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Everything posted by Dano

  1. JT, I just got the red x in the box, no link. Dan
  2. I have been toying with the idea of letting a person I know who DOES drag race bikes take the bike down the track (after a carbtune, synch and new plugs), just to see whats up. My 51 year old brain KNOWS when to let someone else handle the heat!!!! I WILL post the ticket online if I ever do it........ Now, 30 years ago, it would have already been done!!! 77 H2-750 Kawi was my first bike.......... Dan
  3. Taking a risk.......Hmmmmmm........... Easy to do. Rebuilt my bike over the winter, finished it up at 3am the night before leaving for a 250 mile ride to Freebirds house for Maintenance Day this year. Had 10 miles on the bike over to boys baseball game and back Thursday nite, fixed a couple things. Loaded up the bike Friday morning, took off with the Navigator at 11am, never looked back. Now THAT's faith in your work and the bike.................... Or I'm just plain nuts.............(Watch it Squid, Eck, Ruffrider, Yammer, etc.......) LOL Dan
  4. My mom (78) is going thru the same with her doctor. But she is fighting his medicines. He wants her on Coumadin(?), basically a rat poison, for blood thinners. She can do the same with garlic, etc. She does the Coumadin for 6 months, not enuff according to him. She does the garlic for 6 months (plus other natural foods), and her blood is right where he wants it to be. Then she told him what she did. He about went thru the roof!!!!! Said she needed to do what he tells her! She told him to prove her wrong, then found another doctor that believes in what she's doing. Natural is definately better, in my opinion!! Dan
  5. Yeah, no kidding!
  6. I agree. A great article on carbs. Give us more!!!!
  7. I just got on here, JT. Sounds like a great idea. I noticed when I pulled mine out last week that there was some scratchin' goin' on. I'll try that one. Dan
  8. Dano

    MotoGP pics

    Welcome to Aaron (agassi70), one of our newest members. Met him downtown Saturday night. His bike is the white RSTD in the 2nd posting of pics, top row on right. Invited him to join, and here he is!!!!! Let the VR treatment begin!!!!!!!! Dan
  9. Like your license plate!
  10. I think you need to try it and report back with your findings, then be prepared to "show and tell" at the next Maintenance Day........................................
  11. That's what I'm thinkin', Dan!!!!!!!!! You know, anything to help out a fellow brother in need!! (of changin' the kind of bike he rides, that is!!!!!!)
  12. I know, I was just making sure everybody understood the output voltage from the stator. It's definately not like an alternator on a car where it's all self-contained and you can get 12v off the back. Thanks for the reply, tho. Forgot to mention my clarification on the post. Dan
  13. Moose, if'n you have a hankerin' for a ride, come on down to Indy when you go to Kokomo and borrow the "Red Rocket" for the day. Of course, after ridin' her, you'll forget about that hardley and your 2nd gen and start lookin for your own 1st gen!!!!! Dan
  14. How did you all fair yesterday? We only had wind (65 mph) and light rain at the house, but my moms over in Decatur Ill. and haven't been able to talk to her. I know it sat over your house for awhile last night, Brad, and hope you guys are OK. Dan
  15. DO NOT connect anything directly to the output of the stator. It is 15 volt 3 phase AC!!!!!! Follow Tx2Sturgis' advice on connecting to the battery. It provides "ride-thru" voltage and current to your devices when at idle up to 1500-2000 prm. The stator and regulator/rectifier only provide enuff when above these rpms. The battery also acts like a "sponge" to smooth out any peaks and valleys associated with switching devices on and off. Hopefully we can "cornfuse" you even more!!!!!! Dan
  16. The limiting factor here is the small size of the wires for the original horn. They are not of sufficient size to allow the motor to operate correctly. If you had a voltage guage hooked up to your bike (like 1st gens do!!!!), even with the relay you would see a significant drop in voltage when the horn is activated. The bigger the wire run from the battery to the horn (18 guage minimum) the easier it will operate and the less the drain from your electrical system. The reason you saw your test light show power on both original horn wires is because they made the "+" (hot) wire unswitched and then switched the ground to the horn. Hope this helps you understand how it works, Dan
  17. Naa, I asked her, she said "I'm not ready for the rocking chair just yet!!" Skinny Squidley
  18. Already had one (ask Squid, the garage was 1/2 full of stuff when he stopped by!), the loft in the garage is still full. Ready to ship it all to Goodwill and let them deal with it!!! Ah well, I'll have one to sell then, and Skid's will go back out, so we'll keep trading them!! Dan
  19. Go to Autozone and ask for a 30amp 12volt relay and some connectors. Make sure you get a couple of ring terminals to fit the screws/bolts you're gonna put the ground and hot under. Need a pair of wire strippers and crimpers. Quite easy to do. Good luck, Dan
  20. They look great! Did you redo the seats, too? Bikes look brand-new!
  21. No, not when you're tired of looking for the one you know you got in the garage somewhere..............................................
  22. That place is over on Crawfordsville road about a 1/4 mile from the Speedway here in Indy. Saw it when we were out there last Thursday. Guess I'll have to check it out for ya'll. Dan
  23. They still won't learn, will they Rocket. The MOST IMPORTANT LESSON ON VR.ORG------- 1st gens will always be better than 2nd gens!!!!!!
  24. PM sent
  25. Check http://www.flatoutmotorcycles.com for your parts. Usually the best prices around. In the comments section, let Chris know you're with Venturerider.org. They'll take care of you. Dan
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