Dan
  6. Yes, that is appropriate, and I would change out the fluid, especially if it is dark looking. Just follow the directions. It can be fun to work on your bike, that way you get to see exactly what you've got! Dan
  7. Hey Bummer, you must work out at International. I'm just off the Pleasant View exit off of 74. We'll have to hookup sometime. When I get ready to stick the motor back in the frame, I might just have you out to help. Gotta get the frame sandblasted and painted, then it's reassembly time!!!!! Dan
  8. Can I get the covers for my bike? They look sharp as h**l and would look great on a 1st gen, cause we all know that's the only one that'll keep up with it!!!!!!:cool10: Dan
  9. My thoughts when I tore mine down, was to make some aluminum skin, sorta like the RR's or R1 & 6's. That way you don't have to change the airbox or anything. There's enuff frame there to make mounts or threaded posts to attach it to. I think it would look cool!!!! Dan
  10. Me too.
  11. Nope, the shift cam is behind the clutch basket, which is not hard to remove. But since you say that with playing with the clutch you can shift it, thats not the problem. If the shift pin was missing, it would not shift up at all. I suggest doing a clutch fluid bleed, or even changing it out all together. Sounds like the clutch is not releasing enough to let the gears change easily enough. Probably got a little air in the line. Click on the search button at the top of the site, type in clutch fluid change, and see what comes up. Not hard to do, but it can be a PIA (pain in the A**). Any questions, feel free to ask!!! Dan
  12. Make your $5 donation to the "dropped the bike" kitty!!!!
  13. Give 'em a call, Mariner, they were going to "hold" some more rooms for us. And possibly some guys might have some extra room. #'s 800-376-4173, tell'em you're with Ventureriders. See what happens. Also, put a post on here about extra space. Dan
  14. Hey, you guys are just trying to rub it in that I'm not done with my bike yet, huh!?!?!?! Seriously, wish I could join ya. Will be done in time to ride over for maintenance day, though. Is anybody else going over? I'm leaving Friday, staying at Oberlin Inn Fri and Sat nites. Navigator going, too. First looong ride for us. Welcome to Hoosierland, Puddler. My daughter's up there at Ball State, going up next Friday to retrieve her for the summer. Glad to have you in the area and we'll definately do some riding this summer! Best places for riding here is the southern part of the state. Brown county is a good place to start. Look forward to meeting you, Dan BTW, I'm in northwestern Shelby county, which is the southeast corner of Indy, just off I-74
  15. Thanks Rocket. i was needing to replace one of mine too.
  16. Same one I get 6'r, only in left hand turns, and when the navigators with me, it's usually followed by a sharp pain somewhere in the back of my head!!!! Cain't figur that one out! Dan
  17. Eck, if nobody from around here wants to hookup, I'm going over on Friday also from Indy and would like to get with you guys if I know where you'll be Friday morning. I could even ride down to Cinci and hookup with you around there. Don't want to ride alone, even though Navigator will be with me, our first long trip, you know. Dan
  18. Sometimes you have to do something just because you can. That's how we get our great inventions!!!
  19. As a matter of fact, I WAS out mowing the grass. Gotta love DST! CHeck you othe post, I left a link there for ya, Dan Dan Huh, guess my r's aren't working.
  20. Dan, here is the link that explains the difference. The nipple is located on the carb itself just above the throttle plate. The 83 TCI looks for zero vacuum at idle. Hell, just read the post! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16587&highlight=1983+carb It'll save me all that typing!!!!!!! Probably what's giving you that crappy idle! Dan Found it by doing a search on 1983 carb, 1st post.
  21. Yea Dan, if they are 83 carbs, the vacuum port will be above the carb. Im not sure of the location, but probably on the boot that comes from the air cleaner or at the throat of the carb itself. I remember that there was a post on this on here earlier this year, I believe. Maybe Muffin knows. If you don't see a vacuum port below the carbs, then it's got to be above. You also have to use an 83 boost sensor on there too, because the vacuum is less above the carb than below. I think I'm wrong on that. It may be that it's positive pressure above, that's why you have to use an 83 sensor. It controls your timing advance curve.
  22. Dan, you gotta remember that the boost sensor goes before the carb(above) on an 83. 84 they moved it to the bottom of the carb. Maybe you got 83's but didn't remember where the sensor hose hooked up. Hope this helps. (Front left carb)
  23. You guys know that the Texas boys run in Dodge pick-ups, Walker, Texas Ranger was drivin' one 15 years ago!!!! And by the way, I'll take on one of them boys when I get the red rocket done!!
  24. They do wear down, if they are loose or "popping" a little bit, wrap a length of mechanics (stiff) wire around the pipe also, will help to seal it up; new ones around 10 bucks apiece.....
  25. Ahhhh, I can remember a couple weekday afternoon rides when a certain "entertainer" lady was out there rock hunting, very interesting days! We also saw the canyon and some other sites around. I was there once when it snowed!
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