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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I nu yuus wuz a smart feller there, Stevie, now yu don went and pruufed it. Dan
  2. Oops, as far as the stator, I'd get one from Rick at Buckeye Performance, the upgraded high output type. Better in the long run. Not hard to do, plenty of threads on here to help. Dan
  3. Hey Rooster, I've got my old factory seat off my 84, not real worn out, tear across the front seam at the false cover edge, but not in bad shape. I'd be willing to part with it perty cheap. Dan
  4. Great tats guys, wish I could have been there.................
  5. Amen brothers, lest we never forget.
  6. 76 H2 750 Kaw. Dang, what a bike.
  7. Sounds to me like he'll be all winter!!!!!!!! Good luck, Bill. And remember, a 1st gen, you'd been done already! Dan
  8. Only takes one car door!
  9. Ah, sorry, just saw a door open and had to step through! I believe they would be a #1 or #2 phillips head, I have used both. I too agree on Jonas as the instigator, perhaps he shall meet the pond monster at Dons this year.............. What are you doing up at 5am?! Dan
  10. Hey Don, you were down around my cousins area. Got a packful of them down there. BTW, beautiful here today, I'm laying in bed sleeping with strep and chest crap. Life s**ks sometimes......... Dan
  11. Hey Jonas, it's all in how you got taught growing up. We know you guys over there need it more simple (10, 10, 10 ,10....LOL). We are able to computate a lot harder numbers here (1/4, 1/2, 3/64ths, foot, yard,etc). Really, it's only how someone a long time ago decided how to break down and put words and numbers together to describe how to measure something. Someone else could come up with a new way and words to describe it and it would still be the same length!! I STILL think 350 cubic inch sounds a lot bigger and better than 5.7 litre!! LOL Dan
  12. We will be setting up accomodations at the Oberlin Inn (5 Miles from Don's) with a special rate, some guys also stayed at the "super 8" on the north side of town ( a little less expensive). Look forward to meeting you at Dons!! Enjoy the scenery across NY and Pennsylvania, I will envy you for sure!! Dan
  13. We're not THAT ancient! I know we only discovered fire and the wheel about a hundred years ago (Indy 500 1st race! actually bikes), we've had torx around here for awhile. Still trying to get rid of that pesky "metric" system, tho. I STILL can't stand saying I've got a 5.7 litre in the car when 350 sounds MUCH bettter!! cross-slotted Screws!!!!!!!!! Hey Squeeze!! More popular teminology and shorter spelling is "Phillips" head drywall screws!!
  14. Hey Louie, you will probably need to do a complete rebuild of the front forks, with seals, slider bushings, "lower fork piston (is what MamaYama calls the lower slider bushings)" and progressive springs. Find a competent local independant shop to do it for you. Parts available thru www.flatoutmotorcycles.com , you can look them all up online. When that's done, get ahold of Condor here on the board and see if he has any of his "Condorbrace"s left. This will help to strengthen the forks to keep them from twisting in the twisties. Welcome to the show!! Oh, and WE NEED PICS of you, your bike and navigator! Number 1 rule around here. We need to see who we're helping out! Ask anymore questions you have, and we'll be sure to confuse you for awhile, then give you the right answer!!! Dan
  15. Just finished out at 3250. Good price, not for me, tho.
  16. Check new ones at www.flatoutmotorcycles.com , they're really not that expensive as long as you didn't break your fairing.
  17. Maroon or two tone?
  18. Squeeze will tell ya when he gets on. He's in Germany so he's 6 hrs ahead of us. Dan
  19. Gettin past my blood money point, figured it would. Nice ride, tho. I see it around 34-3500.
  20. Big Hack, you might try a new seat. I'm 6'2 and my knees would hit the fairing with standard seat. Got a Travelcade Road Sofa and it seems to move me back just a bit to make it easier. I'm just 6 miles out on 74 east just inside Shelby County if you wanna come try mine. Look up my # under my profile and give me a shout. I was just a Chateau Thomas at the Plainfield exit the other night on my bike (Tuesday). Day late, dollar short, huh! Dan
  21. No, it actually STARTS with the purchase of a 2nd gen. You know, everything begins to move slower, thats the reason for the similac, the notepads to remember things, wistfully looking at your pics of the 1st gen you used to own..................
  22. I love creek roads. I'll follow them anytime I come upon them. Good pic! Dan
  23. Yes, we'll have to figure out the additional cost for the letters, I'll add that to the classifieds. Thanks Don, don't know how I didn't think of that.
  24. Venture bracelets for the ladies (OK, maybe some of you guys, too!!LOL) are now available in the Classifieds under the "Everything Else" listing. These are made by hand by my wife and use all quality material (glass beads, sterling silver, quality clasps, etc). I've been trying to get her to do this for over a year now. Just in time for Christmas!!! However, due to the time involved in "building" each one custom for the new owner, orders need to be in soon for delivery by Christmas. Particulars in the Classifieds. You can also get a matching "1st Gen" or "2nd Gen" bracelet to go along with it. Most colors to match your bike or riding gear as close as possible. Thanks, Dan
  25. No liquor or beer sales till 6 o'clock here in Indiana today, but you COULD go vote early and stop by your favorite tavern on the way!! Makes no sense. Dan
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