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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Glad to hear you're OK, Carl. I've had the same happen to me with better results, as I happened to see the gentleman start to come over on me. I barely had time to announce with my air horn that I was there and take some action to avoid him. I even let him know I was displeased with a right boot kick to his front fender as I got away from him. I know, shouldn't have done that, but he was only a foot away and I mistakenly thought I could scoot him over! Good luck in getting her back together, hope you can ride to MD! Dan
  2. Hi Louich, sounds to me like the shifter shaft may be stuck as it goes thru the casing. Are you able to move it at all? How about rocking it back and forth with the motor off and the clutch released? Any action? Or is it that the gear indicator is not changing out of 1st, but the tranny is actually working OK? Dan
  3. Welcome to your new home, at least you have one of the best bikes on this site. We call the 83-85's MK1's (Mark 1) and the 86-93 MK2's both which are considered 1st gens. Those other bikes that some of these guys are riding we refer to as 2nd gens. They are slower, show their age faster, and are good bikes for the more "Gentile" riders on here! How many miles are on your bike? Do you know if the thrust washer and clips (2nd gear fix) have been replaced yet? There are several mods you can do to make your ride better, all listed under the tech section. Be sure, if you haven't already done it, to download the service manual also in the tech section. That way you can have ready access to a wealth (almost 1/2 of it correct!) of info right at your finger tips. Dan
  4. Sounds like a bike I'd be interested in if I had the extra dollars right now. Guess I'll just have to keep converting mine one step at a time.......:mo money: Dan
  5. That's what I thought, but couldn't retrieve that file from the noggin'! STILL can't get that song outta my head, but it's better than that "Umbrella" song by Rihanna! Dan
  6. Sounds like you had a great time, George, even if you did have to ride a Harley! Dan
  7. Curt, remind us old folks- who did Starrider?
  8. That's coming from the overflow tubes from the carbs, stuck float is the reason. Dan
  9. Jeff, all thats been said before, take care to watch your 6, we'll watch out for the trouble that'll happen here! Hopefully we can keep Mini from totin' that big shooter over there to watch out for you! Stay safe and we'll see you at MD. Dan
  10. You gotta quit working on that bike and get out and ride, Bob! You didn't have Big Tom down there helping you again, did you? Dan
  11. Neighbor is looking to purchase a single pick-up coil for a 90-93 Venture or VMax. Both use the same coil. If someone is parting out or has a spare they want to sell, let me know. Part # 3UF-81670-00-00 Thanks, Dan
  12. How many miles on the old one? Dan
  13. My 84 is 41R-001262. Matches the serial # on the bike and it was manufactured 10/83. I think the first number is the year.
  14. Glad to see you back home Don, take it easy and try NOT to have Elaine do all your work! Hope the outcome is positive. Dan
  15. Never mind!
  16. Normal condition, it's just showing the power the device is using. You probably wouldn't notice it with a fresh battery.
  17. Hey Lynn, you could just head that bike down and join us! Leave the house about 7:30 (after you explain the trench to your wife so she can get it done!) and be down here by 10:30! You could be home by nightfall! Dan
  18. Dano


    Hey Bill, don't you think 8 PM is a little late for breakfast? Heck, even I could make that one!
  19. Got mine today too. Not gonna worry about what it says on the label. Gotta trust Lonestar and Reiny! Might even put them on tonite! Thanks again guys, definately a deal! Dan
  20. Glad you're doing OK boss. Spent a week up there in 98, found a great little tavern behind the "Meeting House" along one of those little streets, they had lobster tail and clam chowder for 8 bucks! Probably a little higher now, but try to enjoy it at least once! Dan
  21. It's a 50/50 chance!
  22. Wow, this is like Christmas in April!!
  23. ditto!
  24. Sounds like an easier way to do it. I will investigate it soon, thanks Lutz.
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