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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Hey Boo, you coming down to ride with us on Saturday???!!!
  2. Atwell, as I posted in the previous thread about you flying up to get your bike (you probably haven't seen it), I would be glad to ride thru Indiana with you. Don't know how far you will make it on Sunday, but will be glad to meet up with you for the ride down to Louisville. We've got many people throughout here that will be glad to help if needed. Give me a call on my cell at 317-370-0139 and be glad to talk with you. I didn't know if you'd be going down 65 or on down 74 to Cincinnati and then down I-75 towards your area. Traffic on 74 is much lighter than 65, with a WHOLE lot less trucks to mess with. Just a thought. Dan
  3. You could always play like the boys on OCC a couple years ago, and just get the gas can out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  4. If he comes thru Indy, and why wouldn't he, I would recommend coming on down to I-74 in Illinois and then coming across down to Cincinnati. Much less traffic and much safer. I would be willing to take a day off and meet him at the border or a bit further and ride with him down to Cincinnati. Got some vacation days to burn. Depending on where you are starting from(not sure your co-ordinates) he might be ready to hit Indiana by Monday morning. Let me know soon so I can arrange the day off. Dan
  5. Dano

    Good news

    Great news, Tx, very glad to hear it. We've got a guy at work going thru the treatment for prostate. He still keeps trudging in for work everyday. Keeps me from B***ching about my sore back when I see him.
  6. 'Shoulda been able to do that up to 3rd gear alone without goin' to 4th. Caught a Suzuki GS 600(?) after he had gone about 50' (I was still goin easy till my Harley-ridin' partner says---Betcha can't ketch him!!) Caught up with him before he let out of it (4 lane to 2 lane). Of course I had to have my ribs taped up because I forgot to tell the Nav b4 I nailed it......... Dan Might need to check your carbs and plugs. I run premium Ethanol free Marathon (local small dealer who keeps his stuff fresh), easily do 95 in 3rd, sometimes up to 105 b4 I shift.
  7. Soooo, the address for that site is: ????????????
  8. I knew someone would correct me, you know, me being a MK1 kinda guy!!!!
  9. Chuck, check yourself in on the calendar, saw your post on the ride thread. It'll be great to have you along. I'm originally from Col's. Oh, so I know the area you guys have over there. Just need time to do it. If you schedule one, makes it easier to plan to get over there for me.
  10. You'll have to remove the side bags, I believe your's unbolt. Then in the side plates on the bike you will see 2 12mm bolts towards the back of the seat that hold it down. Remove these bolts, slide the seat back an inch or 2 and it will come right off. Dan
  11. Since he's been on an HD for the last 32 years, he might even be scraping the pegs and not know what it sounds like!!!!!! Seriously, I would tend to agree on the tires. Dan
  12. A bunch of cash, a new wife, and someone to take care of my side jobs for me. Got three weeks of vacation still to take, so thats not a problem! Really, in conversation with our neighbor Friday night at dinner, she did say that she knows that I want to do that, she's not the type of person to, and I'll probably do that after the boy graduates from high school--- 3 MORE YEARS!!!! Dan
  13. Same as Squiley says--you set it up and we'll be there!!! You'se guys need to come over here next Saturday--- I74 up outta Cincinnati to Greensburg, then 46 over to Columbus, In. 'bout 60-90 minutes from downtown Cincy. Dan
  14. Sounds like he's fishin' for a ridin' pardner!! I know if I had the time, wouldn't hesitate!! Dan
  15. Dano


    You need to put your glasses on, Lowell!!! They look great! But, where's the "Official Ambassador" title at????? Dan
  16. If you top off your reservoir, be sure to leave space at the top for fluid expansion (especially the clutch MC) when things heat up. Dan
  17. Next step would be to pull the slave out and put new seals in there and finish cleaning out the junk. Take an afternoon (rainy day) and you'll be surprised. Dan
  18. Of course, we all know the 1st gen IS the best design!!! You can't improve on perfection!!! LOL Dan
  19. Since you guys are talking about it, somehow a tip came off of one of my bags upper pins that go into the slider. Can you get replacements? Been too lazy to check Flatout for a new one. Dan
  20. I'm watching too, but it's my right speaker that does it!! Dan
  21. Yes, but the lower bushings are actually called "front fork Piston". Don't know why, but they do!! Item # 36 on list. Dan
  22. 1-UP, let me know which route you end up coming into Indiana, and I'll ride down and meet you and ride back up with 'ya. I just live on the SE side of Indy, no problem going South to Madison (421) or over to Cincinnati (52) to hook up. 421 is nice roads in Ind., 74 is not bad at all for traffic, always pretty light. And we can always run up to 52 from Greensburg if you really don't want to do super-slab. Dan
  23. Good job, glad it's back on the road where it belongs. Now you're gonna have to meet up with some of us!!! Dan
  24. Lost mine on the way to Ohio on July 4th. I'm looking too. Dan
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