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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I shoulda borrowed those chaps for our girls basketball "Pink Out" night for Breast Cancer last week. Woulda been a hit!
  2. To Darrells family, our hearts and prayers go out to you, to be gone so quick after finding out he was sick. At least he is not suffering through the disease anymore. Ride on brother, ride on! To MikeM, sorry to hear of your dad passing. Mine has been gone 13 years now, still find myself telling him stuff and asking questions...... Dan
  3. Me thinks Krome Rose stated it best...................................
  4. You could always wear your chrome thong!!
  5. MamaYama also raised their current parts prices, some up 30% (Clutch boss for MK1-- $64 last year--- $95 now! Glad I broke mine last year!). Gotta make it up somewhere.
  6. Ah, come on, bite the bullett like I'm gonna do this winter. Neighbor "did" mine last year and I don't think he did them right. Gonna learn and do it myself this year......... Dan
  7. I'm working with Peku006 at Malware University right now on cleaning up some crap in the 'puter, he'll have you run a bunch of free programs, but it'll search out those hidden rootkit thing-a-ma-bobs and speed that puppy up for ya.
  8. If anybody would go with Gary down to Mexico, she's gotta be special! Glad you got to meet her, Carl, we'll have to wait till MD! Dan
  9. I guess we should have broken everything last year, huh Chris?!!!! Dan
  10. Do what you gotta do, brother!
  11. DId you check to see if the joints were taped when it was originally put up? I've seen tract houses where they put a finish over the joints but never taped 'em. Low money on the job, saved a lot of time per house. I've even seen that in half million dollar houses, that's why I quit doing electrical work for that builder. No ethics at all. Just my 2 cents worth, Dan
  12. Jack, find your favorite recliner, have a bottle of your Namesake beside you, take one of those little white pills the doc gave you, take a sip from the bottle, lean back and enjoy the ride!! Dan
  13. Hey JT, nice to see you here. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing, miss seeing your posts and wit. It gets better every day, just hang in there. Dan
  14. Dis-similar metals and plastic, different shrinkage rates. Don't worry, be happy!!
  15. Me thinks you need to run it down the road "Nekked" first, just to see what she feels like......
  16. C'mon guys and gals. Keep those pledges going!
  17. We have a 95% efficient propane furnace, about 3/4 great insulation (still got 2 exterior walls I gotta redo with siding and 2x6 walls). About 1400 Sq. fet. We use approx. $1800 year in propane, up to 2.59 a gallon this year, I don't think they've re-adjusted the price since crude came back down, I'm gonna check into it. About 2/3rds that last year. Our furnace cycled easily when it was -15 this week. Oh, got an 8500 watt generator which will run furnace, frig, well pump and most of the lights we need. AND the big screen! Dan BTW, very balmy today at 28d f with sun! Didn't even put on the thermals!
  18. Since I'm TOO da*n skinny to lose any weight, I'll lose some weight out of my back pocket! I'm down for 10 cents a pound, Brad, and will follow your lead with whatever the total amount lost is! I'll bring a Franklin to Don's, hope I don't have to get any change back! Skinny Squidley
  19. bALMY -5f when I left for work this morning, it's up to 2 above now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20. It's on my list, wasted money couple weeks ago on Day the Earth Stood Still.
  21. You'll have to "copy" the page and then attach it here, I think
  22. Naw Mike, bike pics are always cool! It's just those beautiful 70+ degree sunsets over the water, while we're sitting here in 20 degree temps with flurries that get to us! Got up to 33 this afternoon with the sun, almost made a trip around the block! Keep 'em comin' to keep us warm, Mike!! Dan
  23. If you are going to replace the valve cover gaskets, I think you will find that the bolt gaskets will be harder than hecky-durn, you should replace them as well, as they can seep oil from there, also. Heck, while you're at it, might as well tear down the whole thing and rebuild it! You're almost half way there now!! Besides, what else are you gonna do this winter? Dan
  24. Dang Mini, you trusted Jeff with the camera????? You like living risky, don't you!! Dan
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