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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I'll leave ya alone, Brad, see'ins you just had a birthday and yur gettin' older and all that stuff...............................
  2. Thats what you get for washing and not riding, Jeff!
  3. If you get a deep well socket, it has to be thin-wall or it won't fit down in the well.
  4. Yes, yes, yes, more chrome thong,,,,,,,, com'on Mini!!!!! Too many around here haven't seen it!!!!! Tell Jeff to get that web-cam going!!!! Oh wait, that's you that does the 'puter thing, huh?! Skinny Squidley rides again!!!!!
  5. If he's not a member here, he oughta be!!! Looks like a nice back road he's traveling, loaded for a nice cruise........... Definately fits our description of a Venturerider!! Dan
  6. If my navigator likes the footboards I'm getting ready to put on my 84, I MIGHT consider letting you have them................ let you know after our ride on Sunday. Dan
  7. I myself, have never seen something so conflagrated as that display! Skinny Squidley!!
  8. Use it in mine, no problems. Squid swears by it. No clutch issues, bike is fine for using Rotella. Dan
  9. Another thing the factory manual is wrong on again...........
  10. Worked good here, too!
  11. Another chromer I have used for a set of floorboards is in Cincinatti, D-G plating. Phone # is 513-531-1881. Dan
  12. Ahh, come on Randy, it'll only take a few minutes!!!!! (Half hour later...........) LOL Dan
  13. That was fun!! Dan
  14. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. Why do you always open the door for us? Of course it's a 2nd gen on a trailer! Only reason a 1st gen is trailered is if it was just bought and needs some TLC!!!!!!!!
  15. On a lot of vehicles, specifically GM, you can just barely have the parking brake on and it will turn off the DRL's. Now you know how to sneak in the driveway when you get home later than you are supposed too!!!!!! Skinny Squidley
  16. Did you make sure to put the copper washer back on the bottom most bolt on the cover??? It will leak like a sieve if you don't, same as the middle gear cover right behind it. Dan
  17. Looks good, Larry!
  18. Glad you had a good trip, Bob. Great pics!!! Good to see the folks and kids too, I bet. Didja "borrow" anybodys bike to squeeze a ride in? Bet that was tough, giving away the daughter. I'll have one coming up in the next 10 years, probably. Glad you came back safely!!!!! Dan
  19. And you don't use channel locks to turn the cam........ you have to open the left front case cover and turn the crankshaft..... I had the shim kit till Maintenance Day at Dons. Then I turned it over to....?????????? He rides a 2nd gen, I think lives in Pa or NY. Maybe Buddy Rich knows, I'll PM him. Dan
  20. Put mine in a 5 gallon jar to save up for IR next year!
  21. Great news. Always glad to hear of the progress. Our best still with you guys. Dan
  22. Raise one for me!
  23. Yep, valve clearance is valve clearance. Same Dan
  24. We fell into that trap after I closed my business in 99. Wife forgot that the income changed, but her spending habits didn't. Got that taken care of, I haven't had a credit card in over 5 years. She has one in her name and can't pay it off. If I need something, I go do another side job!!! Agree with Redneck, and my dad. "If you don't have the money to pay for it, you don't need it!" Dan
  25. Spent all day at the ballfield for a college showcase for my son. On the way home, ran into some rain (caging it, thankfully!). Should say, more like monsoon. We got off of I465 due to stopped traffic, tried to cut thru a KMart to access back roads to get around traffic, what a mistake!!!! Must have been a foot of water in there!!!! Some roads were completely covered, coming over the median(!) and plenty of stopped cars along the way! Thankfully we were in the Durango. It was only about a mile wide, so we were able to get out of it. My son was freaking out!!!! He kept wanting to get out and jump in it!!!!! I had thought about taking the bike today, thank goodness I didn't!!!! Hope everybody else that got a chance to ride took advantage of it!!! BTW, feel your pain, there, Randy. Haven't rode as much as I wanted, but it ain't over yet!!!! Dan
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