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Everything posted by Dano

  1. 72 in Indy today!!
  2. C'mon, lets see a trunk scraper!!
  3. I picked mine up for 600, if it runs with nothing dripping from it and rides decent (other than probably needing progressives, seals, etc.) I would definately pick it up!! Of course, you'll need a dark pair of sunglasses before you get on her on a bright day! Dan
  4. Had a 67 Tempest with the 326 that would stretch a chain every 6 months. Dial indicated it, changed gears to steel from plastic, nothing did the trick--- finally got another car. Of course, this was in '77....... Shoulda kept it! Along with the 66 Mustang, 72 Satellite Sebring with a 383, the 65 Corvair Corsa w/ 4 bbl, should I keep going!!?? Dan
  5. I like that, MiCarl!! Hope my wife doesn't try that! Dan
  6. Red got robbed, I tell you, red got robbed!!!! I forgot the early start time, turned it on and caught the last seven laps. What excitement!! Great finish, but not the outcome I had hoped for. Dan
  7. Ah, ya gotta love the "stealth" radar-evading 1st gen! Manys a time the officer was wondering what was wrong with their guns when I rode by! I believe Jeff was employing the distraction tactic of pulling a bike on the trailer so they wouldn't notice his speed!
  8. Nice bike!
  9. Hey Starfan, you need to get ahold of Squeeze over in Germany and both you guys come over!! He's been wanting to come for a long time. Can't think of a better trip. Dan
  10. Hmmm, navigator just told me she's got an empty card with 1.75% on it!?!?!?!? May have to think a little harder!!
  11. Me thinks I may have to watch this one!!
  12. May 30th it is, then. At least I won't be putting the bike back together the night before!! All you planning your vacations, don't forget about the Int'l Rally out at the Hub!! We need a big turn-out again this year! Dan
  13. Yeah, but it suckered 112 people into looking at the post..............
  14. A man that thinks how I do! Why waste an opportunity for a good ride!! That's what I would definately call a basket case! Dan
  15. Just that much quicker to the red line!
  16. Me too. Got the neck thing going, C5 & 6 deteriorating from plowing my noggin into rafters and crawl space joists, lower back for pickin s**t up I shouldn't have. Chiro took a look at my neck xray and never even called me back! As long as I can take a couple Tylenol in the morning and get loosened up, I'll STILL take on my 16 yr old (same size) in a wrestlin' match! Old age and treachery wins every time!! Dan
  17. Thank you Professor Nelson!!! I always did like Boolean equations, they're the only algebra I understand!! Use it everyday in trouble shooting!! Works great in any situation, even if you don't know you're using it. Dan
  18. Hope this helps
  19. Be interesting to know where the paint scheme came from. Almost a Navy thing going on there. Dan
  20. And they're HOW old?! That was great music, especially the instrumental. Look forward to hearing more. No label yet, huh? I wouldn't expect it to take very long. Good kids there. Congratulations. Dan
  21. Stay strong my friend, I am so fortunate to have met you. You have shown all of us the determination and spirit that you have. I really appreciated our chat behind the bikes listening to the blue grass gospel up in Michigan earlier this year. Don't neccessarily have to be in church to commune with the Big Guy..... Just remember we all ride together in this big ol' world. Dan
  22. Better do a virus and malware scan on the old 'puter. I got a pop-up thats p*ssing me off. Gonna have to boot up in safe mode and scan then. Anybody remember what F# it is for safe mode on bootup? Dan
  23. Know how you feel Peggy. Just laid my Max down last Saturday at 15 1/2 years old. Gonna miss that guy. He was always out here in the office and garage with me. Dan
  24. I had a little old lady out on the west side that had been one of my original customers back in 88. Even after I closed the business in 99, she would still call once a year for something. Could be a light bulb or something like that. Always turned into a 4 hour call, never charged her and didn't care. I'll still drop the bill down some on my side jobs if they are like that. Least I can do. Dan
  25. Probably only 3-4k, don't get to ride to work like ya'll do!! AND, my sidework and family stuff have kept it garaged, too. Jethroish, we will welcome you next year, of course you're gonna have to lead us on a couple of rides down there!! Dan
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