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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Congratulations, Gary. If anybody deserves this, it's you! Good thing you got the boy tho. Capital outlay for a daughters wedding is nothing to be sneezed at. About time you had some gladness in your life! Let's keep it that way!!!! Dan
  2. When do you want to meet, Eck? I'm sure Mariner Fan (he don't work anyway!) will join us, along with Bummer and Roadkill, and Carbon One, and......................... Sounds like a M&E to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Dano

    Be Carefull

    Bob, you work less than I do!!!!!!!!!
  4. BTW,did you get your cable fixed???????
  5. Sounds like you need to do a colortune and carb synch. Get ahold of Muffinman, he's in NC, our top guy around here on these great bikes. Dan
  6. Just to clarify, I was NOT stating that all "poker runs" or Charity rides have to do with stopping at bars and drinking. I just know that the few we did the first year, before we knew, tended to be like that. That's why I started my post with the words "Pick your ride carefully". Each to his own, we have learned which ones to participate in. Dan
  7. A word on the "twinkie" rebuild (the quasi-oil cooler thingy). Just did mine twice, first time with gasket sealer I used when I rebuilt the tranny. The gasket between the 2 pieces sealed up, but the base to cooler did not. Pulled it back off and used black RTV to seal it up, as it may be warped a bit when you put it back together. Just be sure to let it cure overnite before running it again. PIA to pull the carbs and that unit out to rebuild.
  8. That's an awfull fancy work table ya got there, Lonestar, I noticed the railing in the background. Mama lettin' you use the kitchen table?!?!?!? You better watch out for those pink screwdrivers. Muffinman might be claiming those for himself!!!!!!! Dan Great article, by the way.
  9. Yeah, but we don't whine, either!!!!!! LOL Skinny Squidley
  10. How does it do without running the drive lights? Also, these units do not put out full power till about 2500 rpm. If your doing 45 in 5th gear, you are probably running about 1800-2000 rpm. This will run the bike on the battery, not the charging system. This will put an additional load on your battery, thus taxing it beyond it's capability. That's why it's running like cr*p after an hour. Turn off the driving lights and try the ride again. Replace the lamps with 35 watt lamps. This will help with the load on your charging system. Will probably have to replace the battery. Go with the Odyssey PC680, best for the money, costly but worth the money. Dan
  11. Just think, a 1st genner ALWAYS gets his bike home, a 2nd genner will call a taxi!!!!!!! Skinny Squidley
  12. Check everything out here, should have posted this in the first place, but we like to feel needed and wanted around here, like we got something to contribute!!!!!!! http://www.indianapolismotorspeedway.com/news/12322/Red_Bull_Indianapolis_GPreview_Offers_Fan_Excitement_Sept__11 Dan
  13. I personally like Goose' idea!!!!!!
  14. Pick your rides carefully. We now only go on two-three rides a year, a lot of them we found, altho for good causes, were mearly "bar runs", where you stop at 3 or 4 bars along the way. Great for the bars, but I choose not to ride with other people who've drank 2 or 3 beers at each stop............ For some of these riders, that's all they do. But that's another thread altogether............... JMHO, Dan
  15. I'm still trying to sneak in #2!
  16. There will be vendors outside, too. Flatout, Brickstone, others just like any race. PS Carol King on PBS
  17. Thursday is free at the track, vendors open, preview day. Friday is 10 bucks to get in for practice, Quals on Saturday is 20 bucks. Probably watch it on TV live or replay. Gonna try to get out there Thurs or Fri. Dan
  18. Is the red a standard also? Be interested to see if it's got the pinstriping on it. I've seen some like mine that have the same style but not exact copies of my stripes. Be interested in the origin of these. Factory or dealer option?
  19. My dash vents stay in, it's just the cotton-pickin' lower right leg vent that keeps poppin' out!!!!
  20. Dang it Steve,you beat me to it!!!! That's what I get for workin' on my side jobs all day!!!! Good job!! Dan
  21. Muffin's probably out there power washin' his bike!!
  22. Hope Cindy will be OK, probably too many anti-biotics on her. Hugs to Haylie and keep up the strength. We're trying to give you all we can. Dan
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