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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Dano

    Venture Video

    Worked for me, nice run Brian. Went thru there in a cage about 10 years ago. Dan
  2. Sure Mike, rub it in................ nice shots btw, wish I could have taken them!
  3. Congratulations, mom and dad, you've got a great lookin' kid coming to ya! Dan
  4. I guess this is one I can only donate to..................... Skinny Squidley strikes again!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hey Clay, nice to hear from you. Glad you got home for Christmas, and all is well. Let us know from time to time how you are doing! Happy New Year from us! Dan
  6. Send me the PM, Bob, if no one picks up by Tuesday, I'll send em out to ya.
  7. Well said,Squeeze!!
  8. Only way she's outrunning a 1st gen is if Yammer Dan cain't push one of his parts bikes past it 'cause his back is hurt again! :bikersmilie::bikersmilie:
  9. Cleaning out the garage today, took off the YICS and the plastic covers that go over the valve covers last year, just sittin' on the shelf-GOTTA GO! If anybody wants them for postage, PM me. May throw some other stuff on here if I find any. First come, first served, I'll check messages later on. I believe the YICS is still sealed. Dan
  10. Hey Taters, all u gotta do is throw a raw t-bone out the front door, Squidley will be right there to get it........... Strange how Lonna is pretty quiet on this one............ Skinny Squidley BTW, on Squids original post about me leading you down a dead-end path, that's only him that I do that to!
  11. I'll step up and help you, Taters. Sounds like you need to shorten the time you let Big Tom play on the 'puter! Dan Of course, you did open the door for the degenerates (Squid, Snarley, Roadkill, Mini, YamaMama, just to name a few!) to join your crew! And remember, it's not the quantity, but the quality! That's why I joined your list first!
  12. Quite balmy out for you, was it?! Did a little ride myself at about 34f to run into town and back. Happy New Year to you and yours. Dan
  13. I do my own laundry, fix all the vehicles, get up extra early to take the son to school to shoot baskets before school, clean the snow and ice out of the driveway and vehicles, work 14 or so hours almost every day for money for the extras AND wash my own bike! Not that you ladies don't do a lot, just some of us guys aren't lazy butts! Dan
  14. Thanks Cindy, and may Justice carry you on her scales to a happy conclusion (at least for you and your family). Dan
  15. Same here, bundled up at 34f, rode over to Batozone and back, about 40 miles at 5:30 tonite. Not bad, but could use some heated gloves........ Wife thinks I'm nuts, but I've already been certified in that area. Dan
  16. Dano


    Too funny!! Happy New Year, E!
  17. I think its closed now. Only 2 left when I closed out.
  18. Hey Bill, I bet your Winger buddies LOVE that Venturerider graphic on the windscreen! Dan
  19. Ahhhh, you know Squid LOVES those 1st gens----- safety brackets for us all! Glad it wasn't that bad and the exwife helped you out........ Was that after she quit laughing?! Dan
  20. I can't type as fast as you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Give me 5 years and about 200 large and I'll build one for 'ya! Dan
  22. Dano

    Jan 1st

    I think I'll be able to squeeze something in, late afternoon, even if it's only 20 miles around the county.
  23. Ron, most OH doors have 2 screws on the back where your button hooks up to. Any transmitter/receiver should work with this. All you're doing is taking a trans/receive (the receiver operates a microswitch when acivated by the transmitter) and making it work like the button. Most aftermarket units should work for you. Dan
  24. It's probably the coolant selector knob on the lower front of the engine. Try to rotate it back and forth a little, more than likely it's just the o-ring drying out and leaking. Rotating it will hopefully fix it without replacing it. Another point might be the water pump seep hole in the right side cover. Ones easier to fix than the other! Hope that's the one that's leaking! Dan
  25. We just got one, haven't gotten time on it to play! Everybody else is hogging it!
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