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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Progressive springs from www.shopmawonline.com . I would just take the lines off the pump, get some schrader valves to put on the lines, make a bracket and mount them somewhere easy to get to in the back. Dan
  2. Ahhh, a little dirt bike riding ain't much for a 1st gen,,,,,,,, I thought about throwing dual-sport tires on mine, just to make it fun,,,,,,,,,,,, but then again, I ride a 325 lb. 1977 IT400 Yamaha dirt bike for yaya's............. Dan
  3. So when I'm bangin' the throttle and gears, and that stupid little indicator comes on, don't worry about it, right?
  4. Dano


    At least you know you'll be the only one making the whole trip without breaking down!! Safe ride and good times my friend!!! Bring us pics!! Dan
  5. Might just need a good greasin' there, huh Squeeze! The zerk fitting on the driveshaft at the pumpkin doesn't do anything, you must pull the pumpkin loose, pull out drive shaft and gease up both ends. Not hard to do, will probably quell the noise. Dan
  6. Great job Jay, when's the party? Gotta break that sucker in!!!!! Dan
  7. Ride safe Lowell, see you down the road sometime! Dan
  8. Must be rough on ya there, Steve! Hey 'bug, don't you know as an official member of Ventureriders now, that you are legally responsible to chase them down and pester the crap out of them to join the webste?! Dan
  9. Ditto, same here. Our "Mayor" across the street (ask Squidley!) carries the local armory in his basement. We have 24 hour security and no crime along our road. The only thing we have to watch for is the unlawfull annexation from the "metropolis" (wannabe) down the road. We're already taking steps to mitigate THAT. Dan
  10. Do you have the airbox and filter installed? These bikes do not like to have unrestricted air.
  11. Ebay has a VMax aftermarket oil pressure guage that should work, need to lengthen the hose to mount it, I believe. Goes in place of the plug under the water pump. Dan
  12. This is something I've been helping Clay with over the past week. We've (He!) has everything else working now and a great fundamental knowledge of these bikes now. Unfortunately, I've never done the master cylinder, so I cannot help him there. Slave works fine, clutch rod comes out the other side 1/4- 3/8ths inch when activated by mstr cyl. Problem is, when he first starts pumping, nothing. 3-5 pumps, it locks up under pressure past the master cylinder, and any fitting or bleeder loosened will alleviate the pressure build-up. We believe it is something in the master cylinder itself not allowing the pressure to return to the reservoir. For once, I'm stumped!!! Dan
  13. I would look for a bad ground or cracked circuit board on the display,Check small green wire coming from left side under the middle gear drive cover (rear cover on left). That is the neutral indicator switch. It is probably ok since you have indication of 1st, 2nd, etc. on the display, I presume. Have you got the fairing off? If not, remove the headlight and you can reach(?!) most connectors going to the display panel. Check ignition fuses, could have been knocked loose in the tumble. Just a couple more things to check. Oh, I forgot GeorgeS' famous quote of the day, month, year(!!!!!!LOL) Clean ALL your connectors with Electriclean or similar and put dielectric grease on the connections!!! Dan
  14. What bike was he riding?
  15. Naw, as a matter of fact, cheesecake from your most gracious Sweetnothing will be the ONLY thing that will settle this "sick" feeling in my gut since you disowned us 1st gen guys and went down that "other" road! Well, I should have known that you were starting to "slow down" in your older years and needed a slower bike!!!! That's alright Brad, I'll continue on for 'ya!!!!! Skinny Squidley
  16. Great lookin' bike, Dan!!! At least you didn't SETTLE for a 2nd gen!!! Ride the pi** out of her and have some fun for once!! Dan
  17. Sub-frame really not that hard to do- a good Sunday afternoon and evening should do the trick. Get that 2nd gear fixed, too. Good winter project to do both things. Dan
  18. Tell us it ain't so, Kevin, tell us it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!! Dan
  19. #1- What Sarge said #2- Upgrade to TupperJ's bigger battery cables, pull the starter, take it apart and clean it out #4 You just discovered why these things are better than a 2nd gen!!!!!!!!!! Would like to see a 2nd gen "act" like its gonna pull the front wheel!!!!! Dan
  20. For OEM with great prices and service--- www.flatoutmotorcyles.com have the best going around. Great OEM parts fiche and great turnaround. Tell them you're with Venturerider in the comments box, and Chris will take care of you. Dan
  21. I'm gonna have to disown you, Brad:buttkick: Skinny Squidley
  22. Erik, Erik, Erik, don't give Redneck any more ammo! We'll get that bike goin' right for 'ya, just give me a week or so to get some time....... If you haven't noticed, once again there's more posts on here for 2nd gen repair than there is 1st gen.............. Dan
  23. Good thing you weren't on your cell phone,,,,,, could've blown the whole place up!!!!!! Oh, wait a minute, the impact, strewn gasoline, slight spark------YOU ARE 1 LUCKY DUDE!!!!!! If you have a Guardian Bell, it was sure working today!! Dan
  24. The unit hanging off the left side of the battery is your starter relay.......
  25. Pretty good pics! My 84 has a cam right behind the pinion, maybe prevents this? Dan
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