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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Don't forget to add on for the BBQ and DQ run!!
  2. It's about time you got a ride in, George! You've been waiting long enough Dan
  3. That gear is the last one on the driven axle before it goes into the pinion gear, you'd athought that it would have locked up or second gear would be done also. Dan
  4. Dano


    Good luck Don, you know we're here for ya. Dan
  5. Dano


    Hey Gerald, you just need a couple of small businesses, my wife hasn't figured out how to make money in her jewelry business for years! Helps with the tax man alot! Dan
  6. Dano

    LEDs and Strobe

    Looks to me as if he's been watching too many Cylons on Battlestar Galactica!!!!
  7. just think of the weight loss that ride helped you with! Glad you were in the car, way too much fun for the bike!
  8. Thanks Rocket, has been a year since I've been in there......
  9. Dano


    I submitted mine last Sunday nite at 11:52 PM, got my state direct deposit yesterday and my federal hit last nite. Feels like I won the lottery!!!!! Till the better half sees it, anyway........
  10. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't it have the locator pin on it? That means you would have to split the case to replace it. If'n I remember correctly! A lot of those seals did. Dan
  11. Thanks Lutz, found an adapter online for 25 dollars to the door, kinda high it seems. Dan
  12. I'm going to do my best to still bring that Franklin :mo money:, we'll see if I can't get some people to spend some money with me in the next couple of months and make that happen. Youse guys are holding up your end, I gotta do mine! Dan
  13. Am looking to purchase or borrow an adaptor to fit my compression gauge to check my bike. All the ones on my set don't go small enough. I believe it to be 12mm or 14mm. The od of the threads read 11.87mm. Feel free to set me straight on this (I know you will!) Thanks guys (gals), Dan
  14. I TOLD you guys to look for the contrails coming off the back of that Rainier!!
  15. When I was young(!) had a 67 tempest with oversize tires. Officer pulled me over on 33 south of Columbus OH for speeding. I honestly told him my speedo said 55, which the three young ladies with me(!!) verified. He wrote me a ticket, my dad said that we were going to court. He was a mechanic and Auxiliary State Highway Patrol. We sat down and did the calculations on the tire size, rear end gear and speedo gear in the tranny and presented our findings to the judge. He overturned the ticket based on the evidence presented! He said he'd never had someone do that before, always just said it and never proved it! Of course nowadays I just blame it on the 1st gen! Dan
  16. In what city did you pick the bike up? Or even the dealers name? If it way sIndy West HD in Plainfield, they tried palming off an almost worn out Venture to another member here also. I went out and looked at the bike myself and offered the guy 500 bucks right then and there for it, he laughed then I laughed harder on the way out the door. Toold him Goood luck on selling it.
  17. I stand corrected and ashamed on the sidelines for doubting the powers of our moderators AND the Mighty Eck! You guys pick which foot to insert! :bowdown:
  18. You will have to PM Don, put name change in the header. He is taking a bit of a break right now from viewing every post. If no one else has that name, I'm sure he will be able to help you. May take him a couple of days tho. Dan
  19. But you gotta admit Eck, you gots some of the coolest playtoys at your day job! Kinda jealous myself. I only have electron control and usage to deal with!
  20. Lonna and Heather have been safely here since about 6:30, a little Panini, some good conversation and a relaxing evening. Didn't work on anything for once! They are all snug safe in their beds for the night, now I can get on here and waste some time! They will be leaving out about 6:30 or so in the morning, with plenty of coffee to go around! I can add one thing to the Burgundy Rainier- it will be the one with the contrails coming off the back! She did say that was the slowest she'd ever driven or ridden behind me! But the area I brought her through, they are trying their own economic stimulus plan, if you know what I mean! Safe journey to the two of them, I expect to see them on the way back through! As always, to our VR members, never hesitate to call if you need a way station on your journeys. We are all here to help each other! Dan
  21. Blue with black stripe is pump feed coming from fuel pump relay. You will find the relay and fuel control unit behind the headlight. Check ohms between the Red/White and the Blue/White at the relay. You should have continuity through the coil. Turn the key on and check for voltage also. The connector for the fuel pump is along the left rear frame rail. you'll find it strapped along the vertical portion. Make sure it isn't corroded.When you first turn the key on, you should have 12 volts present here. If you have voltage here, then problem is with the fuel pump and it'll have to come off. Dan
  22. Sweet ride!
  23. Sounds like the fuel pump is not running. I'll pull out my book and give you wire colors to check.
  24. I'm just gonna build my own!
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