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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Nope, the bucket was sitting flush with the top of the molding in the head,,,,, lobe was still able to push it down some. Like I say, valve shaft must have temporarily just stuck in the guide, seems to be ok now.. BTW, left work(?) and am home now to finish this part up. Gonna take my forks into a local shop and let them rebuild- 82 bucks apiece plus parts--- my time more valuable than that. Plus the distinct possibility of me screwing it up......................:rotf: Dan
  2. Hey Squid, are you selling a bike up there? Found one on ebay this morning from Bay City............ http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-1200_W0QQitemZ230247852260QQcmdZViewItem Dan
  3. Thanks, Squeeze, bored of sitting around here. Can't get anything done.... Gonna leave here soon and go home. I'm on salary, so I'm not gonna lose any money......... Dan
  4. It's the final drive that your rear wheel mounts to----the big round silver thingy at the back of the bike!!!!!!!
  5. I'll throw another one in there.... Took my slave cylinder apart to change seals. You wouldn't believe the junk in there. Took me an hour to clean all the crap and hardened stuff out of the grooves. Could possibly affect the way it moves. Dan
  6. Don't mess with the Clearances, better set them an the loose Side than too tight. But setting at .102 on the exhaust on 6 of them, that's too tight, right? Not enough clearance if I'm thinking right. I've got the shim kit so I've got plenty to play with, then just order what I used to replace them. Oh, nothing to do at work, so I'm settin here on the 'puter. Might take off after lunch to work on the bike. Dan
  7. Colortune and carbtune, synch same. Maybe get in line early for the above?!?!?!?! Dan
  8. Have not seen a difference overnight, it really freaked me out--- only thing I can think is after sitting upside down for 3 weeks, that somehow the valve stem was temporarily stuck in the guide, don't recall if I've ever seen that before, but doesn't mean it can't happen. Wonder if I could try a compression check on the bench? Exhaust valves are all reading tight--- .102mm-.152 mm...... should start at .16 and go up to .20, so I probably gotta change those....... Intakes are all within tolerance. Dan
  9. Buddy, you and I posted same time, check post right b4 yours. Might be lucky. Oh, should have said bucket, not valve. I'll get this c**p right one of these days. Spur of the moment, you know.
  10. Ok, 15 minute update,,,, for some reason, after rotating the motor a few times,,,, the cup is now coming up under spring tension,,,, BTW my bad, it was cylinder #3, not 4. PHHHHEEEEEWWWWW, hope it's OK... Dan
  11. You know, since I got these glasses I can't see S***!!
  12. Ok, HUGE problem I think, or hope not....... Inboard exhaust valve on #4 cylinder does NOT stay up-------can pull it up, drops right back down, do I have a broken spring in there????????? Am I gonna have to pull the head to fix it????? There goes another week!!!!! HELP Dan
  13. Thanks everybody, now I understand. It's kinda what I thought I would do, but needed verification before I started. Don't want to screw something up without knowing how to screw it up!!!!! Dan Wish this manual was written by somebody that actually worked on the bike, not some desk jockey!!!
  14. Love to help eat it, can help watch it (it's what I did the last time somebody cooked one), and I'm bringing my scissors to help cut the grass! Love the pig idea and will help with contribution if needed!!! Dan
  15. I am skinny, so I will eat just about anything(RMO? don't think so!), so I will try all that you make! Dan
  16. But, do motorcycles fall under "power sports application"? I would think that would be quads, dirt bikes, off road gear. Motorcycles fall under domestic transportation, just like a car. JMHO, Dan PS What ever you decide, Condor, I'm with you, you've been dealing with them.
  17. A bike with 160000 miles on it, probably has been run with regular (dinosaur) oil in it. To change to a synthetic would make just about every oil seal in the thing start leaking. If you were tearing down the motor and replacing all the gaskets and oil rings, it'd probably be OK. A lot of guys around here are running Rotella 10w40 (Wally World- $9/ gallon) with no problem. Also, do NOT use any oil that says "energy conserving". They have friction modifiers that will make your clutch start slipping again! Don't want to go back to that, do we?!!!!?!? Good luck and enjoy the ride! Dan
  18. Dano

    New Plugs

    Buy a set and try them out for us, Bob! You know, do the stats--- mileage, power, torque. Somebodies gotta try them! LOL Dan
  19. So when you're checking your gap, it's from the "bottom" of the lobe, not the point of it? With the timing mark on T1, looking at cyl. #1, the exhaust lobe is just rotating off the back side of the lifter and the intake lobe is just starting to contact the leading edge of the lobe. My brain is still thinking about adjusting solid lifters from the "old days" with rockers, etc. Maybe it's stopping me from grasping this easily. Dan
  20. Dano

    Wet Feet

    I'd do it on my dirt bike, not sure about the Venture, though!
  21. OK, done with the bottom end, everything but middle gear cover on (hookup hose to clutch slave cylinder), time to check the valves. Gotta pick up some feeler guages tomorrow (metric or standard?), then tomorrow night get'ter done. Huge question----- got the loaner kit from BuddyRich (Thanks KYCaveman & BuddyRich), how does the tool work? Before I screw something up, book doesn't show, all it says is to install it, then rotate the cam to remove it. Also, with timing mark on T1, lobes are laying just off to the side of the intake and exhaust valves. After measurement, do you turn the lobes up, or what? Searched for a thread on this but could not find one. Last item to do before buttoning up the motor and moving on to the frame and everything else. Thanks, Dan
  22. DO you gotta be there to buy the raffle tix? How about the t-shirts. Can't make it cause bike won't be done and I'm going to Freebirds, but would love to help if I can. Let me know, Dan
  23. I'm just jealous.... no hints, can't help, just plain jealous!!!!! Good luck and ride safe, bring that puppy over to Freebirds for maintenance day so we can get a look at it AND you!!!! Dan
  24. Should arrive to me just when I'm ready to put her in then, Thanks Jack!
  25. Drive from Progressive, $259 for the year, full coverage w/ 100/ comprehensive, 250 collision, 250/ Uninsured property damage. Don't seem bad to me. Also carries 1000 for custom parts or equipment no deductible. Medical is only 1000 per person. Dan
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